
Defines functions downloadGGCMICropCalendar

Documented in downloadGGCMICropCalendar

#' @title downloadGGCMICropCalendar
#' @description Download ISIMIP GGCMI crop calendar information and harvest area masks
#' @author David M Chen, Edna Molina Bacca

downloadGGCMICropCalendar <- function() {
  # spring and winter wheat
  wheatfile <- "/p/projects/macmit/data/GGCMI/AgMIP.input/phase3/landuse/winter_spring_wheat_separation/winter_and_spring_wheat_areas_phase3.nc4" # nolint

  if (file.exists(wheatfile)) {
    file.copy(wheatfile, basename(wheatfile))
  } else {
    vcat(1, paste0("Data for wheat masks could not be found!"))

  for (crop in c("bar", "bea", "cas", "cot", "mai", "mil",
                 "nut", "pea", "pot", "rap", "ri1", "ri2", "rye",
                 "sgb", "sgc", "sor", "soy", "sun", "swh", "wwh")) {
    for (irr in c("ir", "rf")) {

      path <- "/p/projects/macmit/data/GGCMI/AgMIP.input/phase3/crop_calendar" # nolint: absolute_path_linter.

      file <-  file.path(path, paste0(crop, "_", irr, "_ggcmi_crop_calendar_phase3_v1.01.nc4"))

      if (file.exists(file)) {
        file.copy(file, basename(file))
      } else {
        vcat(1, paste0("Data for requested subtype \"", path, "\" could not be found!"))

    url          = "/p/projects/macmit/data/GGCMI/AgMIP.input/phase3/crop_calendar",  # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
    title        = "Crop calendar information for GGCMI",
    description  = "harvested area fraction, Planting day, maturity day, growing seasons length, and data source",
    revision     = "Phase3_v1.01",
    comment      = NULL,
    unit         = "day of year",
    release_date = "2020",
    license      = NULL,
    author       = "GGCMI"))
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.