Defines functions readEDGAR

#' @importFrom readxl read_excel

readEDGAR <- function(subtype) {

  files <- c(ch4waste = "v4.2_CH4_2005.xlsx",
             n2owaste = "v4.2_N2O_2005.xlsx",
             co2 = "v4.2_CO2_excl_scc_2005.xlsx",
             ch4_history = "v4.2_CH4_tot_1970_2008.xlsx",
             CO = "v4.2_EM_CO_2005.xlsx",
             NOx = "v4.2_EM_NOX_2005.xlsx",
             VOC = "v4.2_NMVOC_2005.xlsx",
             NH3 = "v4.2_NH3_2005.xlsx",
             SO2 = "v4.2_SO2_2005.xlsx",
             PM10 = "v4.2_PM10_2005.xlsx",
             HFC = "v4.2_HFC_1970_2008.xlsx",
             GHG = "EDGARv42FT2012_GHG.xlsx")

  skip <- c(ch4waste = 10,
            n2owaste = 10,
            co2 = 19,
            ch4_history = 9,
            CO = 10,
            NOx = 10,
            VOC = 10,
            NH3 = 10,
            SO2 = 10,
            PM10 = 10,
            HFC = 9,
            GHG = 8)

  file <- toolSubtypeSelect(subtype, files)

  # add read function that copes with different data input types
  ed <- as.data.frame(read_excel(file,  skip = skip[subtype]))
  ed <- ed[!is.na(ed[[1]]), ]

  if (subtype == "co2") {
    names(ed)[names(ed) == "TOTAL (IPCC)"]  <- "TOTAL"

  if (subtype %in% c("ch4waste", "n2owaste", "co2", "CO", "NOx", "VOC", "NH3", "SO2", "PM10")) {
    ed <- ed[-nrow(ed), ]
    ed$"World Region" <- NULL
    ed$Country      <- NULL
    x <- as.magpie(ed, spatial = 1)
    getYears(x) <- "y2005"
    if ("E27" %in% getItems(x, dim = 1)) x <- x["E27", , , invert = TRUE]
  } else if (subtype == "ch4_history" || subtype == "HFC") {
    ed$Name          <- NULL
    ed$"Remind region" <- NULL
    ed$"World Region"  <- NULL
    ed$`IPCC-Annex`  <- NULL
    ed$IPCC_description <- NULL
    ed               <- ed[!ed$ISO_A3 == "ISO_A3", ]
    ed               <- ed[!is.na(ed$ISO_A3), ]
    x <- as.magpie(ed)
  } else if (subtype == "GHG") {
    ed$`Country name` <- NULL
    x <- as.magpie(ed, spatial = 1)
    getNames(x)  <- "GHG total in kton (Gg) CO2eq /yr"
  getNames(x) <- sub(" *$", "", getNames(x))
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.