#' @title Read GFED
#' @description Read the Global Fire Emissions Database over the available years and store
#' them in a MAgPIE object with two sub-dimensions: Species (e.g. DM, CO2, CH4, or N2O),
#' and Partition (e.g. SAVA, BORF, TEMF, DEFO, PEAT, AGRI). Emissions are reported in Mt X.
#' For more information, see: https://globalfiredata.org/pages/data/. Due to runtime considerations,
#' this function only calculates a small sample of the total emissions (CH4, N2O, NOx, NH3) and
#' burning partitions (AGRI), which are currently being used for validation.
#' @return A MAgPIE object with the GFED emissions data and sub-dimensions Partition and Species.
#' @author Michael S. Crawford
#' @seealso [readSource()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' a <- readSource("GFED")
#' }
#' @importFrom hdf5r h5file
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate select filter rename right_join inner_join
#' @importFrom purrr walk map map2 pmap
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid pivot_longer unnest
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom madrat toolGetMapping
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie
#' @importFrom rlang .data
readGFED <- function() {
# Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Sums the total DM emissions across a given year for each source partition and
# calculates Mt DM per 0.25x0.25 degree cell from kg DM m^-2 per 0.25x0.25 degree cell.
.calculateYear <- function(year, emission, partition) { # nolint: object_usage_linter.
h5dData <- h5file(filename = paste0("GFED4.1s_", year, ".hdf5"))
# Sum the emissions across months for this emission|partition
monthIds <- c("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12")
yearTotal <- matrix(nrow = 1440, ncol = 720, data = 0)
walk(.x = monthIds,
.f = ~ {
# Get total DM emissions
dmEmissionsId <- paste0("emissions/", .x, "/", emission)
dmEmissions <- h5dData[[dmEmissionsId]]$read()
# Get the partition's contributions
partitionId <- paste0("emissions/", .x, "/partitioning/", emission, "_", partition)
partitionFraction <- h5dData[[partitionId]]$read()
yearTotal <<- yearTotal + (dmEmissions * partitionFraction) # nolint: undesirable_operator_linter.
# kg DM m^-2 to kg DM
sqMetersPerGridcell <- h5dData[["ancill/grid_cell_area"]]$read()
yearTotal <- yearTotal * sqMetersPerGridcell
# kg DM to Mt DM
yearTotal <- yearTotal * 1E-09
# The GFED datasets mistakenly have 720 cols and 1440 rows, rather than 1440 col and 720 rows.
yearTotal <- t(yearTotal)
# GFED data is reported in 0.25x0.25 degree grid cells. This function rescales the
# data to fit with MAgPIE, by summing four grid cells into one 0.5x0.5 degree grid cell,
# and returns the data in longitude-latitude format.
.rescaleGrid <- function(mat) { # nolint: object_usage_linter.
mat1 <- mat[seq(1, dim(mat)[1], by = 2), seq(1, dim(mat)[2], by = 2)] # top left
mat2 <- mat[seq(2, dim(mat)[1], by = 2), seq(1, dim(mat)[2], by = 2)] # bottom left
mat3 <- mat[seq(1, dim(mat)[1], by = 2), seq(2, dim(mat)[2], by = 2)] # top right
mat4 <- mat[seq(2, dim(mat)[1], by = 2), seq(2, dim(mat)[2], by = 2)] # bottom right
mat <- mat1 + mat2 + mat3 + mat4
colnames(mat) <- seq(-179.750, 179.750, by = 0.50)
rownames(mat) <- seq(89.750, -89.750, by = -0.50)
mat <- melt(mat) %>% rename(lat = .data$Var1, lon = .data$Var2, emission_val = .data$value)
# Main body ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Potential partitions: SAVA, BORF, TEMF, DEFO, PEAT, AGRI
partitionsConsidered <- c("SAVA", "BORF", "TEMF", "DEFO", "PEAT", "AGRI")
# See GFED_emissionsFactors.txt for full list of potential emissions
emissionsConsidered <- c("CH4", "N2O", "NOx", "NH3")
availableYears <- list.files(pattern = "\\d{4}") %>% str_extract("\\d{4}")
d <- expand_grid(year = availableYears,
base_emission = "DM",
partition = partitionsConsidered)
# Calculate yearly DM emissions (Mt DM per 0.25x0.25 degree grid cell)
d <- d %>%
mutate(DM = pmap(.l = list(.data$year, .data$base_emission, .data$partition),
.f = ~ .calculateYear(..1, ..2, ..3)))
# Read in further emission factors
emissionFactors <- read.table("GFED_emissionsFactors.txt",
col.names = c("species", "SAVA", "BORF", "TEMF", "DEFO", "PEAT", "AGRI"))
emissionFactors <- emissionFactors %>%
filter(.data$species %in% emissionsConsidered) %>%
pivot_longer(-.data$species, names_to = "partition", values_to = "emission_factor") %>%
mutate(species = as.character(.data$species))
# g X per kg X to Mt X per Mt X
emissionFactors <- emissionFactors %>%
mutate(emission_factor = .data$emission_factor * 1E-3)
# Calculate derived emissions (Mt X per 0.25x0.25 degree grid cell)
d <- inner_join(d, emissionFactors, by = "partition") %>%
mutate(emission_val = map2(.x = .data$DM,
.y = .data$emission_factor,
.f = ~ .x * .y))
# Convert emissions units. GFED reports NOx as NO, and MAgPIE outputs NO2.
NOxToNO2 <- 23 / 15 # nolint
d <- d %>%
mutate(emission_val = ifelse(test = (.data$species == "NOx"),
yes = map(.x = .data$emission_val,
.f = ~ .x * NOxToNO2),
no = .data$emission_val)) %>%
mutate(species = ifelse(test = (.data$species == "NOx"),
yes = "NO2",
no = .data$species))
# Rescale GFED data to align with MAgPIE's spatial grid (Mt X per 0.5x0.5 degree grid cell)
d <- d %>%
mutate(emission_val = map(.x = .data$emission_val,
.f = .rescaleGrid)) %>%
select(.data$year, .data$partition, .data$species, .data$emission_val)
# Filter to use MAgPIE's celliso format
mapping <- toolGetMapping(name = "CountryToCellMapping.rds", where = "mstools") %>% # nolint: object_usage_linter.
select(.data$celliso, .data$lon, .data$lat)
d <- d %>%
mutate(emission_val = map(.x = .data$emission_val,
.f = ~ inner_join(.x, mapping, by = c("lat", "lon"))))
# Convert to MAgPIE object
d <- d %>%
unnest(.data$emission_val) %>%
select(.data$celliso, .data$year, .data$partition, .data$species, .data$emission_val) %>%
rename(Partition = .data$partition, Species = .data$species) %>%
mutate(year = paste0("y", as.character(.data$year)))
d <- as.magpie(d, tidy = TRUE, filter = FALSE)
getNames(d, dim = 2) <- tolower(getNames(d, dim = 2))
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