
Defines functions readGTAP

Documented in readGTAP

#' @title readGTAP
#' @description Read BaseData and BaseView in GTAP database that has been downlodaded from the GTAP wewbsite.
#' @param subtype Type of GTAP data that should be read. So far available are:
#'        \itemize{
#'        \item GTAP7:
#'        \itemize{
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VIWS}: Trade - Bilateral Imports at World Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VIMS}: Trade - Bilateral Imports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VXWD}: Trade - Bilateral Exports at World Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VXMD}: Trade - Bilateral Exports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VDFM}: Intermediates - Firms' Domestic Purchases at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VIFM}: Intermediates - Firms' Imports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VFM}: Endowments - Firms' Purchases at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VOA}: Payment received by producers (fram gtate value)
#'        \item \code{GTAP7_VOM}: Value of output at dometic market prices
#'        }
#'        \item GTAP8:
#'        \itemize{
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VIWS}: Trade - Bilateral Imports at World Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VIMS}: Trade - Bilateral Imports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VXWD}: Trade - Bilateral Exports at World Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VXMD}: Trade - Bilateral Exports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VDFM}: Intermediates - Firms' Domestic Purchases at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VIFM}: Intermediates - Firms' Imports at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VFM}: Endowments - Firms' Purchases at Market Prices
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VOA}: Payment received by producers (fram gtate value)
#'        \item \code{GTAP8_VOM}: Value of output at dometic market prices
#'        }
#'      }
#' @return GTAP data as a MAgPie-Object
#' @author Stephen Wirth, Xiaoxi Wang
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- readSource("GTAP7", "VIWS")
#' }
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie getYears unwrap getYears<- getCells<-
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
readGTAP <- function(subtype = NULL) {
  files <- c(
    GTAP7_VIMS = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VXWD = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VIWS = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VXMD = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VDFM = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VIFM = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VFM  = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP7_VOM  = "BaseView.csv",
    GTAP7_VOA  = "BaseView.csv",
    GTAP8_VIMS = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VXWD = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VIWS = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VXMD = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VDFM = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VIFM = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VFM  = "BaseData.csv",
    GTAP8_VOM  = "BaseView.csv",
    GTAP8_VOA  = "BaseView.csv"

  file <- toolSubtypeSelect(subtype, files)

  path <-
    paste0(tolower(gsub("(?<=\\d)\\w{1,}", "", subtype, perl = TRUE)), "/")
  if (grepl("BaseData.csv", file)) {
    x <-
        paste0(path, file),
        header = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        skip = 3
  } else if (grepl("BaseView.csv", file)) {
    x <-
        paste0(path, file),
        header = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        skip = 0

  allStart <- which(grepl("!Header:", x$V1))
  gtapval <- sub("[A-Z]{4}\\d_", "", subtype, perl = TRUE)
  startRow <- which(grepl(paste("!Header:", gtapval, sep = " "), x$V1))
  if (startRow == max(allStart)) {
    endrow <- nrow(x)
  } else {
    count <- match(startRow, allStart)
    endrow <- allStart[count + 1] - 1
  x <- x[c((startRow + 1):endrow), ]
  if (x[nrow(x), ncol(x)] == "") {
    x <- x[-nrow(x), ]
  if (length(grep("REG", x[1, ])) > 1) {
    x[1, grep("REG", x[1, ])][1] <- "Regions"
  } else {
    x[1, grep("REG", x[1, ])] <- "Regions"
  colnames(x) <- x[1, ]
  x <- x[-1, ]
  if (grep("Regions", colnames(x)) != 1) {
    x[, c(1, grep("Regions", colnames(x)))] <-
      x[, c(grep("Regions", colnames(x)), 1)]
    colnames(x)[c(1, grep("Regions", colnames(x)))] <-
      colnames(x)[c(grep("Regions", colnames(x)), 1)]

#if still a region column exists
if("REG" %in% colnames(x)) {
x[, c(2, grep("REG", colnames(x)))] <-
      x[, c(grep("REG", colnames(x)), 2)]
    colnames(x)[c(2, grep("REG", colnames(x)))] <-
      colnames(x)[c(grep("REG", colnames(x)), 2)]


  x$Value <- as.numeric(x$Value)

  if ("REG" %in% colnames(x)) {
  x <- as.magpie(x, spatial = c(1, 2), tidy = TRUE)
  } else {
    x <-  as.magpie(x, spatial = 1, tidy = TRUE)
  # is GTAP released every 3 years?
  if (grepl("GTAP7", subtype)) {
    year <- "y2004"
  } else if (grepl("GTAP8", subtype)) {
    year <- "y2007"

  getYears(x) <- year
  getCells(x) <- toupper(getCells(x))
pik-piam/mrland documentation built on Nov. 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m.