
Defines functions readUrbanLandGao

Documented in readUrbanLandGao

#' @title readUrbanLandGao
#' @description Read gridded urban land, from Gao O'Neill and Jones SEDAC dataset,
#'              https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/set/ssp-1-8th-urban-land-extent-projection-base-year-ssp-2000-2100 #nolint
#' @return magpie object of 2000-2100 urban land in Mha, in 10 year intervals
#' @author David M Chen, Felicitas Beier
#' @importFrom terra aggregate project rast
#' @importFrom raster brick
#' @import magclass

readUrbanLandGao <- function() {

  # cell to country mapping
  mapping <- toolGetMappingCoord2Country(pretty = TRUE)

  ssps  <- c("SSP1", "SSP2", "SSP3", "SSP4", "SSP5")
  years <- seq(2010, 2100, 10)

  area  <- rast("ancillary-layers-netcdf/land_area_km2.nc")

  .read <- function(years, ssps) {
    x <- NULL

    for (year in years) {
      for (ssp in ssps) {
        if (year == 2000) {
          t <- rast(paste0("byr-netcdf/urb_frac_2000.nc"))
        } else {
          t <- rast(paste0(tolower(ssp), "-netcdf/", tolower(ssp), "_", year, ".nc"))

        # multiply by land area to get km2 of urban land
        t <- t * area

        # aggregate and reproject
        r <- rast(res = 0.5)
        t <- aggregate(t, fact = 4, fun = "sum", na.rm = TRUE)

        t <- (project(t, r))

        tmp <- as.magpie(brick(t))
        t   <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = mapping$coords,
                          years = getItems(tmp, dim = 2),
                          names = getItems(tmp, dim = 3),
                          fill = 0)
        commonCells <- intersect(getItems(t, dim = 1), getItems(tmp, dim = 1))

        t[commonCells, , ] <- tmp[commonCells, , ]

        # proper names
        getYears(t) <- year
        getNames(t) <- ssp
        getSets(t)  <- getSets(t)[1:4]

        x <- mbind(x, t)

  # read base year
  base <- .read(years = 2000, ssps = "SSP1")
  base <- add_columns(base, addnm = c("SSP2", "SSP3", "SSP4", "SSP5"), dim = 3.1)
  base[, , c("SSP2", "SSP3", "SSP4", "SSP5")] <- base[, , "SSP1"]

  # do the big loop with years as list (can't mbind both list and 3rd dim internally)
  out <- lapply(years, FUN = .read, ssps = ssps)
  out <- mbind(out)

  # bind base
  x <- mbind(base, out)

  # convert km2 to Mha
  x <- x / 10000

  # sort and naming
  x <- x[mapping$coords, , ]
  getItems(x, dim = 1, raw = TRUE) <- paste(mapping$coords, mapping$iso, sep = ".")
  getSets(x) <- c("x", "y", "iso", "year", "data")

pik-piam/mrland documentation built on Nov. 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m.