
Defines functions calcValidGrassSoilCarbon

Documented in calcValidGrassSoilCarbon

#' @title calcValidGrassSoilCarbon
#' @description calculates the validation data for grasslands
#' @param datasource Datasources for validation data
#' @param model trained model ID
#' @param lpjml lpjml version
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Marcos Alves
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("ValidGrassSoilCarbon")
#' }
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider

calcValidGrassSoilCarbon <- function(datasource = "ISIMIP3b:IPSL-CM6A-LR:ssp126:1965-2100", model = "9eaf9b", lpjml) {

    datasource_split <- toolSplitSubtype(datasource, list(version = NULL, climatemodel = NULL, scenario = NULL, years = NULL))

    land_ini_LUH2v2  <- calcOutput("LUH2v2", aggregate = F, landuse_types = "LUH2v2", cellular = TRUE)
    soilc_pastr_past_tha <- calcOutput("CollectSoilCarbonPastr", past_mngmt = "me2", lpjml = lpjml, climatemodel = datasource_split$climatemodel, aggregate = F, scenario = paste0(datasource_split$scenario, "/co2/Nreturn0p5/limN"), sar = 1)
    soilc_range_past_tha <- calcOutput("RangeSoilCarbonHist", subtype = datasource, model = model, lpjml = lpjml, aggregate = F)
    past <- getYears(soilc_range_past_tha)

    map_reg <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "clustermapping.csv", where = "mappingfolder")

    soilc_range_past_mt      <- setNames(land_ini_LUH2v2[, past, "range"] * soilc_range_past_tha, "range")
    soilc_pastr_past_mt      <- setNames(land_ini_LUH2v2[, past, "pastr"] * soilc_pastr_past_tha[, past, "pastr"], "pastr")

    soilc_grassL_past_mt     <- setNames(mbind(soilc_pastr_past_mt, soilc_range_past_mt), c("pastr", "range"))
    soilc_grassL_past_mt     <- toolAggregate(soilc_grassL_past_mt, rel = map_reg, from = "cell", to = "region")
    glo <- dimSums(soilc_grassL_past_mt, dim = 1)
    soilc_grassL_past_mt     <- mbind(soilc_grassL_past_mt, glo)
    soilc_grassL_past_mt_tmp <- soilc_grassL_past_mt
    soilc_grassL_past_mt     <- setNames(soilc_grassL_past_mt, paste0("Resources|Soil Carbon|Grassland|+|", reportingnames(getNames(soilc_grassL_past_mt, dim = 1)), "|Total (MtC)"))
    soilc_grassL_past_mt_T   <- setNames(dimSums(soilc_grassL_past_mt, dim = 3), paste0("Resources|Soil Carbon|Grassland|Total (MtC)"))

    land_ini_LUH2v2_reg <- toolAggregate(land_ini_LUH2v2[, past, c("pastr", "range")], rel = map_reg, from = "cell", to = "region")
    glo <- dimSums(land_ini_LUH2v2_reg, dim = 1)
    land_ini_LUH2v2_reg <- mbind(land_ini_LUH2v2_reg, glo)
    soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg <- setNames(soilc_grassL_past_mt_tmp[, , c("pastr", "range")] / land_ini_LUH2v2_reg[, , c("pastr", "range")], paste0("Resources|Soil Carbon|Grassland|+|", reportingnames(c("pastr", "range")), "|Density (tC per ha)"))
    soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg[is.infinite(soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg) | is.nan(soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg)] <- 0
    soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg_A <- setNames(dimSums(soilc_grassL_past_mt_T, dim = 3) / dimSums(land_ini_LUH2v2_reg, dim = 3),  paste0("Resources|Soil Carbon|Grassland|Density (tC per ha)"))

    stock <- mbind(soilc_grassL_past_mt, soilc_grassL_past_mt_T, soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg, soilc_range_pastr_tha_reg_A)

    stock <- add_dimension(stock, dim = 3.1, add = "scenario", nm = "historical")
    stock <- add_dimension(stock, dim = 3.2, add = "model",    nm = paste0(datasource_split$climatemodel, "_", model))

  return(list(x = stock,
              weight = NULL,
              unit = "tC",
              description = "Carbon Stocks",
              isocountries = FALSE)

pik-piam/mrvalidation documentation built on April 26, 2024, 12:12 a.m.