pairwise_names <- function(cardnames){
#Create row vector
k <- c(1:length(cardnames))
vec <- vector()
for(i in k){
vec <- c(vec,rep(i,times=i-1))
#Create column vector
j <- c(1:(length(k)-1))
vec2 <- vector()
for(i in j){
vec2 <- c(vec2,c(1:i))
#Create name postion matrix
name_mat <- matrix(data = c(vec,vec2), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
#Use for loop to create final column name vector
l <- (length(cardnames)*(length(cardnames)-1))/2
names <- vector(length = l)
for(i in 1:l){
names[i]=paste(cardnames[name_mat[1,i]], cardnames[name_mat[2,i]],sep = "/")
#output is names vector
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