fccac <- function(peaks, bigwigs, labels, splines=10, nbins=100, ncan=5 , tf=c(), main="", bar=NULL, outFiles=FALSE ){
# Read genomic regions in BED format with Bioconductor package genomation
print("Reading peaks...")
peaks <- readGeneric(file=peaks, chr=1, start=2, end=3) #[1:100] #readBed
if (ncan > splines | ncan > length(peaks) ){ print("ncan should not be higher than the number of splines or peaks. Please lower the value of ncan.") }
if (ncan <= splines | ncan <= length(peaks)){
print("Starting fCCAC...")
SPLINES <- splines
L <- nbins # bp
# Modify labels to detect replicates (assume replicates are ordered 1,2,...)
d <- duplicated(labels)
new_labels <- rep("newLabel", length(labels) )
for (l in seq(from=1, to=length(labels), by=1) ) {
if (d[l] == FALSE) { counter <- 1; new_labels[l] <- paste(labels[l], 1, sep="_Rep") }
if (d[l] == TRUE) { counter <- counter +1; new_labels[l] <- paste(labels[l], counter, sep="_Rep") }
# Create B-spline basis system (cubic, order 4) of the signals before FDA:
bspl <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval=c(-L/2,L/2), nbasis=SPLINES, norder=4) # Cubic B-splines
argvalsBS <- seq(from= (-L/2), to=(L/2), by=1) #(-L/2):(L/2)
# Read bigWig Files
fdaData <- lapply(seq(from=1, to=length(bigwigs), by=1), function(x) matrix(NA, nrow=length(peaks) , ncol=L+1 ))
for (i in seq(from=1, to=length(bigwigs), by=1) ) {
print(paste(c("Reading bigWig file...",i,"/",length(bigwigs)),collapse="") )
fdamatrix <- matrix(0.0, ncol=L+1, nrow= length(peaks) )
fdamatrix <- ScoreMatrixBin(target = bigwigs[i], bin.num = L+1, windows = peaks, type="bigWig",rpm=FALSE, strand.aware = TRUE, bin.op="max" )
fdaData[[i]] <- Data2fd(y=t(fdamatrix), argvals= argvalsBS, basisobj=bspl)
# length(fdaData)
co <- combn(x=c(new_labels), m=2) # all possible pairwise combinations
# Select Sample of Interest (if any)
idx <- unique(col(co)[grepl(tf, co)])
co <- co[, idx]
# Prepare Data for functional CCA
scc <- rep(0, ncan*ncol(co) ) # squared Canon. Corr.
sccM <- rep(0, ncan*ncol(co) ) # MAX squared Canon. Corr.
pair <- rep("pair", ncan*ncol(co) ) # labeling
Spair <- rep("Spair", ncol(co) ) # labeling for S
w <- 1/ ( seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) )
Ma <- sum(w) # maximum possible value for w
S <- rep(0, ncol(co) ) # weighted sums
x <- lapply(seq(from=1, to=ncol(co), by=1) , function(x) NA) # list to store output of cca.fd
for (i in seq(from=1, to=ncol(co), by=1) ) {
print(paste(c("Performing fCCA in pair...",i,"/",ncol(co)) ,collapse="") )
file1 <- which(new_labels==co[1,i])
file2 <- which(new_labels==co[2,i])
print(paste(c(new_labels[file1],"...vs...",new_labels[file2]) , collapse="") )
x[[i]] = cca.fd(fdobj1=fdaData[[file1]], fdobj2=fdaData[[file2]], ncan = ncan, ccafdPar1=fdPar(bspl, 0, 0), ccafdPar2=fdPar(bspl,0, 0), centerfns=TRUE)
# NCAN calculated in 'cca.fd' is always the number of splines
# plot.cca.fd(x)
for (i in seq(from=1, to=ncol(co), by=1) ) {
posit <- (1+(ncan*(i-1))):(ncan*(i-1+1) )
scc[posit] <- x[[i]]$ccacorr[ seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) ] # all canonical correlations
sccM[posit] <- rep( max (x[[i]]$ccacorr[ seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) ]), ncan) # max of all canonical correlations
file1 <- which(new_labels==co[1,i])
file2 <- which(new_labels==co[2,i])
pair[posit] <- rep( paste(new_labels[c(file1,file2)] , collapse="_vs_") ,ncan)
Spair[i] <- paste(new_labels[c(file1,file2)], collapse="_vs_" )
# calculate weigthed sum
S[i] <- sum(w* x[[i]]$ccacorr[ seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) ] )
rm(posit, file1, file2)
# if ( is.null(bar) == TRUE ) {bar <- ncol(co) } ##barplot(100* S/Ma, ylim= c(0,100) )
# Colormap
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(10, "Spectral"))
# Plots
# ggplot2
ggData <- data.frame(scc = scc, pair = pair, variables = rep( seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) , ncol(co)), sccM = sccM)
ggData <- transform(ggData, pair = reorder(pair, sccM))
p1 <- ggplot(ggData, aes(x=variables, y=scc, group=pair)) + geom_line(aes(colour = pair)) + ylim(0,1) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_rect( colour = "black")) + theme(legend.position='none', plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold")) + xlab("Canonical variable (k)") + ylab( expression(Squared~canonical~correlation~(R[k] ^{2}) ) ) + geom_point(size=0.9, shape=5, aes(colour=pair)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(from=1, to=ncan, by=1) ) + scale_colour_manual(values = colfunc(ncol(co))) + ggtitle(main)
# select 1st canonical correlation
ggData <- subset(ggData, variables==1 )
# sort and assign colors
ggData <- ggData[sort(ggData$sccM, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)[[2]],]
ggData$CL <- rev( colfunc(ncol(co)) )
ggData2 <- data.frame(S = 100* (S/Ma), pair = Spair )
#ggData2 <- transform(ggData2, pair = reorder(pair, S))
ggData2 <- ggData2[sort(ggData2$S, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)[[2]],]
ggData3 <- merge(x=ggData2, y=ggData, by='pair', sort = FALSE)
#ggData3 <- ggData3[sort(ggData3$S, index.return=T, decreasing=T)[[2]],]
ggDataTXT <- ggData3
INB = is.null(bar)
if ( INB == TRUE ) { bar <- ncol(co); CHOSEN <- seq(from=1, to=bar, by=1) ; ggData3 <- ggData3[CHOSEN,] }
if ( INB != TRUE ) { CHOSEN<-c(seq(from=1, to=bar[1], by=1), (length(ggData3$CL)-bar[2]+1):length(ggData3$CL)); ggData3 <- ggData3[ CHOSEN , ] }
p2 <- ggplot(ggData3, aes(x = reorder(factor(pair),S), y = S)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity",width=.6, fill=reorder(rev(as.character(ggData3$CL)) ,ggData3$S) )+ coord_flip() + ylim(0,100) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_rect( colour = "black")) + theme(legend.position='none', text = element_text(size=10) ) + ylab("F(%)") + xlab("") + geom_hline(yintercept = 100, colour="red", linetype = "longdash")
colnames(ggDataTXT) <- c("samples","F","squ_can_corr_k_1","k","squ_can_corr_k_1","color" )
fccac_out <- ggDataTXT[,c(1,2,3,4,6)]
if (outFiles == TRUE){
print("Saving fCCAC.pdf...")
pdf("fCCAC.pdf", height=6, width=3.5)
multiplot(p1, p2, cols=1)
print("Saving fCCAC.txt...")
write.table(x=fccac_out , file = "fCCAC.txt", append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (outFiles == FALSE){
multiplot(p1, p2, cols=1)
return( fccac_out )
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