#' Adaptive test
#' Defines an adaptive test for use within psychTestR.
#' This is the top-level function of the psychTestRCAT package.
#' It defines adaptive tests within the framework of item response theory.
#' An aadptive test is one that tailors item selection to the
#' current test-taker on the basis of their performance during the test.
#' @param label (Character scalar, e.g. 'MDT')
#' A label for the test when saving the participant's results.
#' @param item_bank (Data frame, or coerceable to such)
#' Defines the item bank, the collection of items available
#' for administration during the adaptive test.
#' Each row should correspond to a different item.
#' Four columns are mandatory, corresponding to the
#' item's psychometric parameters according to item response theory:
#' - \code{discrimination} -
#' The item's discrimination parameter, with higher values
#' indicating that the item is better at discriminating between participants.
#' - \code{difficulty} -
#' The item's difficulty parameter, with higher values
#' corresponding to harder items.
#' - \code{guessing} -
#' The item's guessing parameter, corresponding to the probability
#' that a participant with no ability can nevertheless answer the
#' item correctly.
#' - \code{inattention} -
#' The item's inattention parameter, corresponding to the probability
#' that a participant with infinite ability answers the question
#' correctly.
#' The data frame must also contain a column called \code{answer},
#' defining the correct answer for each item.
#' These answers will be checked for equality with
#' the answer output from \code{show_item} using \code{==},
#' which coerces to a shared class
#' (e.g. numeric answers can be coerced to character answers).
#' List-columns are not permitted.
#' This argument must also provide sufficient information for presenting
#' a particular item to the participant.
#' When an item has been selected,
#' the corresponding row from the item bank is extracted and
#' passed to the \code{show_item} function,
#' another of the arguments to \code{adapt_test}.
#' The \code{show_item} function uses this row as a basis
#' to display the item to the participant.
#' @param show_item (Function, list, or psychTestR timeline)
#' This function defines the logic for administering an item
#' from its definition in \code{item_bank}.
#' This function may take two forms:
#' - \strong{Single-page items} -
#' If your test item takes one psychTestR page to administer,
#' \code{show_item} should be a function of the form
#' \code{function(item, state, ...) {...}}.
#' The \code{item} parameter will correspond to
#' a row of the \code{item_bank} data frame.
#' The \code{state} parameter (advanced use only)
#' allows the \code{show_item} function to access
#' additional information about the current psychTestR session,
#' e.g. local variables (see \code{\link[psychTestR]{get_local}}).
#' The function should return a psychTestR \code{\link[psychTestR]{page}}
#' displaying the test item and storing the response in \code{answer(state)};
#' psychTestR's built-in question functions
#' (e.g. \code{\link[psychTestR]{NAFC_page}})
#' do the latter automatically.
#' - \strong{Multi-page items} -
#' If your test item takes multiple psychTestR pages to administer,
#' \code{show_item} should be a list of psychTestR test elements
#' or, equivalently, a psychTestR timeline as created by
#' \code{\link[psychTestR]{new_timeline}}).
#' Mutability is achieved by using reactive pages
#' (\code{\link[psychTestR]{reactive_page}}),
#' which can access the current value of \code{item} from
#' the psychTestR session state object as follows:
#' \code{psychTestR::get_local("item", state)}.
#' When the timeline completes, \code{answer(state)} must
#' be set to the participant's answer.
#' If several pages contribute to the final answer,
#' this may involve accumulating values in a temporary variable
#' (see \code{\link[psychTestR]{get_local}}
#' and \code{\link[psychTestR]{set_local}}).
#' psychTestR's built-in question functions
#' (e.g. \code{\link[psychTestR]{NAFC_page}})
#' by default save each response to the psychTestR results list.
#' This behaviour is unnecessary in \code{show_item},
#' because psychTestRCAT accumulates and saves its own store
#' of item-wise results.
#' It is therefore recommended to set \code{save_answer = FALSE}
#' in these question functions.
#' @param stopping_rule (Function)
#' A stopping rule for determining when the test should terminate,
#' as created by \code{\link{new_stopping_rule}}.
#' In the common case where the test terminates after a set number of items,
#' use \code{\link{stopping_rule.num_items}},
#' passing the number of items as a function parameter.
#' @param opt (List)
#' A list of further options as created by \code{\link{adapt_test_options}}.
#' @return A psychTestR timeline representing the adaptive test.
#' Once the adaptive test is complete,
#' psychTestR saves three primary results into the results table:
#' - \code{ability} - The participant's final ability estimate.
#' - \code{ability_sem} - The standard error of the final ability estimate,
#' as computed from the IRT model.
#' - \code{num_items} - The number of items administered to the participant.
#' Further information, in particular item-by-item results,
#' can be extracted from the \code{metadata} slot of the \code{ability} field.
#' This can be accessed by loading psychTestR RDS results files.
#' Alternatively, item-by-item results can be accessed
#' using the function \code{\link{compile_trial_by_trial_results}}.
#' @note
#' By default, \code{adapt_test} displays no feedback to the
#' participant when they finish the test.
#' Use \code{\link{cat.feedback.graph}} directly after \code{adapt_test}
#' to display a feedback graph to the participant.
#' @note
#' Ability estimation and item selection are performed using
#' the \code{catR} package.
#' @md
#' @export
adapt_test <- function(label,
stopping_rule = stopping_rule.num_items(n = NULL),
opt = adapt_test_options()) {
item_bank <- as.data.frame(item_bank)
check_inputs(label, item_bank, show_item, opt)
setup(label, stopping_rule, opt, item_bank),
test = check_stopping_rule(stopping_rule),
logic = c(
select_next_item(item_bank, opt),
administer_next_item(item_bank, show_item),
save_result(item_bank, opt)
#' Adaptive test options
#' Creates a list of psychTestRCAT options for use in
#' the \code{\link{adapt_test}} function.
#' @param next_item.criterion
#' (Character scalar, default = "MFI")
#' Criterion by which the next item is selected;
#' see the \code{criterion} argument of \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' @param next_item.estimator
#' (Character scalar, default = "BM")
#' Ability scoring method used for item selection;
#' see the \code{method} argument of \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' Only \code{"BM"}, \code{"ML"}, \code{"WL"}, and \code{"EAP"}
#' are supported.
#' @param next_item.prior_dist
#' (Character scalar, default = "norm")
#' Class of prior distribution used when estimating abilities
#' for item selection;
#' see the \code{priorDist} argument of \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' @param next_item.prior_par
#' (Numeric vector, length 2, default = c(0, 1))
#' Prior distribution used when estimating abilities for item selection;
#' see the \code{priorPar} argument of \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' @param final_ability.estimator
#' (Character scalar, default = "BM")
#' Ability scoring method used for final ability estimation;
#' see the \code{method} argument of \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' The prior distribution (if relevant) remains the same as that used
#' for item selection, i.e. that specified by
#' \code{next_item.prior_dist} and \code{next_item.prior_par}.
#' Only \code{"BM"}, \code{"ML"}, \code{"WL"}, and \code{"EAP"}
#' are supported.
#' @param constrain_answers
#' (Boolean; default = FALSE)
#' If \code{TRUE}, item selection actively balances
#' the available response options.
#' This only makes sense when the item bank contains only a small
#' number of unique answers.
#' @param avoid_duplicates
#' (\code{NULL} or character scalar)
#' If not \code{NULL}, should specify a column of the item bank
#' defining a categorical item feature for which duplicates
#' should be avoided during item selection.
#' @param cb_control
#' Content-balancing argument passed to \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' @param cb_group
#' Content-balancing argument passed to \code{\link[catR]{nextItem}}.
#' @param eligible_first_items
#' (\code{NULL} or integerish vector)
#' If not \code{NULL},
#' lists the eligible items for the first item in the test,
#' where each item is identified by its 1-indexed row number
#' in \code{item_bank} (see \code{\link{adapt_test}}).
#' For example, \code{c(2, 3, 4)} means that the
#' first item will be drawn from rows 2, 3, 4 of the item bank).
#' @param notify_duration
#' (Numeric scalar)
#' Defines the length of time for which item-by-item feedback messages
#' persist on screen, in seconds.
#' This is only relevant when the test is taken in admin or demo mode.
#' @return A list to be passed to the \code{opt} argument
#' of \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @export
adapt_test_options <- function(next_item.criterion = "MFI",
next_item.estimator = "BM",
next_item.prior_dist = "norm",
next_item.prior_par = c(0, 1),
final_ability.estimator = "BM",
constrain_answers = FALSE,
avoid_duplicates = NULL,
cb_control = NULL,
cb_group = NULL,
eligible_first_items = NULL,
notify_duration = 5
) {
length(next_item.prior_par) == 2L,
next_item.estimator %in% c("ML", "BM", "EAP", "WL"),
final_ability.estimator %in% c("ML", "BM", "EAP", "WL"),
is.null.or(avoid_duplicates, is.character),
function(x) is.numeric(x) && !anyDuplicated(x)),
is.null.or(notify_duration, is.scalar.numeric),
local(if (!(is.null(cb_control) && is.null(cb_group))) {
cb_test <- catR::test.cbList(cb_control, cb_group)
if (!cb_test$test) {
stop("problem detected with cb_control/cb_group arguments: ",
# returns TRUE if we should stop
#' New stopping rule
#' Creates a new stopping rule for the adaptive test.
#' A stopping rule defines a condition that is checked each time
#' a new item is about to be administered.
#' @param f
#' Function of the form \code{function(test_state) {...}},
#' which will be called whenever a new item is about to be administered.
#' \code{test_state} is a data frame representing the current status of
#' the adaptive test (items administered, participant responses, etc.).
#' Currently the only method defined for \code{test_state} objects
#' is \code{\link{get_num_items_administered}};
#' other extractors need to be defined manually.
#' @param num_items_in_test
#' (NULL or integerish scalar)
#' If the number of items in the test is known,
#' providing it in this argument allows it to be used by other test features,
#' e.g. to tell the participant their progress through the test.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{stopping_rule} which can be
#' passed to the \code{stopping_rule} argument of
#' \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @export
new_stopping_rule <- function(f, num_items_in_test = NULL) {
stopifnot(is.function(f), is.null.or(num_items_in_test, is.scalar.numeric))
class(f) <- c("stopping_rule", class(f))
attr(f, "num_items_in_test") <- num_items_in_test
#' Stopping rule (num items)
#' Creates a stopping rule where the test finishes once a set number
#' of items have been administered.
#' @param n
#' (Integerish scalar)
#' Number of items after which the test should terminate.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{stopping_rule} which can be
#' passed to the \code{stopping_rule} argument of
#' \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @export
stopping_rule.num_items <- function(n) {
if (is.null(n)) stop("number of items cannot be NULL")
stopifnot(is.scalar.numeric(n), n > 0)
f <- function(test_state) {
get_num_items_administered(test_state) >= n
new_stopping_rule(f, num_items_in_test = n)
#' Number of items administered
#' Returns the number of items administered so far in the test.
#' @param test_state
#' A \code{test_state} object; see \code{\link{new_stopping_rule}}.
#' @return
#' (Integer scalar)
#' The number of items administered so far in the test.
#' @export
get_num_items_administered <- function(test_state) {
df <- test_state$results.by_item
if (is.null(df)) 0L else nrow(df)
get_items_administered <- function(test_state) {
df <- test_state$results.by_item
if (is.null(df)) integer() else as.integer(df$item_id)
#' Get item number
#' Returns an item's position in the test.
#' @param x An item object as passed to the \code{show_item} function
#' (see \code{\link{adapt_test}}).
#' @return
#' (Integer scalar) The item's position in the test; for example,
#' the second item in the test would yield the integer \code{2L}.
#' @rdname get_item_number
#' @export
get_item_number <- function(x) {
#' @rdname get_item_number
#' @export
get_item_number.item <- function(x) {
attr(x, "item_number")
#' Number of items in test
#' Returns the total number of items in the test,
#' including those that have yet to be administered.
#' Methods exist for:
#' - \code{stopping_rule} (see \code{\link{new_stopping_rule}}).
#' - \code{item} (as passed to \code{show_item} in \code{\link{adapt_test}}).
#' - \code{test_state} (as passed to stopping rules,
#' see \code{\link{new_stopping_rule}}).
#' @param x Object from which to extract the information.
#' @return (Integer scalar)
#' The total number of items in the test,
#' including those that have yet to be administered.
#' @md
#' @rdname get_num_items_in_test
#' @export
get_num_items_in_test <- function(x) {
#' @rdname get_num_items_in_test
#' @export
get_num_items_in_test.stopping_rule <- function(x) {
attr(x, "num_items_in_test")
#' @rdname get_num_items_in_test
#' @export
get_num_items_in_test.item <- function(x) {
attr(x, "num_items_in_test")
#' @rdname get_num_items_in_test
#' @export
get_num_items_in_test.test_state <- function(x) {
#' Current ability estimate
#' Returns the current ability estimate.
#' @param test_state A \code{test_state} object as provided to
#' stopping rules in \code{\link{new_stopping_rule}}.
#' @param opt Test options as defined by \code{\link{adapt_test_options}}.
#' @param estimator The estimation method to use when computing
#' the current ability estimate;
#' see the \code{next_item.estimator} argument in
#' \code{\link{adapt_test_options}}.
#' @return A numeric scalar corresponding to the current ability estimate,
#' with its standard error provided as the \code{sem} attribute.
#' @export
get_current_ability_estimate <- function(test_state,
estimator = opt$next_item.estimator) {
df <- test_state$results.by_item
if (is.null(df)) {
res <- opt$next_item.prior_par[1]
attr(res, "sem") <- opt$next_item.prior_par[2]
} else {
n <- nrow(df)
col <- paste0("ability_", estimator)
col_sem <- paste0("ability_", estimator, "_sem")
res <- df[n, col]
attr(res, "sem") <- df[n, col_sem]
new_state <- function(num_items_in_test, constrain_answers, item_bank) {
stopifnot(is.null.or(num_items_in_test, is.scalar.numeric),
is.null.or(item_bank, is.data.frame))
x <- list(num_items_in_test = num_items_in_test,
results.by_item = NULL,
terminate_test = FALSE)
x$correct_answers <- if (constrain_answers) {
possible_answers <- sort(unique(item_bank$answer))
sample(possible_answers, num_items_in_test, replace = TRUE)
class(x) <- "test_state"
check_inputs <- function(label, item_bank, show_item, opt) {
if (!is.function(show_item)) show_item <- psychTestR::as.timeline(show_item)
is.function(show_item) || psychTestR::is.timeline(show_item)
if (is.null(item_bank$answer)) stop("answer column not found in item bank")
if (is.list(item_bank$answer)) stop("answer column cannot be a list")
for (col in c("discrimination", "difficulty", "guessing", "inattention")) {
if (!col %in% names(item_bank)) {
stop("column ", col, " not found in <item_bank>")
if (!is.numeric(item_bank[[col]])) {
stop(col, " must be numeric")
if (anyNA(item_bank[[col]]))
stop("NA values not permitted in column ", col)
if (!is.null(opt$avoid_duplicates)) {
if (!all(opt$avoid_duplicates %in% names(item_bank)))
stop("all elements of avoid_duplicates must correspond to ",
"columns of the item bank")
if (!is.null(opt$eligible_first_items)) {
if (!all(opt$eligible_first_items %in% seq_len(nrow(item_bank))))
stop("eligible_first_items must be integers indexing rows of item_bank")
setup <- function(label, stopping_rule, opt, item_bank) {
psychTestR::code_block(function(state, ...) {
num_items_in_test <- get_num_items_in_test(stopping_rule)
test_state <- new_state(num_items_in_test = num_items_in_test,
constrain_answers = opt$constrain_answers,
item_bank = item_bank)
psychTestR::set_local(key = "test_state", value = test_state, state = state)
psychTestR::register_next_results_section(state, label)
# Returns TRUE if we should keep going
check_stopping_rule <- function(stopping_rule) {
function(state, ...) {
test_state <- psychTestR::get_local(key = "test_state", state = state)
!(stopping_rule(test_state) || test_state$terminate_test)
# The item must match correct_answers (if specified),
# and it must avoid duplicates in opt$avoid_duplicates.
# If this is not possible, the item is chosen randomly, with a warning.
get_allowed_items <- function(test_state, item_bank, opt) {
cond1 <- is_answer_valid(test_state, item_bank)
cond2 <- are_duplicates_avoided(test_state, item_bank, opt)
cond3 <- check_eligible_first_items(test_state, item_bank, opt)
for (x in list(cond1, cond2, cond3)) {
stopifnot(is.logical(x), length(x) == nrow(item_bank))
res <- cond1 & cond2 & cond3
stopifnot(is.null(res) || length(res) == nrow(item_bank))
if (!any(res)) {
res <- rep(TRUE, times = nrow(item_bank))
warning("couldn't satisfy all constraints on item selection, ",
"so disabling content balancing")
check_eligible_first_items <- function(test_state, item_bank, opt) {
item_num <- get_num_items_administered(test_state) + 1L
if (is.null(opt$eligible_first_items) || (item_num != 1)) {
rep(TRUE, times = nrow(item_bank))
} else {
res <- rep(FALSE, times = nrow(item_bank))
res[opt$eligible_first_items] <- TRUE
is_answer_valid <- function(test_state, item_bank) {
if (is.null(test_state$correct_answers)) {
rep(TRUE, times = nrow(item_bank))
} else {
item_num <- get_num_items_administered(test_state) + 1L
correct_answer <- test_state$correct_answers[item_num]
item_bank$answer == correct_answer
are_duplicates_avoided <- function(test_state, item_bank, opt) {
if (is.null(opt$avoid_duplicates)) {
rep(TRUE, times = nrow(item_bank))
} else {
cols <- opt$avoid_duplicates
items_administered <- get_items_administered(test_state)
res <- rep(TRUE, times = nrow(item_bank))
for (col in cols) {
res[item_bank[[col]] %in% item_bank[items_administered, col]] <- FALSE
select_next_item <- function(item_bank, opt) {
function(state, ...) {
test_state <- psychTestR::get_local("test_state", state)
ability_estimate <- get_current_ability_estimate(
test_state, opt = opt, estimator = opt$next_item.estimator)
allowed_items <- get_allowed_items(test_state, item_bank, opt)
next_item <- tryCatch(catR::nextItem(
itemBank = as.matrix(item_bank[, c("discrimination", "difficulty",
"guessing", "inattention")]),
theta = ability_estimate,
out = test_state$results.by_item$item_id,
x = test_state$results.by_item$score,
criterion = opt$next_item.criterion,
method = opt$next_item.estimator,
nAvailable = as.numeric(allowed_items),
maxItems = Inf,
cbControl = opt$cb_control,
cbGroup = opt$cb_group
), error = function(e) NULL)
test_state$next_item <- next_item
if (is.null(next_item) ||
is.null(next_item$item) ||
is.na(next_item$item)) {
"Failed to select new item, terminating adaptive procedure.",
duration = opt$notify_duration)
test_state$terminate_test <- TRUE
psychTestR::skip_n_pages(state, n = 2L) # this is dangerous
} else if (psychTestR::demo(state)) {
msg <- shiny::p("Difficulty: ",
digits = 3,
nsmall = 3)))
shiny::showNotification(msg, duration = opt$notify_duration)
psychTestR::set_local(key = "test_state", value = test_state, state = state)
administer_next_item <- function(item_bank, show_item) {
psychTestR::code_block(fun = function(state, ...) {
test_state <- psychTestR::get_local("test_state", state)
item_id <- test_state$next_item$item
item_id > 0, item_id <= nrow(item_bank))
item <- new_item(df = item_bank[item_id, ],
item_number = get_num_items_administered(test_state) + 1L,
num_items_in_test = get_num_items_in_test(test_state))
psychTestR::set_local("item", item, state)
if (is.function(show_item)) {
psychTestR::reactive_page(function(state, ...) {
item <- psychTestR::get_local("item", state)
show_item(item, state, ...)
} else {
new_item <- function(df, item_number, num_items_in_test) {
stopifnot(is.data.frame(df), nrow(df) == 1L,
is.null.or(num_items_in_test, is.scalar.numeric))
attr(df, "item_number") <- item_number
attr(df, "num_items_in_test") <- num_items_in_test
class(df) <- c("item", class(df))
save_result <- function(item_bank, opt) {
function(state, ...) {
test_state <- psychTestR::get_local("test_state", state)
previous_ability_estimate <- get_current_ability_estimate(
test_state = test_state, opt = opt)
item_info <- test_state$next_item
item_id <- item_info$item
answer <- psychTestR::answer(state)
correct_answer <- item_bank[item_id, "answer"]
score <- answer == correct_answer
new_row <- data.frame(
num = get_num_items_administered(test_state) + 1L,
item_id = item_id,
discrimination = item_info$par[["discrimination"]],
difficulty = item_info$par[["difficulty"]],
guessing = item_info$par[["guessing"]],
inattention = item_info$par[["inattention"]],
information = item_info$info,
criterion = item_info$criterion,
answer = answer,
correct_answer = correct_answer,
score = score
stopifnot(nrow(new_row) == 1L)
test_state$results.by_item <- plyr::rbind.fill(test_state$results.by_item,
tmp_item_params <- test_state$results.by_item[, c("discrimination",
tmp_scores <- test_state$results.by_item$score
n <- nrow(test_state$results.by_item)
test_state$num_items_administered <- n
for (method in c("ML", "BM", "EAP", "WL")) {
tmp_ability <- catR::thetaEst(tmp_item_params, tmp_scores, method = method)
tmp_ability_sem <- catR::semTheta(thEst = tmp_ability,
it = tmp_item_params,
method = method)
test_state$results.by_item[n, paste0("ability_",
method)] <- tmp_ability
test_state$results.by_item[n, paste0("ability_",
"_sem")] <- tmp_ability_sem
if (psychTestR::demo(state)) {
new_ability_estimate <- get_current_ability_estimate(test_state, opt)
ability_change <- new_ability_estimate - previous_ability_estimate
msg <- shiny::div(
shiny::p(shiny::strong(if (score) "Correct" else "Incorrect"),
" answer."),
"Ability: ",
shiny::strong(format(new_ability_estimate, digits = 3, nsmall = 3)),
if (ability_change > 0) "+",
format(ability_change, digits = 3, nsmall = 3),
shiny::showNotification(msg, duration = opt$notify_duration,
type = if (score) "message" else "error")
psychTestR::set_local(key = "test_state", value = test_state, state = state)
finalise <- function(opt) {
psychTestR::code_block(function(state, ...) {
test_state <- psychTestR::get_local("test_state", state)
df <- test_state$results.by_item
n <- nrow(df)
final_ability <- df[n, paste0("ability_", opt$final_ability.estimator)]
attr(final_ability, "metadata") <- list(results = df, options = opt)
final_ability_sem <-
df[n, paste0("ability_", opt$final_ability.estimator, "_sem")]
psychTestR::answer(state) <- list(
ability = final_ability, ability_sem = final_ability_sem)
state, label = "ability", value = final_ability)
state, label = "ability_sem", value = final_ability_sem)
state, label = "num_items", value = n)
psychTestR::set_local("test_state", value = NULL, state = state)
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