API for pmoulos/recoup
An R package for the creation of complex genomic profile plots

Global functions
..getAllUcsc Source code
..getUcscSqlite Source code
.annotationExists Source code
.annotationTypeFromInputArgs Source code
.browseContent Source code
.browseUserContent Source code
.chromInfoFromBAM Source code
.chromInfoFromSeqinfo Source code
.chromInfoToSeqInfoDf Source code
.dropAnnotation Source code
.dropOrTrimGR Source code
.dropOrTrimGRL Source code
.getUcscCredentials Source code
.getUcscQueryRefseqExon Source code
.getUcscQueryRefseqGene Source code
.getUcscQueryRefseqTranscript Source code
.getUcscQueryUcscExon Source code
.getUcscQueryUcscGene Source code
.getUcscQueryUcscTranscript Source code
.getUcscTabledefRefseq Source code
.getUcscTabledefUcsc Source code
.initTables Source code
.insertContent Source code
.installedVersions Source code
.loadAnnotationOnTheFly Source code
.loadPrebuiltAnnotation Source code
.localTblDef Source code
.makeAnnotationQuerySet Source code
.makeGeneExonFromTxDb Source code
.makeGeneGeneFromTxDb Source code
.makeGeneUtrFromTxDb Source code
.makeIdMap Source code
.makeSumGeneExonFromTxDb Source code
.makeSumGeneUtrFromTxDb Source code
.myGetBM Source code
.nameAnnotationFromMetaType Source code
.subsetGRangesByBamHeader Source code
.subsetGRangesByChrs Source code
.userOrg Source code
.userRefdb Source code
.validateDbCon Source code
.validateEnsemblVersions Source code
annotationFromCustomGtf Source code
applySelectors Source code
areColors Source code
baseCoverageMatrix Source code
baseCoverageMatrixOld Source code
binCoverageMatrix Source code
buildAnnotationDatabase Man page Source code
buildAnnotationStore Man page Source code
buildCustomAnnotation Man page Source code
calcCoverage Man page Source code
calcLinearFactors Source code
checkFileArgs Source code
checkInput Source code
checkMainArgs Source code
checkNumArgs Source code
checkTextArgs Source code
checkUcscToEnsembl Source code
cleanRanges Source code
cmclapply Source code
contVector Source code
correctTranscripts Source code
covLengthsEqual Source code
coverageFromBam Source code
coverageFromBigWig Source code
coverageFromRanges Source code
coverageRef Man page Source code
coverageRnaRef Man page Source code
decideChanges Source code
fixedRangedBinSizes Source code
flankFirstLast Source code
getAnnotation Man page Source code
getArg Source code
getBiotypes Man page Source code
getBsOrganism Source code
getChromInfo Source code
getDataset Source code
getDefaultListArgs Source code
getEnsemblAnnotation Source code
getExonAttributes Source code
getFlankingRanges Source code
getGcContent Source code
getGeneAttributes Source code
getHost Source code
getInstalledAnnotations Man page Source code
getMainRanges Source code
getMainRnaRanges Source code
getRegionalRanges Source code
getSeqInfo Source code
getSupportedOrganisms Source code
getSupportedRefDbs Source code
getSupportedUcscDbs Source code
getTranscriptAttributes Source code
getTranscriptUtrAttributes Source code
getUcscAnnotation Source code
getUcscDbl Source code
getUcscOrganism Source code
getUcscQuery Source code
getUcscTableNameUtr Source code
getUcscTabledef Source code
getUcscTblTpl Source code
getUcscToEnsembl Source code
getUcscUtr Source code
getUserAnnotations Source code
getValidChrs Source code
getValidChrsWithMit Source code
getr Man page Source code
importCustomAnnotation Man page Source code
importCustomGtf Source code
imputeZero Source code
initDatabase Source code
interpolateSignal Source code
kmeansDesign Man page Source code
lazyRangesCoverage Source code
lazyRangesListCoverage Source code
loadAnnotation Man page Source code
loadBsGenome Source code
mergeRuns Man page Source code
parseCustomGtf Source code
prepareBam Source code
preprocessRanges Man page Source code
profileMatrix Man page Source code
profileMatrixSample Source code
readBam Source code
readBamIntervals Source code
readBed Source code
readConfig Source code
readRanges Source code
recoup Man page Source code
recoup-defunct Man page
recoup-deprecated Man page
recoupCorrelation Man page
recoupHeatmap Man page
recoupPlot Man page Source code
recoupProfile Man page Source code
recoup_test_data Man page
reduceExons Source code
reduceTranscripts Source code
reduceTranscriptsUtr Source code
removeData Man page Source code
reorderClusters Source code
resizeRanges Source code
rpMatrix Man page Source code
rpMatrixSample Source code
setArg Source code
setr Man page Source code
sliceObj Man page Source code
splitRanges Source code
splitRangesList Source code
splitVector Source code
ssCI Source code
test.design Man page
test.exons Man page
test.genome Man page
test.input Man page
tileRanges Source code
toOutput Source code
ucscToEnsembl Source code
validateListArgs Source code
validateOrganismArg Source code
variableRangedBinSizes Source code
pmoulos/recoup documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:22 a.m.