Man pages for pmoulos/recoup
An R package for the creation of complex genomic profile plots

buildAnnotationDatabaseBuild a local annotation database for recoup
buildAnnotationStoreBuild a local annotation database for recoup
buildCustomAnnotationImport custom annotation to the recoup annotation database...
calcCoverageCalculate coverages over a genomic region
coverageRefCalculate coverage in a set of reference genomic regions...
coverageRnaRefCalculate coverage in a set of reference genomic regions...
getAnnotationAnnotation downloader
getBiotypesList default Ensembl biotypes
getInstalledAnnotationsLoad a recoup annotation element
importCustomAnnotationImport a recoup custom annotation element
kmeansDesignApply k-means clustering to profile data
loadAnnotationLoad a recoup annotation element
mergeRunsMerge recoup outputs of same type
preprocessRangesRead and preprocess BAM/BED files to GRanges
profileMatrixCalculate final profile matrices for plotting
recoupCreate genomic signal profiles in predefined or custom areas...
recoupCorrelationPlot (faceted) average genomic coverage correlations
recoup-defunctDefunct functions in package 'recoup'
recoup-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'recoup'
recoupHeatmapPlot genomic coverage heatmaps
recoupPlotPlot list objects returned by recoup
recoupProfilePlot (faceted) average genomic coverage profiles
recoup_test_dataReference and genomic sample regions for recoup testing
removeDataRemove data from recoup list object
rpMatrixReads per million profile matrices for plotting
simpleGetSetGet and set some reusable objects from a recoup object
sliceObjSubset recoup output list objects
pmoulos/recoup documentation built on March 14, 2024, 5:21 p.m.