
###==========heterogeneity information generating function=================###

### heteroGen() used in metaDF2Matrix() to generate hetero info
heteroGen <- function(hetero, df, stats, newLabel, metaClass, overallSum) {
  ## step 1: check argument
  if (!is.null(newLabel)){
    if (!all(sapply(newLabel, inherits, what = "labelDesc"))) {
      stop("unexpected class listed under 'newLabel'")

  ## step 2: creat hetero labels for the stats information
  hetero.label <- addLabel(hetero = hetero, newLabel = newLabel,
                           metaClass = metaClass,
                           overallSum = overallSum)

  ## step 3: create the stats information as the list
  hetero.stats <- lapply(stats, FUN = addStats,
                         label = hetero.label, hetero = hetero)

  ## step 4: transform it into a matrix
  if (is.null(df)) {
  } else {
             function(stats, df) c(stats, rep("", ncol(df) - 1)),
             df = df))


## generate a set of labels to be used in heteroGen()
addLabel <- function(hetero, newLabel, metaClass, overallSum) {
  default.format <- list()
  default.format$Q <- list(format = paste("Chi-square =", "% .", 2, "f",
                                           sep = ""),
                           heteroNames = "Q")

  default.format$p <- list(format = paste("(p =", "% .", 3, "f", ")",
                                           sep = ""),
                           heteroNames = "p")

  default.format$df <- list(format = paste("df =", "% .", 0, "f", sep = ""),
                            heteroNames = "df")

  default.format$tau2 <- list(format = paste("tau-squared =", "% .", 4, "f",
                                              sep = ""),
                              heteroNames = "tau2")

  default.format$H <- list(format = paste("H =", "% .", 2, "f", sep = ""),
                           heteroNames = "H")

  default.format$H.ci <- list(format = paste("[", "%.", 2,  "f",  ",",
                                             "% .", 2, "f", "]", sep = ""),
                              heteroNames = c("H.lower", "H.upper"))

  default.format$I2 <- list(format = paste("I-Squared =", "% .", 2, "f", "%%",
                                            sep = ""),
                            heteroNames = "I2.per")

  default.format$I2.ci <- list(format = paste("[", "%.", 2,  "f", "%%",
                                              ",", "% .", 2,
                                              "f", "%%", "]", sep = ""),
                               heteroNames = c("I2.lower.per", "I2.upper.per"))

  if (any(metaClass == "metabinDF")) {
    if (any(metaClass == "groupedMetaDF")) {
      if (overallSum) {
        default.format$Q.CMH <-
            list(format = paste("Test for overall effect: ",
                                "Q = ", "%.", 2, "f", sep = ""),
                 heteroNames = "Q.CMH")
    } else {
      default.format$Q.CMH <-
          list(format = paste("Test for overall effect: ", "Q = ",
                              "%.", 2, "f", sep = ""),
               heteroNames = "Q.CMH")

  if (is.null(newLabel)) {
    label.format <- default.format
    hetero["I2.per"] <- hetero["I2"] * 100
    hetero["I2.lower.per"] <- hetero["I2.lower"] * 100
    hetero["I2.upper.per"] <- hetero["I2.upper"] * 100
  } else {
    label.format <- list()
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "Q")) {
      label.format$Q <- default.format$Q
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "p")) {
      label.format$p <- default.format$p
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "df")) {
      label.format$df <- default.format$df
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "tau2")) {
      label.format$tau2 <- default.format$tau2
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "H")) {
      label.format$H <- default.format$H
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "H.ci")) {
      label.format$H.ci <- default.format$H.ci
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "I2")) {
      label.format$I2 <- default.format$I2
      hetero["I2.per"] <- hetero["I2"] * 100
    if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "I2.ci")) {
      label.format$I2.ci <- default.format$I2.ci
      hetero["I2.lower.per"] <- hetero["I2.lower"] * 100
      hetero["I2.upper.per"] <- hetero["I2.upper"] * 100
    if (any(metaClass == "metabinDF")) {
      if (!any(names(newLabel) %in% "Q.CMH")) {
        label.format$Q.CMH <- default.format$Q.CMH
  label.desc <- lapply(label.format, do.call, what = "makeLabelDesc")
  label.desc <- c(label.desc, newLabel)
  lapply(label.desc, makeLabel, hetero = hetero)


### generate a set of hetero info to be used in heteroGen()
addStats <- function(stats, label, hetero) {
  if (inherits(stats, c("statsDesc", "labelDesc"))) {
    if (inherits(stats, "statsDesc")) {
      hetero.stats <- makeStats(statsDesc = stats, label = label)
    } else {
      hetero.stats <- makeLabel(labelDesc = stats, hetero = hetero)
  } else {
    hetero.stats <- sprintf(paste(as.character(stats), collapse = ""))
pmur002/metaplot documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:21 a.m.