
#' @title Get generate initial values
#' @description
#' Gets the gen_inits component of of a JAGS object.  
#' @param object a JAGS object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return The gen_inits component of object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{jaggernaut}}  
#' @export
gen_inits <- function (object, ...) {
  UseMethod("gen_inits", object)

#' @title Set generate initial values
#' @description
#' Sets the gen_inits component of a JAGS object.  
#' @usage
#' gen_inits(object) <- value
#' @param object a JAGS object.
#' @param value a function or NULL.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gen_inits}} and \code{\link{jaggernaut}}  
#' @export
"gen_inits<-" <- function (object, value) {
  UseMethod("gen_inits<-", object)

gen_inits.jagr_model <- function (object, ...) {
  return (object$gen_inits)

gen_inits_jagr_model <- function (object, ...) {
  return (gen_inits(object, ...))

#' @method gen_inits jags_model
#' @export
gen_inits.jags_model <- function (object, ...) {
    return (gen_inits(model(object), ...))
  lapply(models(object), gen_inits_jagr_model, ...)

#' @method gen_inits jags_analysis
#' @export
gen_inits.jags_analysis <- function (object, ...) {
  return (gen_inits(as.jags_model(object), ...))

"gen_inits<-.jagr_model" <- function (object, value) {
  if (!is.null(value)) {
    if (!is.function(value)) {
      stop ("gen_inits must be NULL or a function")
    args <- names(formals(value))
    if (!identical(args,c("data"))) {
      stop ("gen_inits argument must be named data")
  object$gen_inits <- value
  return (object)

#' @method gen_inits<- jags_model
#' @export
"gen_inits<-.jags_model" <- function (object, value) {
  if(is.list(value) && length(value) != nmodels(object))
    stop("if value is a list it must be the same length as the number of models in object")
    names(value) <- NULL
  models <- models(object)
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    if(!is.list(value)) {
      gen_inits(models[[i]]) <- value
    } else
      gen_inits(models[[i]]) <- value[[i]]
  models(object) <- models
  return (object)

"gen_inits<-.jagr_analysis" <- function (object, value) {
  stop("cannot replace gen_inits in a jagr_analysis object")
poissonconsulting/jaggernaut documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 11:10 p.m.