
Defines functions mr_model_code jmodels analyse_mr

Documented in analyse_mr mr_model_code

#' Mark-Recapture Model Code
#' Returns a string of the JAGS code
#' defining the mark-recapture model.
#' @return A string of the JAGS model code.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranmr}}
#' @examples
#' cat(mr_model_code())
#' @export
mr_model_code <- function() {
"model {

  psi ~ dunif(0,1) # inclusion parameter
  S ~ dunif(0,1) # annual survival
  p ~ dunif(0,1) # probability of (re)capture
  rho1 ~ dunif(0, 1) # probability recruit in first year

  b2 <- (1 - rho1) / (nYear - 1)
  rho[1] <- rho1
  for (yr in 2:nYear) {
    rho[yr] <- b2 / (1 - b2 * (yr - 1))

  for (i in 1:nFish) {
    w[i] ~ dbern(psi)
    z[i, 1] ~ dbern(rho[1])
    u[i, 1] <- z[i, 1] * w[i]
    y[i, 1] ~ dbern(u[i, 1] * p)
    for (j in 2:nYear) {
      q[i, j-1] <- 1 - z[i, j-1]
      z[i, j] ~ dbern(z[i, j-1] * S + rho[j] * prod(q[i, 1:(j-1)]))
      u[i, j] <- z[i, j] * w[i]
      y[i, j] ~ dbern(u[i, j] * p)
  for (i in 1:nYear) {
    N[i] <- sum(u[1:nFish, i])
  B <- nFish * psi * (1 - rho1) / (nYear - 1)

jmodels <- function() {
  model1 <- jaggernaut::jags_model(
derived_code = "data {
    for(i in 1:nYear) {
      prediction[i] <- N[i] * p
      observation[i] <- sum(y[1:nFish, i])
      simulation[i] ~ dbin(p, N[i])

      D_observation[i] <- pow(pow(observation[i], 0.5) - pow(prediction[i], 0.5), 2)
      D_simulation[i] <- pow(pow(simulation[i], 0.5) - pow(prediction[i], 0.5), 2)
    discrepancy <- sum(D_simulation) - sum(D_observation)
modify_data = function(data) {
  dat <- data.frame(Fish = data$Fish, Year = data$Year)
  dat$Recapture <- duplicated(paste(dat$ID, dat$Year))

  data$y <- reshape2::acast(dat, Fish ~ Year,
                            fun.aggregate = function(x) as.integer(length(x) != 0),
                            value.var = "Recapture")

  data$y <- rbind(data$y,matrix(0, ncol = data$nYear, nrow = data$nFish - nrow(data$y)))

  data$Fish <- NULL
  data$Year <- NULL

gen_inits = function(data) {
  inits <- list()
  inits$z <- array(1,dim(data$y))
  inits$w <- rep(1,data$nFish)
random_effects = list(u = c("Fish", "Year")),
select_data = c("Fish", "Year"),
monitor = c("psi", "p", "S", "rho1", "N", "B")

#' Analyse Mark-Recapture Data
#' Analyses mark-recapture data using a Bayesian Jolly-Seber
#' model to estimate the abundance, annual survival and (re)capture probability.
#' The data must be in the same format as the \code{\link{ferox}}
#' data provided with this package (only the Fish and Date columns are required).
#' @param x A data.frame of the mark-recapture data to analyse.
#' @param niters An integer of the minimum number of MCMC iterations to
#' perform.
#' @return A jags_analysis object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranmr}}
#' @export
analyse_mr <- function(x, niters = 10^5) {
  assert_that(is.count(niters) && noNA(niters))
  check_columns(x, c("Fish", "Date"))

  x <- process_mr_data(x)

  x$Year <- lubridate::year(x$Date)
  x$Year <- factor(x$Year, levels = min(x$Year):max(x$Year))

  x <- dplyr::select_(x, ~Fish, ~Year)

  jaggernaut::jags_analysis(jmodels(), x, niters = niters)
poissonconsulting/ranmr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:21 a.m.