#' @title Tabulation to display odds
#' @description
#' \code{tabodds} generates cross-tabulation between two variables and
#' display odds of failure \code{var_case} against a categorical
#' explanatory variable \code{var_exp}. It is used with cross-sectional
#' data.
#' @param var_case Case or outcome variable should be binary vector.
#' @param var_exp Exposure variable.
#' @param data a data frame object (Optional)
#' @param na.rm A logical value to specify missing values, <NA> in the table
#' @param rnd specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @param plot logical value to display plots of rates across a categorical
#' variable
#' @param print.table logical value to display formatted outputs
#' @details
#' The variable \code{var_case} should coded 1 for case and 0 for non-case.
#' A simple table illustrating cases and controls as well as odds for each
#' category is generated.
#' \strong{Calculating Odds}
#' \deqn{OR = d1 x h0 / d0 x h1}
#' \strong{Error Factor} (EF)
#' \deqn{EF = exp(1.96 x SE(log odds))}
#' \deqn{SE(log odds) = \sqrt{1/d + 1/h}}
#' @references
#' 1. Essential Medical Statistics, Betty R. Kirwood, Second
#' Edition
#' 2. Statistics Notes: The odds ratio; J Martin Bland, Douglas G Altman
#' BMJ 2000;320:1468
#' @keywords odds, odds ratio, frequency table, statistics, descriptive
#' @author Myo Minn Oo (Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com} |
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/})
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Asthma Example (page 160, Essential Medical Statistics)
#' asthma <- expandTables(c(81, 995, 57, 867),
#' exp_name = "Sex",
#' exp_lvl = c("Women", "Man"),
#' case_name = "Asthma",
#' case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"))
#' ## labelling
#' asthma <- labelData(asthma, "Hypothetical Data of Asthma Prevalence")
#' asthma <- labelVars(asthma,
#' c(Sex, Asthma), c("Man or Woman", "Asthma or No Asthma"))
#' ## Checking codebook
#' codebook(asthma)
#' ## Odds
#' tabodds(Sex, Asthma, asthma)
#' ## Odds ratios
#' mhodds(Sex, Asthma, asthma)
#' ## The odds ratio, J Martin Bland, Douglas G Altman, BMJ 2000;320:1468
#' hay <- expandTables(c(141, 420, 928, 13525),
#' exp_name = "eczema",
#' exp_lvl = c("Yes", "No"),
#' case_name = "hayFever",
#' case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"))
#' hay <- labelData(hay, "hay fever and eczema in 11 year old children")
#' hay <- labelVars(hay,
#' c(eczema, hayFever),
#' c("prevalence of eczema", "prevalence of hay fever"))
#' tabodds(eczema, hayFever, hay)
#' mhodds(eczema, hayFever, hay, "Yes")
#' }
#' @export
tabodds <- function(var_exp, var_case, data = NULL,
na.rm = FALSE, rnd = 3,
plot = TRUE,
print.table = TRUE)
arguments <- as.list(match.call())
exp_name <- deparse(substitute(var_exp))
case_name <- deparse(substitute(var_case))
if (!is.null(data)) {
var_exp <- eval(substitute(var_exp), data)
var_case <- eval(substitute(var_case), data)
na.rm <- ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")
t <- table(var_exp, var_case, useNA = na.rm)
case_lvl <- colnames(t)
odds <- t[,2] / t[,1]
SE <- sqrt((1/sum(t[, 2])) + (1/sum(t[, 1])))
EF <- exp(1.96 * SE)
lower <- odds / EF
upper <- odds * EF
t <- data.frame(cbind(t,
sprintf(odds, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
sprintf(lower, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
sprintf(upper, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f'))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(t) <- c(case_lvl, "odds",
"[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
if (print.table) {
paste0("Tabulation: ", exp_name, " ~ ", case_name, "\n",
"Note: showing odds with 95% CI"),
split = "Note:")
if (!is.null(attr(var_case, "label")) |
!is.null(attr(var_exp, "label"))) {
printMsg(paste0(exp_name, ": ",
attr(var_exp, "label"), collapse = ""))
printMsg(paste0(case_name, ": ",
attr(var_case, "label"), collapse = ""))
if (plot) {
by <- as.factor(row.names(t))
plot(by, odds, ylim = c(0, max(upper)),
main = paste0("Odds of ", exp_name, " among ",
xlab = exp_name,
ylab = "Odds")
nrow_by <- nrow(t)
graphics::segments(1:nrow_by, odds, 1:nrow_by, upper, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
graphics::segments(1:nrow_by, odds, 1:nrow_by, lower, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
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