
Defines functions add_datasource add_folders


add_folders <- function(basepath, foldername){
  if(!dir.exists(file.path(basepath, foldername, "data"))){
    dir.create(file.path(basepath, foldername, "data"), recursive = TRUE)
  if(!dir.exists(file.path(basepath, foldername, "docs"))){
    dir.create(file.path(basepath, foldername, "docs"), recursive = TRUE)

add_datasource <- function(basepath, datasource, add_large){

  # Not add source if large and flag is FALSE
  if(add_large == FALSE){
      if(datasource$large == TRUE){
        return("Data too large for download. Turn add_large = TRUE if you want to download.")

  # No link present, probably need login.
  if(is.null(datasource$link)|datasource$login == TRUE){
    return("No link to data or login required.")

  # Need to add support for this.
  if(length(datasource$link > 1)){
    return("More than one data link.")

  # create new folder
  add_folder(basepath, datasource$name)

  files_in_folder <- list.files(file.path(basepath, datasource$name, "data"), recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE)

  filename <- sapply(stringr::str_split(datasource$link, "/"), tail, 1)

  if(!filename %in% files_in_folder){
    # download file
    full_file_path <- file.path(basepath, datasource$name, "data", filename)
    download.file(url = datasource$link, destfile = full_file_path)

  if(tools::file_ext(filename) == "zip"){

    file_types_to_extract <- stringr::str_split(datasource$filefilter, "\\|")[[1]] %>% gsub("\\(|\\)", "", x=.)
    file_types_to_extract <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", x=datasource$filefilter)

    # read zip file and extract files to data folder
    zip_files_to_extract <- unzip(full_file_path, list = TRUE)

    # user-designated filter
    #zip_files_to_extract  <- zip_files_to_extract %>% filter(grepl(file_types_to_extract, Name)) %>% pull(Name)

    # filter away existing files
    zip_files_to_extract <- zip_files_to_extract[!(zip_files_to_extract %in% files_in_folder)]

    if(length(zip_files_to_extract) > 0){
      # extract files that was not found in the folder
      unzip(full_file_path, files = zip_files_to_extract, exdir = file.path(basepath, datasource$name, "data"))

#BASE_PATH <- "~/pgtest"

#test <- yaml.load_file("~/test.yaml")

#for(datasource in test$sites){
#  add_datasource(BASE_PATH, datasource, add_large = FALSE)
prio-data/priogrid documentation built on June 28, 2021, 5:34 a.m.