
#' @include internal.R pproto.R parameters.R

#' @export

#' Conservation problem modifier prototype
#' This super-prototype is used to represent prototypes that in turn are used to
#' modify a \code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object. Specifically, the
#' \code{\link{Constraint-class}}, \code{\link{Decision-class}},
#' \code{\link{Objective-class}}, and \code{\link{Target-class}} prototypes
#' inherit from this class. \strong{Only the most expert experts should use
#' this class directly because changes to these class will have profound and
#' far reaching effects.}
#' @section Fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{$name}{\code{character} name of object.}
#' \item{$parameters}{\code{list} object used to customize the modifier.}
#' \item{$data}{\code{list} object with data.}
#' \item{$compressed_formulation}{\code{logical} can this constraint be applied
#'    to the compressed version of the conservation planning problem?. Defaults
#'    to \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @section Usage:
#' \code{x$print()}
#' \code{x$show()}
#' \code{x$repr()}
#' \code{x$get_data(name)}
#' \code{x$set_data(name, value)}
#' \code{x$calculate(cp)}
#' \code{x$output()}
#' \code{x$apply(op,cp)}
#' \code{x$get_parameter(id)}
#' \code{x$get_all_parameters()}
#' \code{x$set_parameter(id, value)}
#' \code{x$render_parameter(id)}
#' \code{x$render_all_parameter()}
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{name}{\code{character} name for object}
#' \item{value}{any object}
#' \item{id}{\code{id} or \code{name} of parameter}
#' \item{cp}{\code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object}
#' \item{op}{\code{\link{OptimizationProblem-class}} object}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \describe{
#' \item{print}{print the object.}
#' \item{show}{show the object.}
#' \item{repr}{return \code{character} representation of the object.}
#' \item{get_data}{return an object stored in the \code{data} field with
#'   the corresponding \code{name}. If the object is not present in the
#'   \code{data} field, a \code{waiver} object is returned.}
#' \item{set_data}{store an object stored in the \code{data} field with
#'   the corresponding name. If an object with that name already
#'   exists then the object is overwritten.}
#' \item{calculate}{\code{function} used to perform preliminary calculations
#'   and store the data so that they can be reused later without
#'   performing the same calculations multiple times. Data can be stored
#'   in the \code{data} slot of the input \code{ConservationModifier} or
#'   \code{ConservationProblem} objects.}
#' \item{output}{\code{function} used to generate an output from the object.
#'   This method is only used for \code{\link{Target-class}} objects.}
#' \item{apply}{\code{function} used to apply the modifier to an
#'   \code{\link{OptimizationProblem-class}} object.
#'   This is used by \code{\link{Constraint-class}},
#'   \code{\link{Decision-class}}, and \code{\link{Objective-class}} objects.}
#' \item{get_parameter}{retrieve the value of a parameter.}
#' \item{get_all_parameters}{generate \code{list} containing all the
#'   parameters.}
#' \item{set_parameter}{change the value of a parameter to new value.}
#' \item{render_parameter}{generate a \emph{shiny} widget to modify the
#'   the value of a parameter (specified by argument \code{id}).}
#' \item{render_all_parameters}{generate a \code{\link[shiny]{div}}
#'   containing all the parameters" widgets.}
#' }
#' @name ConservationModifier-class
#' @aliases ConservationModifier

#' @export
ConservationModifier <- pproto(
  name = character(0),
  parameters = parameters(),
  data = list(),
  compressed_formulation = TRUE,
  calculate = function(self, y) {
  apply = function(self, x, y) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "OptimizationProblem"))
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(y, "ConservationProblem"))
    stop("no defined apply method")
  output = function(self) {
    stop("no defined output method")
  print = function(self) {
  show = function(self) {
  repr = function(self) {
    paste(self$name, gsub("[]", "", self$parameters$repr(), fixed = TRUE))
  get_data = function(self, x) {
    if (!x %in% names(self$data))
  set_data = function(self, x, value) {
    self$data[[x]] <- value
  get_parameter = function(self, x) {
  set_parameter = function(self, x, value) {
    self$parameters$set(x, value)
  render_parameter = function(self, x) {
  get_all_parameters = function(self) {
    structure(lapply(self$parameters, function(x) x$value),
      .Names = sapply(self$parameters, function(x) x$name),
      id = sapply(self$parameters, function(x) x$id))
  render_all_parameters = function(self) {
    shiny::div(class = class(self)[1], self$parameters$render_all())
prioritizr/prioritizrutils documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:20 p.m.