

get_beta <- function(betas, method) {

  if (method == "geometric-median") {
    # Weiszfeld's algorithm
    # probabilistically impossible to not converge in this situation?
    b.old <- rowMeans(betas)

    repeat {
      norm <- sqrt(colSums((betas - b.old)^2)) <- rowSums(sweep(betas, 2, norm, "/")) / sum(1 / norm)
      dif <- max(abs( - b.old))
      if (dif < 1e-10) break
      b.old <-
  } else if (method == "mean-wise") {
  } else if (method == "median-wise") {
    apply(betas, 1, stats::median)
  } else {
    stop("This method is not implemented.")


#' Cross-Model Selection and Averaging.
#' 1. This function separates the training set in `K` folds (e.g. 10).
#' 2. __In turn__,
#'     - each fold is considered as an inner validation set and the others
#'       (K - 1) folds form an inner training set,
#'     - the model is trained on the inner training set and the corresponding
#'       predictions (scores) for the inner validation set are computed,
#'     - the vector of scores which maximizes `feval` is determined,
#'     - the vector of coefficients corresponding to the previous vector of
#'       scores is chosen.
#' 3. The `K` resulting vectors of coefficients are then combined into one
#' vector (see the `method` parameter).
#' For "mean-wise" or "median-wise" method, tests sometimes crash. I haven't
#' been able to reproduce the bug.
#' @inheritParams bigstatsr-package
#' @param FUN Function that computes a linear scores for different
#' values along a regularization path. For now, this is relevant to
#' [big_spLinReg], [big_spLogReg] and [big_spSVM].
#' The corresponding `<FUN>.predict` function should exists.
#' @param K Number of folds that are used.
#' @param ... Extra parameters to be passed to FUN.
#' @param feval Customized evaluation function. You should always aim at
#' maximizing this function. If `feval` is like a loss function (which you
#' want to minimize), you should use its opposite instead.
#' Its only two arguments should be `pred` and `target` (e.g. [AUC]).
#' @param method Method for combining vectors of coefficients. The default uses
#' the [geometric median](
#' @return A vector of resulting coefficients (intercept excluded), which
#' corresponds to the training set. You might want to recompute an optimal
#' intercept if needed.
#' @export
big_CMSA <- function(FUN, feval, X, y.train,
                     ind.train = rows_along(X),
                     covar.train = NULL,
                     K = 10,
                     method = c("geometric-median", "mean-wise", "median-wise"),
                     ncores = 1,
                     ...) {

  assert_lengths(ind.train, y.train)
  assert_class(FUN, "function")
  assert_args(feval, "target")

  method <- match.arg(method)

  n <- length(ind.train)
  indCV <- sample(rep_len(1:K, n))

  if (ncores == 1) {
  } else {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
    on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
  cross.res <- foreach(ic = 1:K) %dopar% {

    in.val <- (indCV == ic)

    mod <- FUN(X, y.train[!in.val], ind.train[!in.val],
               covar.train[!in.val, ], ...)

    scores <- predict(mod, X, ind.row = ind.train[in.val],
                      covar.row = covar.train[in.val, ])

    list(betas = mod$beta, scores = scores)

  # Select best coefficients for each fold
  betas <- sapply(cross.res, function(x) {
    tmp <- x$scores
    ind <- as.numeric(rownames(tmp))
    stopifnot(all(ind %in% ind.train))
    ind2 <- match(ind, ind.train)
    seval <- apply(tmp, 2, feval, target = y.train[ind2])
    x$betas[, which.max(seval)]

  # "Average" these coefficients
  structure(get_beta(betas, match.arg(method)), class = "big_CMSA")

privefl/bigstatsr documentation built on March 29, 2024, 3:31 a.m.