
Defines functions copy_markers_from_D_to_C

#'   copy-markers-from-D-to-C()
#'   For copying Markers from Descript to Camtasia.
#'   Only copies into C main timeline.
#'   To keep any current C marker, move it onto a clip in a track 

#'  Step 1:  export transcript from D as markdown.
#'      Publish->Export->Transcript
#'      Toggle on Include markers
#'      Under Timecodes, toggle on Markers.
#'  Step 2: Make sure that the cmproj project is closed.
#'  Step 3: run  copy_markers_from_D_to_C() to extract the marker info.
#'      This will save a BACKUP inside cmproj, AND copy newFile over the
#'      previous tscproj
#'  Step 4:  reopen the project.
#'  This should work whether there were previously markers or not.
#'  If there were, they will be overwritten, which is what we want.


cmProjLocation = '/Users/Roger/Google Drive/_HOME/DUE/DUE tour video/'

copy_markers_from_D_to_C =  function(  
    cmProjName = 'DUE tour video, in progress'
)  {
  cmProjPath = paste0(cmProjLocation, cmProjName, '.cmproj/')
  transcriptPath = paste0(cmProjLocation,
                          'DUE tour video, in progress.md')
  tscprojPath = paste0(cmProjPath,  'project.tscproj')
  hasAnyMarkers = function(){
    0 == (system(intern = F, paste0( "grep '\"toc\"' '", tscprojPath, "'")))
  # make a BACKUP just in case
  system(paste0('cp "', tscprojPath, '" "', tscprojPath, '".BACKUP.',
                gsub("[: ]", "-", date()) ))
  # Does the tscprojPath already have any markers?
  tscprojFile = readLines(tscprojPath)
  if(! identical(length(grep('"toc"', tscprojFile))>0,  
                 hasAnyMarkers()  ) )
    warning('failed toc test')
  transcript = readLines(transcriptPath)
  markers = grep('^##', transcript, v=T)
  markerStrings = gsub('.*] ', '', markers)
  markerTimes = gsub('] .*', '', markers)
  markerTimes = gsub('##..', '', markerTimes)
  data.frame(markerTimes, markerStrings)
  markerTimesForCamtasia = sapply(
    strsplit(split = ':', markerTimes),
    function(tim) { #ignoring hours for now.
      paste0(tim[2], tim[3],'00')}
  markerMinutes = as.numeric(sapply(
    strsplit(split = ':', markerTimes),
    function(tim) { tim[2]}
  markerSeconds = as.numeric(sapply(
    strsplit(split = ':', markerTimes),
    function(tim) { tim[3]}
  DtoC_toc_time = function(minutes, seconds, frames=0)
    as.character((minutes*60*30 + seconds*30 + frames)* 2352)
  ### really 23520000  but need to avoid conversion to scientific notation
  markerTemplate = # 10 spaces, 12 spaces...
    '          {
            "endTime" : toc_time,
            "time" : toc_time,
            "value" : "markerString",
            "duration" : 0
  DtoC_toc_times = DtoC_toc_time(markerMinutes, markerSeconds)
  markerTemplateSubstituted = sapply(
                                       markerSeconds[ind]), '0000'), 
      'markerString', markerStrings[ind])
  #data.frame(DtoC_toc_times,markerTimes, markerMinutes, markerSeconds)
  markerTemplateSubstituted = paste(markerTemplateSubstituted, collapse=',\n')
  # cat(markerTemplateSubstituted, '\n')
  # writeLines(markerTemplateSubstituted,
  #            'DUE tour video/markers-from-D-to-C.txt')
  line_captionAttributes = grep('"captionAttributes"', tscprojFile)
  if(length(line_captionAttributes) !=1)
    warning("# if line_captionAttributes sis not ONE")
  # We ASSUME that the current markers are just before this
  postMarkerSection = tscprojFile[
    grep('"captionAttributes"', tscprojFile):length(tscprojFile)
  lines_toc = grep('"toc"', tscprojFile)
  #' Testing with quadrant\ info\ flow.cmproj/project.tscproj
  #' With no markers, no toc, and captionAttributes is there.
  #' With markers on main line and an object,
  #' the main line ones appear at the last toc section,
  #' without regard to temporal order.
  #' So we can safely (?) select the last toc.

  if(hasAnyMarkers()) {  ##
    preMarkerSection = tscprojFile[
      1:max(grep('"toc"', tscprojFile) - 2)
    ]    # skip "parameters" line;  added below.
  } else {
    preMarkerSection = tscprojFile[
      1: (grep('"captionAttributes"', tscprojFile) - 1)
  newFile <<- c(preMarkerSection, 
'    "parameters" : {
      "toc" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "keyframes" : [',
'       ]
    },', postMarkerSection
  writeLines(newFile, 'newFile.tscproj')
  writeLines(newFile, tscprojPath)
    # Now you can reopen the C project.
  system(paste('open "' , cmProjPath, '"'))
  #'  OK this works. I pasted the tscproj into a new txt file here, 
  #'  Then used writeLines to put markerTemplateSubstituted into pbcopy
  #'  Then pasted into appropriate place (search "toc")
  #'  Checked the boundaries.
  #'  And the project opened with all the markers.
  #'  Using vi was not successful.
professorbeautiful/DUE documentation built on April 25, 2024, 9:16 a.m.