prostarproteomics/DAPAR: Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R

The package DAPAR is a Bioconductor distributed R package which provides all the necessary functions to analyze quantitative data from label-free proteomics experiments. Contrarily to most other similar R packages, it is endowed with rich and user-friendly graphical interfaces, so that no programming skill is required (see `Prostar` package).

Getting started

Package details

Authorc(person(given = "Samuel", family = "Wieczorek", email = "", role = c("aut","cre")), person(given = "Florence", family ="Combes", email = "", role = "aut"), person(given = "Thomas", family ="Burger", email = "", role = "aut"), person(given = "Vasile-Cosmin", family ="Lazar", email = "", role = "ctb"), person(given = "Enora", family ="Fremy", email = "", role = "ctb"), person(given = "Helene", family ="Borges", email = "", role = "ctb"))
Bioconductor views DataImport GO MassSpectrometry Normalization Preprocessing Proteomics QualityControl
MaintainerSamuel Wieczorek <>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
prostarproteomics/DAPAR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2024, 6:32 p.m.