  echo = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE

  progress <- function(howmuch, detail){

Input Matrix

Experiment is called: r grp2$projectName

The Numbers

The protein matrix is filtered like this:



Proteins Used for Quantitation

missing <- grp2$getNrNAs()
int <- apply(grp2$proteinIntensity,1,sum, na.rm=TRUE)
grp2$proteinIntensity <- grp2$proteinIntensity[order(missing, -int,decreasing = T),]

The input matrix has the following structure (Figure \@ref(fig:overview)).


imageWithLabels(t(log2(grp2$proteinIntensity)), col.labels = NULL, col=quantable::getBlueScale(21))
barplot(cumsum(table(missing))/length(missing)*100, ylab="% of proteins", xlab="# of missing values per protein")
progress(0.1, "Summary")
mar <-par()$mar
par(mar = c(13,3,3,3))
barplot(quantable::colNAs(grp2$proteinIntensity)/nrow(grp2$proteinIntensity)*100, las=2, ylab="percent missing", cex.names=0.7)
par(mar= mar)


Distribution of Intensities

Shown in Figure \@ref(fig:distributionRaw) are the un-normalized values while in Figure \@ref(fig:normalized) are the z-transformed values (subtracted median and divided by variance).

longm <- melt(log2(grp2$proteinIntensity))

p <- qplot( variable , value , data=longm , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="log2(I)")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

Figure \@ref{fig:scaling} shows the median and standard deviations of the log2 transformed intensities. Large differences in these values are critical. These values are used to scale the samples.

bb <- grp2$getNormalized()$medians

barplot(sort(abs(bb))  - mean(bb) ,horiz=F,las=2, main="median", cex.names = 0.6, ylab="log2(sample average) - log2(total average)", ylim=c(-log2(8),log2(8)))
mtext("linear scale", side=4, line=2)
progress(0.2, "Normalization")

The effect of the normalization (z transformation) is visualized in Figure \@ref(fig:normalized). It shows the z transformed log2 intensities.

longm <- melt(grp2$getNormalized()$data)
p <- qplot( variable , value , data=longm , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="z-score")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))


if(nrow(grp2$getNormalized()$data) <= 10){


Coefficients of Variations

all <- quantable::CV(grp2$proteinIntensity)
CVs <- rbind(data.frame(condition="all", cv=all))

p <- qplot( condition , cv , data=CVs , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="Coefficient of Variation (%)")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
cvSummary <- aggregate(cv ~ condition , data=CVs , median, na.rm=TRUE)
knitr::kable(cvSummary,caption = 'median of cv')


all <- apply( grp2$getNormalized()$data, 1 , sd, na.rm=TRUE )
SDs <- rbind(data.frame(condition="all", sd=all))

p <- qplot( condition , sd , data=SDs , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="sd of z-score")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
sdSummary <-aggregate(sd ~ condition , data=SDs , median, na.rm=TRUE)
knitr::kable(sdSummary, caption = 'median of sd')

progress(0.1, "CVs")


Heatmaps and Clustering for Samples and Proteins

                  palette = getGreensScale(21),
                  margins = c(10,3))

In Figure \@ref(fig:heatmapData) and Figure \@ref(fig:correlation) we show how samples are clustering depending on their correlation and on the protein expression profiles.

tmp <- grp2$getNormalized()$data

plotMat <- grp2$getNormalized()$data[grp2$getNrNAs() < ncol(grp2$getNormalized()$data)/2,]
plotMat <- t(scale(t(plotMat),scale = F))
  margins=c(10,3) ,breaks=seq(-2.5,2.5,length=26),palette = getBlueWhiteRed(25)

progress(0.2, "Heatmaps")


This report was generated using the package SRMService and quantable. The q-values and p-values were computed using the bioconductor package limma and qvalue.

For questions and improvements please do contact the authors of the package SRMService.

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements

This document was generated using Rmarkdown and processes text files which are generated with a label-free quantitation software such as MaxQuant or Progenesis. The obtained results should be validated orthogonally as well (e.g. with Western blots). The Functional Genomics Center Zurich does not provide any kind of guarantee of the validity of these results.


Session Info


protViz/SRMService documentation built on Nov. 13, 2021, 9:58 a.m.