  echo = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE

  progress <- function(howmuch, detail){

grp2 <- eval(params$grp)



The following analysis compares protein signal intensities recorded in two groups of samples (Tables \@ref(tab:samples) and \@ref(tab:annotation)) by computing the fold change $log2(condition/reference)$ (difference between the means in both groups - also called effect size), and testing if it is different from zero. Table \@ref(tab:groupingvars) shows the group used as the reference.

The protein identification and quantification were performed using the MaxQuant software and Andromeda search engine [@Cox2008; @Cox2011]. Based on the proteinGroups.txt file we generated by MaxQuant; we run a set of functions implemented in the R package SRMService [@SRMService2018] to generate visualizations and to compute a moderated t-test [@Smyth2004] for all proteins quantified with at least r grp2$nrPeptides peptides, employing the R package limma [@Ritchie2015a].

Experiment summary

This report was is stored in the LIMS system bfabric [@Trker2010] in the project r grp2$projectID,
with the workunit name : r grp2$projectName.

This report was created from data stored in bfabric and can downloaded using:

The protein matrix is filtered with the following thresholds:

tab <- data.frame(table(grp2$getAnnotation()$Condition))
colnames(tab) <- c("Condition","# samples")
knitr::kable(tab, caption="Nr of samples in each condition.")

Table \@ref(tab:samples) shows the number of samples in each condition while Table \@ref(tab:annotation) shows the raw files assigned to the conditions. Finally, Table \@ref(tab:groupingvars) specifies which condition is used as reference (denominator in the log2 FC).

tab <- grp2$getAnnotation()[,c("Condition","Raw.file")]
rownames(tab) <- NULL
knitr::kable(tab, caption="Condition sample mapping.")
x <- data.frame(name = unlist(grp2$getConditions()))
knitr::kable(x, caption="The reference group is the denominator of the foldchanges.")


Quality Control

Missing Data and Intensity Distribution

Figure \@ref(fig:missingValuesPerProtein) A shows the number of proteins (y) axis with $0-N$ missing values (x - axis), while the histogram on the left (Panel B) shows the distribution of intensities of proteins with $0-N$ missing values.

missing <- grp2$getNrNAs()
int <- apply(grp2$proteinIntensity,1,sum, na.rm=TRUE)
grp2$proteinIntensity <- grp2$proteinIntensity[order(missing, -int,decreasing = T),]
missing <- data.frame(nrNAs = as.factor(grp2$getNrNAs()))
missing<-missing %>% group_by(nrNAs) %>% summarise(nrProteins = n())
p1 <- ggplot(missing, aes(x = nrNAs, y=nrProteins))  + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + labs(tag="A")
missingDF <- data.frame(nrNAs = as.factor(grp2$getNrNAs()),
                        meanArea = apply(grp2$proteinIntensity,1,sum, na.rm=TRUE))
p2<-ggplot(missingDF, aes(x = meanArea, fill = nrNAs, colour = nrNAs)) +
  geom_histogram(alpha = 0.2, position = "identity") + scale_x_log10() + labs(tag="B")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1,p2, nrow=1)

progress(0.1, "Summary")

Shown in Figure \@ref(fig:distributionRaw) are the distributions of raw log2 transformed protein intensity values for each sample. Ideally the violins should look very similar (have the same shape and span the same range).

longm <- melt(log2(grp2$proteinIntensity))

p <- qplot( variable , value , data=longm , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="log2(I)")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + coord_flip()

In Figure \@ref(fig:scaling) the log2 fold change of the average sample intensity versus the mean average intensity of all samples is shown. It is getting critical if a samples average deviates more than 5 times (linear scale) from the average of all samples.

bb <- grp2$getNormalized()$medians

barplot(sort(abs(bb))  - mean(bb) ,horiz=F,las=2, main="median", cex.names = 0.6, ylab="log2(sample average) - log2(total average)", ylim=c(-log2(8),log2(8)))
mtext("linear scale", side=4, line=2)
progress(0.2, "Normalization")


Figure \@ref(fig:normalized) shows the normalized values. Normalization is applied to remove systematic differences in protein abundance due to different sample concentrations, or different amount of sample loaded on column. Normalization is important, so that true differentially expressed proteins can be detected. To do this the z-score of the log2 transformed intensities is computed, which is updated by the average of the standard deviation of the log2 transformed intensities in all samples. After normalization all samples have a similar distribution.

longm <- melt(grp2$getNormalized()$data)
p <- qplot( variable , value , data=longm , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="z-score")
p + stat_summary(fun.y=median, geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + coord_flip()


The left panel of Figure \@ref(fig:SDViolin), show the coefficient of variations for all proteins in each condition and overall computed on not normalized data. To observe differences between conditions the variation within a condition should ideally be smaller than within all conditions.

cond1 <- grp2$getConditionData(grp2$conditions[1])
cond2 <- grp2$getConditionData(grp2$conditions[2])

cond1 <- quantable::CV(cond1,top= round(nrow(grp2$proteinIntensity)/20))
cond2 <- quantable::CV(cond2,top= round(nrow(grp2$proteinIntensity)/20))

all <- quantable::CV(grp2$proteinIntensity,top= round(nrow(grp2$proteinIntensity)/20))

arethereCVS <-(length(cond1) > 0 & length(cond2) > 0) & length(all) >0
if( arethereCVS)
  CVs <- rbind(data.frame(condition=grp2$conditions[1], cv=cond1),
               data.frame(condition=grp2$conditions[2],cv=cond2 ),
               data.frame(condition="all", cv=all))
  p <- qplot( condition , cv , data=CVs , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="Coefficient of Variation (%)")
  p1 <- p + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

The right panel of Figure \@ref(fig:SDViolin) shows the distributions of standard deviations for all proteins within the conditions and overall after transforming and scaling the data. To observe differences between conditions the standard deviation within a condition ideally should be smaller than within all conditions.

cond1 <- grp2$getNormalizedConditionData( grp2$conditions[1] )
cond2 <- grp2$getNormalizedConditionData( grp2$conditions[2] )

cond1 <- apply(cond1, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
cond2 <- apply(cond2, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)

all <- apply( grp2$getNormalized()$data, 1 , sd, na.rm=TRUE )
SDs<-rbind(data.frame( condition=grp2$conditions[1], sd=cond1), data.frame(condition=grp2$conditions[2],sd=cond2 ), data.frame(condition="all", sd=all))

p2 <- qplot( condition , sd , data=SDs , geom="violin" , xlab="" , ylab="sd of z-score")
p2 <- p2 + stat_summary(fun.y=median,geom='point') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1,p2, nrow=1)
sdSummary <-aggregate(sd ~ condition , data=SDs , median, na.rm=TRUE)

  cvSummary <- aggregate(cv ~ condition , data=CVs , median, na.rm=TRUE)
  knitr::kable(merge(cvSummary, sdSummary), caption = 'median of cv and sd')
  knitr::kable(sdSummary,caption = 'median of cv')

progress(0.1, "CVs")


Clustering for Samples and Proteins

col <- c("red","blue")
              palette = getGreensScale(21),
              RowSideColors = col[as.factor(grp2$getAnnotation()$Condition)], 
              margins = c(1,13), labRow =colnames(grp2$getNormalized()$data), labCol="", dendrogram="row" )

In Figure \@ref(fig:correlation) and Figure \@ref(fig:heatmapData) we show how samples are clustering depending on their correlation as well as the protein expression profiles. Side colors on the left side of the heatmaps indicate the groupings.

tmp <- grp2$getNormalized()$data
stmMm <- grp2$getNormalized()$data[grp2$getNrNAs() < ncol(grp2$getNormalized()$data)/2,]
simpleheatmap((scale(t(stmMm),scale = F)),RowSideColors = col[as.factor(grp2$getAnnotation()$Condition)], margins=c(1,10),
              palette = getBlueWhiteRed(25),
              labCol="", labRow=colnames(stmMm), dendrogram="row")
progress(0.2, "Heatmaps")


Two Group Analysis

In the following analysis, it is assumed that most of the proteins are not regulated (most log2 fold change should be around zero). P-values and Q-values are a measure of how likely it is to observe the data given the assumption that they are not differentially regulated. Small p-values tell us that $H_0$ (no regulation) is very unlikely. Figure \@ref(fig:densityOFFoldChanges), left panel, shows the distribution of fold changes. Most of the fold changes should be close to zero and also the median of all fold changes (red dashed line) should be close to zero (green line).

fcname <- paste("log2(", grp2$getConditions()$condition, "/", grp2$getConditions()$reference, ")", sep="")
res.eb <-grp2$getModPValuesCI()
plot(density(na.omit(res.eb$log2FC)), main="")
hist(res.eb$P.Value, breaks=20, xlab="moderated p-Value", main="")


If samples in both groups differ on protein level we expect more small p-values than by chance (Figure \@ref(fig:densityOFFoldChanges) right panel blue horizontal line). If there are only as many or less small p-values as by chance than no significant false discovery rate controlled calls (q-values) will be made in Figure \@ref(fig:volcanoplot). Significant calls are made with q-value smaller than r grp2$qvalue (see Figure \@ref(fig:volcanoplot)). Table \@ref(tab:nrsignificant) summarizes the number of significant calls while \@ref(tab:top20table) lists the 20 proteins with the smallest moderated q-values.

p1 <- quantable::volcano2GB(res.eb,
                            ylab="-log10(P Value)",
                            labels = "proteinID",
p1<-p1 + labs(tag="A") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

p2 <- quantable::volcano2GB(res.eb,
                           ylab="-log10(adj. P Value)",
                           labels = "proteinID",

p2 <-p2 + labs(tag="B") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

  p1<-quantable::addSpecialProteins(p1, res.eb, grp2$special, pvalue="P.Value")
  p2<-quantable::addSpecialProteins(p2, res.eb, grp2$special, pvalue= "adj.P.Val")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow=1)


tmp <- grp2$getResultTable()
x <- data.frame(table(abs(tmp$log2FC) > grp2$qfoldchange & tmp$adj.P.Val < grp2$qvalue))
if(length(x$Var1) == 2){
  x$Var1 <- c("Not Significant" , "Significant")
knitr::kable(x, caption = "Number of not significant and significant proteins (by adj.P.Val).")
tmp2 <- grp2$getModPValuesCI()
top20 <- tmp2 %>% dplyr::select( proteinID,log2FC,CI.L,CI.R, P.Value, adj.P.Val ) %>% arrange(P.Value) %>% head(20)
knitr::kable(top20, caption = "Top 20 proteins sorted by smallest Q Value (adj.P.Val). The effectSize column is the log2 FC of condition vs reference.")
tmp2 %>% arrange(P.Value) %>% head(20) -> top20CI
top20CI$proteinID <- with(top20CI,reorder(proteinID,P.Value, function(x){-x}))
ggplot(top20CI, aes(x = proteinID, y = log2FC,
                    ymin = CI.L, ymax = CI.R)) +
  geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = 'red' ) +
  geom_linerange() + geom_point() + coord_flip() + theme_minimal()
results <- grp2$getResultTable()
NAinfo <- c(sum([, grp2$getConditions()$reference])) , 
            sum([, grp2$getConditions()$condition])) )
NAinfo <- data.frame(name = unlist(grp2$getConditions()), nrProteins = NAinfo)
missingInOne <- "Grp2Analysis_MissingInOneCondition.Rmd" 
if (!sum(NAinfo$nrProteins > 0) > 0) {
  missingInOne <- "Empty.Rmd"

Data Interpretation

For interpreting the results in the r paste0("MaxQuant_report", grp2$projectName, ".csv") file, the protein IDs can be either sorted by log2FC or P.Value (See Table \@ref(tab:columnlist)). Large positive or negative fold changes typically result in small p-values therefore we suggest sorting by foldchange.

The IDs sorted by fold change can then be subjected to gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Alternatively, a subset filtered by q-value can be analysed using over-representation analysis (ORA). The web application WebGestalt (WEB-based GEne SeT AnaLysis Toolkit) implements both of these methods (and even more) for the most popular organisms [@Wang2017].

Overrepresentation analysis is performed on biological functional categories (e.g., biological processes of gene ontology annotations) or on biological pathways (e.g., KEGG or Wikipathways). Using such methods allows identifying functions or pathways for proteins in the submitted list. For the correct usage and interpretation of the results from such an analysis, it is essential to specify the background proteome. The background proteome is the list of all proteins identified in your experiment.

A further resource to analyze the results is the STRING database [@Szklarczyk2017]. It reports known and predicted interactions for proteins in the submitted list.

The FGCZ can support you, with the interpretation of your quantitative proteomics data or with a more customized analysis. Further visualization of the data, targeted to your audience, e.g., receiver operator curves (ROC) or MA-plots, can be generated. You can reach the proteome-bioinformatics team at


knitr::kable(data.frame(columns=colnames(grp2$getResultTableWithPseudo())), caption="List of column names in result .csv table.")


The obtained results should be validated orthogonal as well (e.g. with Western blots). The Functional Genomics Center Zurich does not provide any kind of guarantee for the validity of the results.

For questions and improvement suggestions, with respect to this report, please do contact

Session Inforamtion



protViz/SRMService documentation built on Nov. 13, 2021, 9:58 a.m.