Man pages for prybakowska/CytoQP
Cytometry data quality control and cleaninig

aggregate_filesDeconvolute and aggregate debarcoded files
aof_scoringCalculates AOF scores and scaled AOF scores
baseline_fileCreates baseline file for bead normalization
bead_normalizeBead-based normalization
clean_filesClean flow rate and signal
debarcode_filesDebarcodes files
dot-make_breaksCalculates breaks for flow frame splitting
dot-plot_flowratePlots flow rate
dot-split_flowFramesCalculates beginning and end of each flow frame. Code from...
extract_pctgs_msi_per_flowsom#' Extracts percentages and MSI for cell populations #' #'...
file_outlier_detecionDetects outliers based on sample quality scores
file_quality_checkCheck the quality of acquired files
find_mass_chFinds all the mass/fluorochrome channels for the flow frame
fsom_aofPrepares FlowSOM
gate_intact_cellsGate intact cells
gate_live_cellsGate live cells
gate_singlet_cellsGate singlet cells
grid_arrange_common_legendPlot listed plots with one common legend
meta_dataMeta data containing information about sample aquisition,...
normalize_REFNormalize the data
plot_2D_scatter_plotsPlot 2D scatter plots
plot_batchVisualize batch using umap dimensional reduction
plot_batch_using_freq_msiPlot the distribution of the features across batches in two...
plot_marker_quantilesPlots quantiles for the markers
prepare_data_for_plottingPrepares data for plotting cell frequency and MSI
scaled_aof_scoreCalculates scaled aof scores and sample quality scores
split_big_flowFramesSplit big flow frames into smaller fcs files
test_match_orderTests the order of the files
train_REF_modelNormalize using reference sample
prybakowska/CytoQP documentation built on June 28, 2022, 12:36 a.m.