debarcode_files: Debarcodes files

View source: R/files_debarcoding.R

debarcode_filesR Documentation

Debarcodes files


Performs sample debarcoding.


  cores = 1,
  file_score = NULL,
  out_dir = NULL,
  min_threshold = TRUE,
  threshold = 0.18,
  to_plot = TRUE,
  barcodes_used = NULL,
  less_than_th = FALSE,
  barcode_key = NULL



Character, full path to fcs_files.


Number of cores to be used


Character vector with batch label for each fcs_file, the order and the length needs to be the same as in fcs_files. If only batch is processed can be prepared as e.g. file_batch_id <- rep("batch", length(files))


Data frame with quality scores obtained from file_quality_check.Default set to NULL.


Character, pathway to where the plots should be saved, only if argument to_plot = TRUE, default is set to working directory


Logical, if the minimal threshold for barcoding should be applied.Default set to TRUE.


Numeric, value for the minimum threshold for debarcoding, default is set to 0.18, only if min_threshold set to TRUE.


Logical, if plots for yields and debarcoding quality should be plotted.


Character vector with the names of the barcodes that were used, eg. barcode 1 is the same as A1. Or a list with the barcodes name per batch. If NULL (default) all the barcodes contained in sample_key will be used, regarding the batch.


Logical, if the name of the files for which lower threshold than set in parameter threshold was detected. Default is set to FALSE.


matrix as in CATALYST::assignPrelim, the debarcoding scheme. A binary matrix with sample names as row names and numeric masses as column names OR a vector of numeric masses corresponding to barcode channels. When the latter is supplied, 'assignPrelim' will create a scheme of the appropriate format internally.


Save debarcoded fcs files in out_dir. If parameter to_plot set to TRUE, save plots for yields and debarcodig quality in out_dir. If less_than_th set to TRUE, save file names for which threshold lower than in parameter threshold was detected "files_with_lower_debarcoding_threshold.RDS" in out_dir.


# Set input directory
clean_dir <- file.path(dir, "Cleaned")

# Define files for debarcoding
files <- list.files(clean_dir,
                   pattern = "_cleaned.fcs$",
                   full.names = TRUE)

# Read in file scores if calculated
file_scores <- readRDS(list.files(path = dir,
                                 recursive = TRUE,
                                 full.names = TRUE,
                                 pattern = "Quality_AOF_score.RDS"))

# Define file batch ID for each file
file_batch_id <- stringr::str_match(basename(files),

# Read in metadata
md <- utils::read.csv(file.path(dir, "RawFiles", "meta_data.csv"))

# read in barcode key
sample_key <- CATALYST::sample_key
# Extract information about barcodes used in each batch
barcodes_list <- list()
for (batch in unique(file_batch_id)){
 idx <- md[md[,"BATCH"] == batch, "BARCODE"]
 barcodes_list[[batch]] <- rownames(sample_key)[idx]

# Debarcode files
debarcode_files(fcs_files = files,
               out_dir = NULL,
               file_score = file_scores,
               min_threshold = TRUE,
               barcodes_used = barcodes_list,
               file_batch_id = file_batch_id,
               less_than_th = TRUE,
               barcode_key = sample_key)

prybakowska/CytoQP documentation built on June 28, 2022, 12:36 a.m.