
Defines functions make_driver

Documented in make_driver

#' Makes light model driver files
#' @description This function compiles NLDAS light data and MODIS LAI
#' @param site_locs A table with Site_ID, Lat, and Lon, and the coordinate
#' reference system designated as an EPSG code. For example, the most common 
#' geographic system is WGS84 and its EPSG code is 4326
#' @param NLDAS_processed Output from the NLDAS_proc function
#' @param MOD_processed Output from the
#' @param write_output Binary indicating whether to write each individual driver
#' file to disk. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param save_dir Optional parameter when write_output = TRUE. The save directory 
#' for files to be placed in. For example, "C:/
#' @return Returns a driver time series
#' @export

#Function for making model driver files
#Created 11/30/2017
make_driver <- function(site_locs, NLDAS_processed, MOD_processed, write_output = FALSE, save_dir = NULL){
  #Find sites that have both NLDAS and MODIS data
    site_intersect <- Reduce(intersect, list(names(NLDAS_processed), names(MOD_processed),
      site_locs[, "Site_ID"]))

  #Function for merging and making a driver file
    driver_merge <- function(Site, write_output, save_dir){
      #Merging all of the dataframes together where all data is present
        merged <- merge(NLDAS_processed[[Site]], MOD_processed[[Site]], by = c("Year",

      #Placing the data in the correct order
        ordered <- merged[order(merged[, "Year"], merged[, "DOY"], merged[, "Hour"]), ]

      #Converting from UTC to local time
        #Adding POSIX time column in UTC
          ordered$UTC_time <- as.POSIXct(paste(ordered[, "Date"], " ", sprintf("%02d",
            ordered[, "Hour"]), sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H", tz = "UTC")

        #Getting the name of the local timezone
          Lat <- site_locs[site_locs[, "Site_ID"] == Site, "Lat"]
          Lon <- site_locs[site_locs[, "Site_ID"] == Site, "Lon"]
          site_crs <- site_locs[site_locs[, "Site_ID"] == Site, "epsg_crs"]
          tz_name <- get_tz(Lat = Lat, Lon = Lon, site_crs = site_crs)

        #Convert UTC to local time
          ordered$local_time <- as.POSIXct(format(ordered[, "UTC_time"], format =
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = tz_name), tz = tz_name)

        #Calculate offset (used by solar_c function)
          offset <- as.numeric(ordered[, "local_time"] - as.POSIXct(format(ordered[, "local_time"],
            format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tz = "UTC"))

          if(Lon < 0){offset <- -offset}

        #Make a new table with all of the local time information
          local <- setNames(data.frame(ordered[, "local_time"], offset,
            as.numeric(strftime(ordered[, "local_time"], format = "%Y", tz = tz_name)),
            as.numeric(strftime(ordered[, "local_time"], format = "%j", tz = tz_name)),
            as.numeric(strftime(ordered[, "local_time"], format = "%H", tz = tz_name)),
            ordered[, "SW"], ordered[, "LAI_proc"]),
            c("local_time", "offset", "Year", "DOY", "Hour", "SW_inc", "LAI"))

      #Assembling the final table
        #Making jday so I have a unique identifier
          local$jday <- as.matrix(as.numeric(paste(local[, "Year"],
            sprintf("%03d", local[, "DOY"]), sep = "")))

          final <-  local[, c("local_time", "offset", "jday", "Year", "DOY", "Hour",
            "SW_inc", "LAI")]

        #If write_output == TRUE, save the driver to disk
          if(write_output == TRUE){
            saveRDS(final, paste0(save_dir, "/", Site, "_driver.rds"))
          } else{
          } #End if else statement
    } #End driver_merge function

  #Apply the function to make all driver files
    if(write_output == TRUE){
      lapply(site_intersect, FUN = driver_merge, write_output = write_output, save_dir = save_dir)
    } else{
      driver_final <- lapply(site_intersect, FUN = driver_merge, write_output = write_output)
        names(driver_final) <- site_intersect
    } #End if else statement

} #End make_driver function
psavoy/StreamLightUtils documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 9:35 a.m.