
Defines functions run_multi_LWFB90

Documented in run_multi_LWFB90

#' Make a multirun simulation using a set of variable input parameters.
#' Wrapper function for \code{\link{run_LWFB90}} to make multiple simulations
#' parallel, with varying input parameters.
#' @param paramvar Data.frame of variable input parameters. For each row, a
#'   simulation is performed, with the elements in \code{param_b90} being
#'   replaced by the respective column of \code{paramvar}. All parameter names
#'   (column names) in \code{paramvar} must be found in \code{param_b90}. See
#'   section \code{Parameter updating}.
#' @param param_b90 Named list of parameters, in which the parameters defined in
#'   \code{paramvar} will be replaced.
#' @param paramvar_nms Names of the parameters in \code{paramvar} to be replaced
#'   in \code{param_b90}.
#' @param cores Number of CPUs to use for parallel processing. Default is 2.
#' @param show_progress Logical: Show progress bar? Default is TRUE. See also
#'   section \code{Progress bar} below.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{run_LWFB90}}: provide
#'   at least the arguments that have no defaults such as \code{options_b90} and
#'   \code{climate}).
#' @return A named list with the results of the single runs as returned by
#'   \code{\link{run_LWFB90}}. Simulation or processing errors are passed on.
#' @section Parameter updating:
#' The transfer of values from a row in \code{paramvar} to \code{param_b90}
#' before each single run simulation is done by matching names from
#' \code{paramvar} and \code{param_b90}. In order to address data.frame or
#' vector elements in \code{param_b90} by a column name in \code{paramvar}, the
#' respective column name has to be set up from its name and index in
#' \code{param_b90}. To replace, e.g., the 2nd value of \code{ths} in the
#' \code{soil_materials} data.frame, the respective column name in
#' \code{paramvar} has to be called 'soil_materials.ths2'. In order to replace
#' the 3rd value of \code{maxlai} vector in \code{param_b90}, the column has to
#' be named 'maxlai3'.
#' @section Data management:
#' The returned list of single run results can become very large, if many
#' simulations are performed and the selected output contains daily resolution
#' data sets, especially daily layer-wise soil moisture data. To not overload
#' memory, it is advised to reduce the returned simulation results to a minimum,
#' by carefully selecting the output, and make use of the option to pass a list
#' of functions to \code{\link{run_LWFB90}} via argument \code{output_fun}.
#' These functions perform directly on the output of a single run simulation,
#' and can be used for aggregating model output on-the-fly, or for writing
#' results to a file or database. The regular output of
#' \code{\link{run_LWFB90}} can be suppressed by setting \code{rtrn.output =
#' FALSE}, for exclusively returning the output of such functions.
#' @section Progress bar:
#' This function provides a progress bar via the package \CRANpkg{progressr} if
#' \code{show_progress=TRUE}. The parallel computation is then wrapped with
#' \code{progressr::with_progress()} to enable progress reporting from
#' distributed calculations. The appearance of the progress bar (including
#' audible notification) can be customized by the user for the entire session
#' using \code{progressr::handlers()} (see \code{vignette('progressr-intro')}).
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/run_multi_LWFB90-help.R
run_multi_LWFB90 <- function(paramvar,
                             paramvar_nms = names(paramvar),
                             cores = 2,
                             show_progress = TRUE,

  if(cores > parallelly::availableCores()) {
    warning(paste("Can not run on", cores, "cores. Will use only", parallelly::availableCores(),
               "available core(s)." ))
    cores <- parallelly::availableCores()

  # to pass CRAN check Notes
  `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  i <- NULL

  nRuns <- nrow(paramvar)

  # determine list and vector elements in param_b90
  is_ll <- lapply(param_b90, function(x) is.list(x) | length(x) > 1 )

  # which of paramvar's columns belong to the list-parameters?
  param_ll <- sapply(names(param_b90[names(is_ll)[which(is_ll == TRUE)]]),
                     simplify = FALSE,
                     FUN = function(x) {
                       which(grepl(x,paramvar_nms, fixed = TRUE) &

  # determine number of nonzero list entries
  param_ll_len <- length(param_ll[sapply(param_ll, function(x) length(x) > 0)])

  # check if all the names of paramvar can be found in param_b90
  if (param_ll_len > 0L) { #length > 1 included in paramvar
    # remove zeros
    param_ll <- param_ll[sapply(param_ll, function(x) length(x) > 0)]
    singlepar_nms <- paramvar_nms[-unlist(param_ll)]
    nms <- c(names(param_ll), paramvar_nms[-unlist(param_ll)])
  } else {
    singlepar_nms <- paramvar_nms
    nms <- paramvar_nms

  if (!all(nms %in% names(param_b90))) {
    stop( paste( "Not all names of 'paramvar' were found in 'param_b90'! Check names:",
                 paste(nms[which(!nms %in% names(param_b90))], collapse =", ") ))

  # set up Cluster and foreach-Loop --------------------------------------------
  # plan multisession does makeClusterPSOCK() in the background
  # cluster is stopped automagically on exit
  # a future plan that might have existed before will be restored on exit
  oplan <- future::plan(future::multisession, workers=cores)
  on.exit(future::plan(oplan), add=TRUE)

  foreach_loop <- function(){

      i = 1:nRuns,
      .final = function(x) stats::setNames(x, paste0("RunNo.", 1:nRuns)),
      .errorhandling = "pass",
      .export = "param_b90") %dopar% {

        # replace single value parameters
        param_b90[match(singlepar_nms, names(param_b90))] <- paramvar[i, match(singlepar_nms, paramvar_nms, nomatch = 0)]

        # replace parameters in data.frames and vector elements
        if (param_ll_len > 0) {
          for (l in 1:length(param_ll)){
            list_ind <- which(names(param_b90) == names(param_ll)[l])
            param_b90[[list_ind]] <- replace_vecelements(param_b90[[list_ind]],
                                                         varnms = paramvar_nms[param_ll[[l]]],
                                                         vals = unlist(paramvar[i, unlist(param_ll[[l]])]))

        # Run LWFBrook90
        res <- run_LWFB90(param_b90 = param_b90, ...)



  # with progressbar if wanted
      increment_progressbar <- progressr::progressor(steps=nRuns)
      results <- foreach_loop()
  } else {
    increment_progressbar <- function(){}
    results <- foreach_loop()

pschmidtwalter/LWFBrook90R documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:58 a.m.