
#' Cluster trajectories.
#' @param x A vector of measurement times.
#' @param y A vector of measurement values.
#' @param id A vector of trajectory IDs for each (x, y) pair.
#' @param ngroups The number of clusters to estimate.
#' @param xrange The lower and upper bounds of the measurement times.
#' @param nbasis The number of basis functions to use.
#' @param amp The amplitude of the correlation model.
#' @param bw The bandwidth of the correlation model.
#' @param noise The observation standard deviation.
#' @param bmean Normal mean parameter for parametric random effects.
#' @param bcov Normal covariance parameter for parametric random effects.
#' @param verbose Logical flog indicating whether to print convergence
#' information.
#' @param model Continue to fit this model. Providing this argument
#' causes most of the others to be ignored.
#' @export
trajclust <- function(x, y, id, ngroups, xrange=range(x), nbasis,
                      amp, bw, noise, bmean=NULL, bcov=NULL,
                      verbose=TRUE, maxiter=1e3, model=NULL) {

  curveset <- make_curveset(x, y, id)

  if (is.null(model)) {
    basis <- bspline_basis(xrange, nbasis, TRUE)

    hyper <- expand.grid(amp=amp, bw=bw, noise=noise)
    iter_msg <- paste0("(%0", nchar(as.character(nrow(hyper))), "d / %d : %4.1f%%)")
    models <- NULL

    for (i in 1:nrow(hyper)) {
      a <- hyper$amp[i]
      b <- hyper$bw[i]
      n <- hyper$noise[i]

      iter_str <- sprintf(iter_msg, i, nrow(hyper), 100 * i / nrow(hyper))
      msg(sprintf("%s Fitting with hyperparameters (amp=%.01f, bw=%.01f, noise=%.01f).", iter_str, a, b, n))

      covariance <- squared_exp_covariance(a, b, n)
      model <- new_trajclust_model(ngroups, nbasis, basis, covariance, bmean, bcov)

      model$train_info$xrange <- curveset$xrange
      model$train_info$yrange <- curveset$yrange
      model$train_info$amp <- a
      model$train_info$bw <- b
      model$train_info$noise <- n

      model <- init_trajclust_model(curveset, model)
      em <- run_em(curveset, model, tol=1e-1, maxiter=maxiter, verbose=FALSE)
      model <- em$model
      model$train_info$likelihood <- em$likelihood
      models <- c(models, list(model))

    msg("Tuning model with highest likelihood.")
    likelihoods <- vapply(models, function(m) m$train_info$likelihood, numeric(1))
    model <- models[[which.max(likelihoods)]]

  run_em(curveset, model, tol=1e-5, maxiter=maxiter, verbose=verbose)
pschulam-attic/trajclust documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:32 a.m.