
Defines functions monthFactor.zoo monthFactor.Date monthFactor

Documented in monthFactor monthFactor.Date monthFactor.zoo

# Functions for working with months

MONTH_LEVELS = c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")

#'  Create month factor from zoo or xts object
#'  Given a zoo or xts object, return a month factor
#'  based on the index. Factor levels are Jan, Feb, Mar, ...
#'  TODO: Really, there should be monthFactor.zoo,
#'    monthFactor.xts, monthFactor.Date, monthFactor.character, monthFactor.integer, etc.
#' @param z The zoo or xts object
#' @return Factor with levels Jan, Feb, Mar, ...
#' @seealso months
#' @export
monthFactor = function(x, ...) UseMethod("monthFactor", x)

#' @rdname monthFactor
#' @export
monthFactor.Date = function(d) {
  ## ensure(d, lubridate::is.Date)

  factor(base::months(d, abbreviate=TRUE), levels = MONTH_LEVELS)

#' @rdname monthFactor
#' @export
monthFactor.zoo = function(z) {
  ensure(z, zoo::is.zoo(.))


#' @rdname monthFactor
#' @export
monthFactor.character = function(ch) {
  i = monthNumber(ch)
  factor(MONTH_LEVELS[i], levels = MONTH_LEVELS)

#' @rdname monthFactor
#' @export
monthFactor.yearmon = function(ym) {
  i = monthNumber(ym)
  factor(MONTH_LEVELS[i], levels = MONTH_LEVELS)

#'  Convert month in character format to integer (1, ..., 12)
#' @param x Can be a number (1, ..., 12), name ("jan", "feb", ...),
#'    futures month code ("F", "G", "H", ...),
#'    Date, or yearmon.
#'    Case is ignored for character arguments.
#' @return Month number (1L, ..., 12L)
#' @export
monthNumber = function(x, ...) UseMethod("monthNumber", x)

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.default = function(x) {
  stop("Cannot interpret ", class(x), " as month")

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.integer = function(x) x

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.numeric = function(x) as.integer(x)

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.character = function(s) {
  map = list(
    f = 1, g = 2, h = 3,
    j = 4, k = 5, m = 6,
    n = 7, q = 8, u = 9,
    v = 10, x = 11, z = 12,
    jan = 1, feb = 2, mar = 3,
    apr = 4, may = 5, jun = 6,
    jul = 7, aug = 8, sep = 9,
    oct = 10, nov = 11, dec = 12 )

  num = map[tolower(s)]
  if (any(sapply(num, is.null))) {
    stop("Cannot translate month name(s): ", s[sapply(num, is.null)])
  as.integer(unlist(num))   # Strip off names

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.Date = function(d) {
  as.integer(as.POSIXlt(d)$mon + 1)

#' @rdname monthNumber
#' @export
monthNumber.yearmon = function(d) {
  round(12 * (as.numeric(d) - as.integer(d))) + 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------

#'  Return a futures month code
#' @param m A month number, month name, Date, or yearmon
#' @return One-character futures month code,
#'    F = Jan, G = Feb, H = March, etc.
#' @export
monthCode = function(m) {
    n = monthNumber(m)
    c("F", "G", "H",
      "J", "K", "M",
      "N", "Q", "U",
      "V", "X", "Z")[n]

# --------------------------------------------------------------

# monthName = function(x) ...

# --------------------------------------------------------------

#'  Serial number of a month
#'  Given a date or a year/month combination,
#'  return the number of months since Jan 1, 1970.
#' @param x Method dependent
#' @return A serial integer for the month
#' @export
monthIndex = function(x, ...) UseMethod("monthIndex", x)

#' @export
monthIndex.default = function(x, ...) {
  fatal("Cannot convert ", class(x)[[1]], " to month index")

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndex.Date = function(x) {
  lt = as.POSIXlt(x)
  years = lt$year + 1900 - 1970
  12*years + lt$mon

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndex.POSIXlt = function(x) {
  years = x$year + 1900 - 1970
  12*years + x$mon

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndex.integer = function(year, month) {
  12*(year - 1970) + month - 1

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndex.numeric = function(year, month) {
  12*(year - 1970) + month - 1

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndex.yearmon = function(x) {
  round(12 * (as.numeric(x) - 1970))

#' @rdname monthIndex
#' @export
monthIndexToDate = function(mi) {
  month = (mi %% 12) + 1
  year = (mi %/% 12) + 1970
  as.Date(ISOdate(year, month, 1))
pteetor/tutils documentation built on March 23, 2024, 5:29 a.m.