# dps to test to
n <- 4
df1 <- data.frame(startage = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L),
pops = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L))
df1_cum <- data.frame(pops_used = c(787954, 780894, 745835, 698861, 650372, 607153, 568592,
522583, 465375, 403940, 348339, 298130, 241714, 195303,
155483, 117505, 80466, 47178, 23872, 11936),
dths_used = c(9357, 9340, 9331, 9327, 9319, 9299, 9284,
9260, 9227, 9177, 9106, 9006, 8843, 8580,
8276, 7740, 6868, 5478, 3873, 1937))
df2 <- data.frame(startage = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L, 65L),
pops = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37039L,
33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L, 37978L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L, 536L))
df3 <- data.frame(startage = c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10 – 14", "15 – 19", "20 – 24", "25 – 29",
"30 – 34", "35 – 39", "40 – 44", "45 – 49", "50 – 54",
"55 – 59", "60 – 64", "65 – 69", "75 – 79", "80 – 84",
"85 – 89", "90 +", "70 – 74"),
pops = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L, 37039L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L, 872L))
df_neg_deaths <- data.frame(age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L),
pop = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, -5L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L))
df_zero_pop <- data.frame(age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L),
pop = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 0L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L))
df_deaths_greater_pops <- data.frame(age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L),
pop = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 119L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L))
df_missing_age <- data.frame(age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L),
pop = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 38561L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L))
df_low_pops <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L),
pop = c(128L, 152L, 120L, 176L, 194L, 180L, 145L, 149L, 107L, 185L,
165L, 109L, 100L, 122L, 133L, 189L, 123L, 121L, 147L,
deaths = c(58L, 93L, 78L, 94L, 59L, 71L, 80L, 73L, 69L, 72L, 91L, 69L,
78L, 71L, 54L, 91L, 82L, 53L, 50L, 84L))
df_widecis_plus <- data.frame(area = c(rep("Area 1", 20), rep("Area 2", 20)),
startage = rep(c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L), 2),
pops = rep(c(270L, 235L, 246L, 248L, 243L, 238L, 246L, 257L,
261L, 355L, 350L, 356L, 346L, 339L, 337L,
337L, 333L, 323L, 311L, 311L), 2),
deaths = rep(c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 51L, 10L, 16L,
26L, 30L, 36L, 22L, 13L, 5L, 6L, 1L), 2)) %>%
df_widecis_plus$deaths[df_widecis_plus$area == "Area 1" & df_widecis_plus$startage == 90] <- 312
df_grouped_with_warnings <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
area = c(rep("Good data", 20),
rep("Negative deaths", 20),
rep("Negative pops", 20),
rep("Deaths more than pops", 20),
rep("Low pops", 20),
rep("Missing age band", 19)),
age = c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L,
60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L, 0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L,
25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L,
90L, 0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L,
55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L, 0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L,
20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L,
85L, 90L, 0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L,
55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L, 90L, 0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L,
20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L, 45L, 50L, 55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L,
pop = c(7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 43219L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L,
37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L, 7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L,
43219L, 43219L, 46009L, 57208L, 61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L,
46411L, 39820L, 37978L, 37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L,
7060L, 35059L, 46974L, -10L, 43219L, 43219L, 46009L, 57208L,
61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L, 37039L,
33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L, 7060L, 35059L, 46974L, 48489L,
43219L, 43219L, 46009L, 57208L, 61435L, 55601L, 50209L, 56416L,
46411L, 39820L, 37978L, 37039L, 33288L, 23306L, 11936L, 11936L,
100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L,
100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 100L, 7060L,
35059L, 46974L, 48489L, 43219L, 43219L, 46009L, 57208L, 61435L,
55601L, 50209L, 56416L, 46411L, 39820L, 37978L, 37039L, 33288L,
23306L, 11936L),
deaths = c(17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L,
263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L, 17L, 9L,
-2L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L, 263L, 304L,
536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L, 1937L, 17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L,
24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L, 263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L,
1605L, 1936L, 1937L, 17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 50000L, 24L, 33L,
50L, 71L, 100L, 163L, 263L, 304L, 536L, 872L, 1390L, 1605L, 1936L,
1937L, 17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L, 15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 80L, 80L,
80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 17L, 9L, 4L, 8L, 20L,
15L, 24L, 33L, 50L, 71L, 100L, 163L, 263L, 304L, 536L, 872L,
1390L, 1605L, 1936L))
answer1 <- round(data.frame(value = c(80.16960813, 79.36245674, 75.44193645, 70.47299936,
65.52909542, 60.67510088, 55.78835987, 50.92752727,
46.06740425, 41.24505636, 36.49322717, 31.83343842, 27.26027992,
22.9719144, 18.76856852, 14.95858336, 11.51684445, 8.618849241,
6.163942934, 6.16210635),
lowercl = c(79.88268548, 79.0898816, 75.17407307, 70.20675732,
65.26548673, 60.41876577, 55.53801579, 50.68279939,
45.82666794, 41.00842831, 36.26223216, 31.60996318, 27.04337271,
22.76653134, 18.57570352, 14.77985004, 11.34831778, 8.451134045,
5.978358351, 5.887683386),
uppercl = c(80.45653078, 79.63503188, 75.70979983, 70.7392414,
65.79270412, 60.931436, 56.03870395, 51.17225516, 46.30814055,
41.48168441, 36.72422219, 32.05691365, 27.47718713,
23.17729746, 18.96143352, 15.13731667, 11.68537112, 8.786564437,
6.349527517, 6.436529314)),
answer2 <- cbind(df1[c(3, 7),],
round(answer1[c(3, 7),], n),
df1_cum[c(3, 7),],
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
confidence = rep("95%", 2),
statistic = paste("life expectancy at", c(5, 25)),
method = rep("Chiang, using Silcocks et al for confidence limits", 2))) %>%
select(-pops, -deaths)
answer_widecis <- round(tibble(value = c(19.22914685, 19.44120610, 18.33467808, 14.67659995,
11.81284556, 11.63815414, 10.05641628, 9.93152356,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
lower95_0cl = c(16.43900644, 16.53437505, 15.62922550,
12.08108630, 9.21823373, 8.68414661,
6.54020385, 4.71570153, 2.37762283,
-1.60695210, -10.33328815, -17.16409724,
-26.91715103, -45.04820928, -76.27067271,
-137.12203187, -195.39453664, -242.37480291,
-266.74198466, -298.54880400,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
upper95_0cl = c(22.01928726, 22.34803716, 21.04013066,
17.27211361, 14.40745738, 14.59216167,
13.57262872, 15.14734559, 21.53930839,
50.29765396, 97.99598549, 107.54413263,
128.91238524, 181.91668353, 278.06441642,
472.32822039, 649.40455756, 783.50845564,
841.04259816, 920.54880400,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)),
test1 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, type="standard")
test1.1 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, confidence = 95)
test2 <- phe_life_expectancy(df2, deaths, pops, startage)
test3 <- df1 %>%
mutate(area = "test") %>%
group_by(area) %>%
phe_life_expectancy(deaths, pops, startage)
test4 <- phe_life_expectancy(df3, deaths, pops, startage,
age_contents = c("0", "1-4", "5-9",
"10 – 14", "15 – 19",
"20 – 24", "25 – 29",
"30 – 34", "35 – 39",
"40 – 44", "45 – 49",
"50 – 54", "55 – 59",
"60 – 64", "65 – 69",
"70 – 74", "75 – 79",
"80 – 84", "85 – 89",
"90 +"))
test5 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, le_age = 5)
test6 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, le_age = c(5, 25), type="full") %>%
mutate_at(c("value", "lowercl", "uppercl"), round, digits = n)
test7 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, confidence = 99.8)
test8 <- phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, confidence = c(95, 99.8))
negative_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_neg <- phe_life_expectancy(df_neg_deaths, deaths, pop, age))
zero_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_zero_pop <- phe_life_expectancy(df_zero_pop, deaths, pop, age))
deaths_pops_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_greater_than_pops <- phe_life_expectancy(df_deaths_greater_pops, deaths, pop, age))
low_pops_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_low_pops <- phe_life_expectancy(df_low_pops, deaths, pop, age))
age_contents_short <- c(0L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L,
40L, 45L, 50L, 55L, 60L, 65L, 70L, 75L, 80L, 85L)
missing_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_missing_ageband <- phe_life_expectancy(df_missing_age, deaths, pop, age,
age_contents = age_contents_short))
wideci_warning <- capture_warnings(
test_widecis <- phe_life_expectancy(df_widecis_plus, deaths, pops, startage, confidence = c(0.95, 0.998)))
multi_warnings <- capture_warnings(
test_grouped_with_warnings <- df_grouped_with_warnings %>%
group_by(area) %>%
phe_life_expectancy(deaths, pop, age)
cols_to_test <- c("value", "lowercl", "uppercl")
expected_num_cols <- 9
#test calculations
test_that("LE and CIs calculate correctly",{
expect_equal(round(test1[, cols_to_test], n), round(answer1, n),
info = "test defaults but with type standard")
expect_equal(round(test1.1[, cols_to_test], n), round(answer1, n),
info = "test confidence = 95")
expect_equal(round(test2[, cols_to_test], n), round(answer1, n),
info = "incorrect ageband order")
expect_equal(round(test3[, cols_to_test], n), as_tibble(round(answer1, n)),
info = "single area grouping")
expect_equal(round(test4[, cols_to_test], n), round(answer1, n),
info = "custom age bands in wrong order")
expect_equal(round(test5[, cols_to_test], n), round(answer1[3, ], n),
ignore_attr = TRUE, #because the row names are different and we are only interested in values
info = "return single age band")
expect_equal(test6, answer2,
ignore_attr = TRUE, #because the row names are different and we are only interested in values
info = "type = 'full' with two filters")
expect_equal(sum(!is.na(test_neg[, cols_to_test])), 0,
info = "negative deaths produces only NAs")
expect_equal(sum(!is.na(test_zero_pop[, cols_to_test])), 0,
info = "zero in pop age band produces only NAs")
expect_equal(sum(!is.na(test_greater_than_pops[, cols_to_test])), 0,
info = "deaths in age band greater than pops produces only NAs")
expect_equal(sum(!is.na(test_missing_ageband[, cols_to_test])), 0,
info = "missing age band produces only NAs")
expect_equal(nrow(test_grouped_with_warnings), nrow(df_grouped_with_warnings),
info = "correct number of rows for grouped calcs")
expect_equal(test7[, c("lowercl", "uppercl")],
test8[, c("lower99_8cl", "upper99_8cl")],
ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(round(test_widecis[, c("value", "lower95_0cl", "upper95_0cl")], n),
round(answer_widecis, n),
info = "suppress wide CI > 20")
# test that correct columns are output
test_that("LE - correct column numbers are output",{
expect_equal(ncol(test1), expected_num_cols - 5)
expect_equal(ncol(test2), expected_num_cols)
expect_equal(ncol(test8), expected_num_cols - 2 + (2 * 2))
expect_equal(ncol(phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, confidence = 90:99)),
expected_num_cols - 2 + (2 * length(90:99)))
# test that output is in correct format
test_that("LE - correct output format",{
expect_true(is.data.frame(test1), info = "test1 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test1.1), info = "test1.1 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test2), info = "test2 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test3), info = "test3 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test4), info = "test4 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test5), info = "test5 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test6), info = "test6 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test7), info = "test7 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test8), info = "test8 is dataframe format")
expect_true(is.data.frame(test_grouped_with_warnings), info = "test_grouped_with_warnings is dataframe format")
expect_equal(group_vars(test3), c("area"), info = "test3 output is grouped by area")
# test warnings
test_that("LE - warnings are generated when invalid arguments are used",{
expect_warning(phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, le_age = 4),
"le_age not in the vector described by age_contents; all life expectancies will be returned")
expect_warning(phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pops, startage, le_age = c(4, 6)),
"le_age not in the vector described by age_contents; all life expectancies will be returned")
"some age bands have negative deaths; outputs have been suppressed to NAs")
"some age bands have a zero or less population; outputs have been suppressed to NAs")
"some age bands have more deaths than population; outputs have been suppressed to NAs")
"some groups have a total population of less than 5,000; outputs have been suppressed to NAs")
"some groups contain a different number of age bands than 20; life expectancy cannot be calculated for these\\. These groups will contain NAs\\.")
"some age bands have more deaths than population; outputs have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
"some life expectancy values have a 95% confidence interval > 20 years; these values have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
expect_match(multi_warnings, "some age bands have negative deaths; outputs have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
expect_match(multi_warnings, "some age bands have a zero or less population; outputs have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
expect_match(multi_warnings, "some groups contain a different number of age bands than 20; life expectancy cannot be calculated for these\\. These groups will contain NAs\\.",
all = FALSE)
expect_match(multi_warnings, "some age bands have more deaths than population; outputs have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
expect_match(multi_warnings, "some groups have a total population of less than 5,000; outputs have been suppressed to NAs",
all = FALSE)
# test error handling
test_that("LE - errors are generated when invalid arguments are used",{
expect_error(phe_life_expectancy(df3, deaths, pops, startage),
"the contents in the startage field do not match the contents of the age_contents vector")
expect_error(phe_life_expectancy(df3, deaths, pops, startage,
age_contents = c("0", "1 4", "5 9",
"20 24", "25 29",
"10 14", "15 19",
"30 34", "35 39",
"40 44", "45 49",
"50 54", "55 59",
"60 64", "65 69",
"70 74", "75 79",
"80 84", "85 89",
"age_contents doesn't appear to be in ascending order; the following age bands appear out of position: 20 24, 25 29, 10 14, 15 19")
"function life_expectancy requires at least 4 arguments: data, deaths, population, startage")
expect_error(phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pop, age,
age_contents = c(1L, 0L, seq(5, 90, by = 5))),
"first age band in age_contents must be 0")
expect_error(phe_life_expectancy(df1, deaths, pop, age,
confidence = 0.8),
"all confidence levels must be between 90 and 100 or between 0.9 and 1")
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