Defines functions VARest Type VARData

Documented in Type VARData VARest

#' Data generating process of VAR(p) 
#' This function will generate data from a staionary VAR(p) process and return a list containing data and parameters used in the VAR(p) process.
#' @param n     : number of variables
#' @param p     : lag length
#' @param T     : number of observations
#' @param r_np  : n x p matrix of roots outside unit circle for an n dimensional independent ar(p)-processes (Lag equations). If not provided, it will be generated randomly.
#' @param A     : an n x n full rank matrix of transformation to generate correlated VAR(p) from the n independent AR(p)  
#' @param B     : (n,n,p) array of the AR(p) process. If B is not given, it will be calculated out of r_np and A.
#' @param Co    : (n,k+1) vector of intercept of the VAR(p) process. for type="none" Co = O*(1:n), for const Co is an n vector, exog0 Co is a (n,k) matrix for exog1 Co is an (n,1+k) matrix  Depending on type it will be zeros for none,  
#' @param U     : residuals, if it is not NA it will be used as input to generate the VAR(p)
#' @param Sigma : The covariance matrix of the n dynamically independent processes
#' @param type  : deterministic component "none", "const" "exog0" and "exog1" are four options
#' @param X     : (T x k) matrix of exogeneous variables.
#' @param mu    : an n vector of the expected mean of the VAR(p) process
#' @param Yo    : (p x n) matrix of initial values of the process
#' @return      : A list containing the generated data, the parameters and the input exogeous variables. res = list(n,p,type,r_np,Phi,A,B,Co,Sigma,Y,X,resid,U,Y1,Yo,check)
#' @examples 
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,type="const")  
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=10,Co=c(1:2)*0,type="none") 
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=10,Co=c(1:2),  type="const") 
#' res_d = VARData(n=3,p=2,T=200,type="exog1",X=matrix(rnorm(400),200,2)) 
#' res_d = VARData(n=3,p=2,T=200,Co=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,2,3,3,2,1),3,3), type="exog0",X=matrix(rnorm(400),200,2)) 
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,type="const")  
#' res_d = VARData(n=3,p=2,T=200,type="exog1",X=matrix(rnorm(400),200,2)) 
#' @export
VARData = function(n,p,T,r_np,A,B,Co,U,Sigma,type,X,mu,Yo)  {
### T     : number of observations
### n     : number of variables
### p     : lag length
### r_np  : n x p matrix of roots outside unit circle for an n dynamically independent ar-processes (Lag equations).
###         the inverse if the roots will tbe within the unit circle such that the process is stationary.          
###         If not provided, it will be generated randomly.
### Sigma : The covariance matrix of the n dynamically independent processes
### A     : an n x n full rank matrix of transformation to generate correlated VAR(p) from the n independent AR(p)
###         (r_np,Sigma,A) if not provided, they will be generated randomly. 
### B     : (n,n,p) array of the AR(p) process. If B is not given, it will be calculated out of r_np and A.
### Co    :  (n,k+1) vector of intercept of the VAR(p) process. 
###          for "none" Co = O*(1:n), for const Co is a n vector, exog0 Co is a (n,k) matrix for exog1 Co is a (n,1+k) matrix  Depending on type it will be zeros for none,  
### type  : deterministic component "none" and "const" "exog0" and "exog1" are four options
### U     : residuals, is not NA will be used to gnerate the data
### X     : (T x k) matrix of exogeneous variables.
### Yo    : (p x n) matrix of initial values of the process
### mu    : n vector of os the expected mean of the VAR(p) process.  
### output:
### c("Y","U","Phi","r_np","A","B","Sigma","Y1","check")
### Y     : the simulated data via A transformation
### U     : the simulated innovations of VAR(p)
### Phi   : n x p matrix collecting the dynamically independent ar coefficients, 
### r_np  : n x p the corresponding roots (in L) of the charachsteristic functions
### A     : the transformation matrix 
### B     : the n x n x p arraies of the VAR(p) coefficients 
### Sigma : the Covariance matrix of the simulated VAR(p)
### Y1    : the same simulated data calculated via B form 
### check : maximum of the data to check stationarity
### type  : can assume "none", "const" "exog0" "exog1"
### X     : exogenous variables
### mu    : mean of the time series
### check : containing stationarity check
### Remarks: the dynamically independent n AR process are stationary. Hence the A transformed VAR(P)
###          is stationary, but the coefficients in B are restricted through the transformation.
  if (missing(r_np)) {
      r_np = NA
  if (missing(A)) {
	A = NA
  if (missing(B)) {
	B = NA
  if (missing(Co))   {  Co = NA  }

  if (missing(U))    {  U = NA   }
  if (missing(Sigma)){	Sigma = NA  }  
  if (missing(type)) {  type  = NA  }
  if (missing(X))    {   X    = NA  }

  if (missing(mu))   {  mu    = NA  }
  if (missing(Yo))   {  Yo    = NA  }

  if (anyNA(r_np)) {
     r_np = matrix(0,n,p)
     for (i in 1:n)  r_np[i,] <- 0.51/(runif(p)-0.5)  #random number outside unit circle   
  d = dim(r_np)
  if (!(n==d[1]&p==d[2])) {print("dimension problem"); return("dimension")}

  Phi = NA
  if (anyNA(Phi))  {
  Phi = matrix(0,n,p)
  for (i in 1:n) Phi[i,] = Roots2coef(p,r_np[i,]) 

  if (anyNA(A)) {
  A = matrix(runif(n*n),n,n);
  A = A%*%t(A)
  A = eigen(A)[[2]]

  if (anyNA(B)) {
      B = matrix(0,n,n*p); dim(B) = c(n,n,p)
      if (n==1)  {B = Phi; dim(B) = c(n,n,p) } 
      if (n >1)  { 
		for (i in 1:p) B[,,i]= A%*%diag(Phi[,i])%*%t(A) 

  if (anyNA(Sigma)) {
  	Sigmao = matrix(rnorm(n*n),n,n);
  	Sigmao = Sigmao%*%t(Sigmao)
	Sigma = A%*%Sigmao%*%t(A)
  }  else {
      Sigmao = solve(A)%*%Sigma%*%solve(t(A))

  if (anyNA(U)) {
  	Uh = rnormSIGMA(T,Sigmao)
  	U = Uh%*%t(A)
     	}  else  {
        Uh =  U %*% solve(t(A))

  if (anyNA(Yo)) {
  	Yo = Uh
      } else {
      Uh[1:p,] = Yo
      Yo       = Uh
  for (i in 1:n)          {
    for ( t in (p+1):T )  { 
      for (L in 1:p)    Yo[t,i] = Yo[t,i] + Yo[t-L,i]*Phi[i,L]
  Y1 = Yo%*%t(A)
  Ct = U*0 

  if (anyNA(type)) {  type = "const" }

  type_soll = Type(Co,X)
  if (!type_soll==type)  return(list("type mismatch",type_soll,type))   
  if (type=="none")   Co = c(1:n)*0
  if (type=="const") { 
  	if (anyNA(mu))     {  mu = matrix(rnorm(n),n,1)}
 	if (anyNA(Co)) {
            	Co = mu
            	for (L in 1:p) Co = Co - B[,,L]%*%mu
      	}   else   {
            H = diag(n)
            for (L in 1:p) H = H - B[,,L]
            mu = solve(H)%*%Co
      Ct = matrix(1,T,1)%*%t(Co)   

  if (type=="exog0" & anyNA(Co)) { k = ncol(as.matrix(X)); Co = matrix(rnorm(n*(k+1)),n,k+1);Co[,1]=0}
  if (type=="exog1" & anyNA(Co)) { k = ncol(as.matrix(X)); Co = matrix(rnorm(n*(k+1)),n,k+1)}

  if (!anyNA(X)) { 
  	if (type=="exog0" )  Ct = X%*%t(Co[,-1]) 
  	if (type=="exog1" )  Ct = as.matrix(cbind((1:T)/(1:T),X))%*%t(Co) 
  }   else   {
      X = NA

  if (n >0)  { 
      Y = U + Ct  
	for ( tt in (p+1):T ) {
	for (L in 1:p)  Y[tt,] = Y[tt,]+Y[tt-L,]%*%t(B[,,L]) 
  check = max(abs(Y1))
  #C = (1:n)*0;
  #if (type == "const") {
  #	Y1 = Y1 + as.matrix((1:T)/(1:T))%*%t(mu)
  #    for (L in 1:p) C = C + B[,,L]%*%mu
  resid = Uh
  ### to unify the name in MODEL
  result = list(n,p,type,r_np,Phi,A,B,Co,Sigma,Y,X,resid,U,Y1,Yo,check)

#' Check the consistency between type Co and EXOG 
#' This function will output type according to specification of Co and EXOG. 
#' @param Co    : the coefficients of the deterministic components 
#' @param EXOG  : the exogenous variables
#' @return      : type
#' @examples 
#' Type(Co=matrix(c(0,0,1,1),2,2),EXOG= c(1:10))
#' Type(Co=matrix(c(1,1,1,1),2,2),EXOG= c(1:10))
#' Type(Co=matrix(c(1,1,1,1,0,0),2,3),EXOG= c(1:10))
#' Type(Co=c(1,1),EXOG= NA)
#' Type(Co=c(0,0),EXOG= NA)
#' VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,Co=matrix(c(2,2,1,1),2,2),type="exog0",X=c(1:100))
#' VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,Co=matrix(c(1,1,1,1),2,2),type="exog1",X=c(1:100))
#' @export
Type = function(Co,EXOG) {
    if ( anyNA(Co)& anyNA(EXOG))  type = "const"
    if ( anyNA(Co)&!anyNA(EXOG))  type = "exog1"
    if (!anyNA(Co)& anyNA(EXOG)) {
	 if (sum(Co==0)==length(Co)) type = "none"  else type = "const"

    if (!anyNA(Co)&!anyNA(EXOG)) { 
       if (ncol(as.matrix(Co))==ncol(as.matrix(EXOG))+1)  {
           if (sum(as.matrix(Co)[,1]==0)==length(as.matrix(Co)[,1])) type = "exog0"
           type = "exog1"    
       } else type = " Co column<> EXOG column " 

#' Estimation of VAR(p) 
#' This function estimates the unknown parameters of a specified VAR(p) model based on provided data.
#' @param  res  :a list containing the components which are the output of VARData including as least: n, p, type, Y and optionally X and type. 
#' @return res  :a list like the input, but filled with estimated parameter values, AIC, BIC and LH
#' @examples 
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,type="const")  
#' res_e = VARest(res_d) 
#' summary(res_e$varp)
#' IRF = irf(res_e$varp,nstep=20)
#' plot(IRF)
#' res_d = VARData(n=2,p=2,T=100,Co=matrix(c(0,0,1,1),2,2),type="exog0",X=c(1:100))
#' str(res_d)
#' res_e = VARest(res=res_d)
#' summary(res_e$varp)
#' IRF = irf(res_e$varp,nstep=20,boot=FALSE)
#' plot(IRF)
#' @export
VARest = function(res) {
## this is a program estimating VAR with exogenous variables via LS
n = res$n
p = res$p
Y = as.matrix(res$Y)
X = as.matrix(res$X) 
type = res$type
T = dim(Y)[1]
Z = embed(Y,p+1)

if (type=="none")   Z=Z
if (type=="const")  Z=cbind(Z,matrix(1,T-p,1))
if (type=="exog0")  Z=cbind(Z,X[(p+1):T,])
if (type=="exog1")  Z=cbind(cbind(Z,matrix(1,T-p,1)),X[(p+1):T,])

m = dim(Z)[2]
### m is the number of columns of the data matrix where the first n columns are the left-hand side variables. m-n are the number of the right hand side variables.   
LREG = lm(Z[,1:n]~0+Z[,(n+1):m])
      bs = as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[1:(n*p),]      
      if (type=="const")   {cs = as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[m-n,];dim(cs)=c(n,1)}
      if (type=="none")    {cs = as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[1,]*0;dim(cs)=c(n,1)}
      if (type=="exog1" )  cs = t(as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[(n*p+1):(m-n),])
      if (type=="exog0" )  {  if (ncol(X)>1)  cs = cbind(matrix(0,n,1),t(as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[(n*p+1):(m-n),]));
                              if (ncol(X)==1)  cs = cbind(matrix(0,n,1),as.matrix(LREG$coefficients)[(n*p+1):(m-n),])   }
sigma = t(LREG$residuals)%*%(LREG$residuals)/(dim(Z)[1]-dim(Z)[2])
resid= Y*0
resid[(p+1):T,] = LREG$residuals
bs = t(bs); 
dim(bs) = c(n,n,p)
B       = bs

      if (type=="exog0")   Co      = (cs)
      if (type=="exog1" )  Co      = (cs)
      if (type=="const")   Co      = (cs)
      if (type=="none" )   Co      = (cs)

      res$B <- B
res$Co <- Co
res$Sigma <- sigma
res$resid <- resid
LH = -(T*n/2)*log(2*pi) -(T*n/2) +(T/2)*log(det(solve(sigma)))
res$LH = LH
AIC = 2*n*(m-n)+n*(n+1) -2*LH
BIC = log(T)*(n*(m-n)+n*(n+1)/2)-2*LH
res$AIC = AIC
res$BIC = BIC
if (is.null(colnames(Y))) colnames(Y) = sprintf("Y%s", 1:n) 
if ( n>1 ) {
	if (res$type=="none")   varp = VAR(y=Y, p = p, type = "none")
	if (res$type=="const")  varp = VAR(y=Y, p = p, type = "const")
	if (res$type=="exog0")  varp = VAR(y=Y, p = p, type = "none",exogen=X)
	if (res$type=="exog1")  varp = VAR(y=Y, p = p, type = "const",exogen=X)
}  else  {
   varp = LREG
res$varp = varp
result = res 
puchen8229/VARs documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 2:10 a.m.