
Defines functions check_parent_as_animal check_tvdid check_birthdate check_sex all_parent_id_consistent all_birthdate_consistent

Documented in all_birthdate_consistent all_birthdate_consistent all_parent_id_consistent all_parent_id_consistent check_birthdate check_parent_as_animal check_sex check_tvdid

###   Purpose:   Old versions of scripts related to consistency checks
###              those are in status "deprecated" but left for docu
###              purposes.
###   started:   2017-11-06 (skn and pvr)
### ######################################################## ###

#' Check whether parents appear as animals
#' @description
#' Given a pedigree imported from TVD-data, we want to
#' check whether a given parent also exists as an animal
#' @details
#' This section contains details about the function.
#' @param plPedigree input pedigree
#' @return lCheckResultPedigree with mother and father changed according to checks
#' @export check_parent_as_animal
check_parent_as_animal <- function(plPedigree){
  ### # initialize result
  lCheckResultPedigree <- plPedigree
  ### # animals are in names of plResultPedigree
  vecAnimals <- names(lCheckResultPedigree)
  ### # loop over pedigree
  for (idxPed in 1:length(lCheckResultPedigree)){
    lCurrentAni <- lCheckResultPedigree[[idxPed]]
    if(!is.element(lCurrentAni$MutterId, vecAnimals)){
      lCurrentAni$MutterId <- NA
    if(!is.element(lCurrentAni$VaterId, vecAnimals)){
      lCurrentAni$VaterId <- NA
    lCheckResultPedigree[[idxPed]] <- lCurrentAni

### ######################################################## ###

#' Validation of tvd-number
#' Given a pedigree imported from TVD-data, we want to
#' check if the first two chars == country, after twelve chars numeric
#' @param plPedigree input pedigree
#' @param lFormatBorder list of consistency border by default taken from getTVDIdBorder()
#' @return lCheckedPedigree2 with mother and father changed according to checks
#' @export check_tvdid
check_tvdid <- function(plPedigree,lFormatBorder = getTVDIdBorder()){
  ### # initialize result
  lCheckedPedigree2 <- plPedigree
  for(idxPed in 1:length(lCheckedPedigree2)){
    lCurrentAni <- lCheckedPedigree2[[idxPed]]
    if(is.notletter(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$TierId,
                               start = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$lower,
                               stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$TierId <- NA
    if(is.notnumber(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$TierId,
                               start = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$lower,
                               stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$TierId <- NA
    if(is.notletter(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$MutterId,
                                  start = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$lower,
                                  stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$MutterId <- NA
    if(is.notnumber(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$MutterId,
                                  start = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$lower,
                                  stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$MutterId <- NA
    if(is.notletter(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$VaterId,
                                  start = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$lower,
                                  stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDCountry$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$VaterId <- NA
    if(is.notnumber(pId = substr(lCurrentAni$VaterId,
                                  start = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$lower,
                                  stop  = lFormatBorder$TVDNumber$upper))){
      lCurrentAni$VaterId <- NA
    lCheckedPedigree2[[idxPed]] <- lCurrentAni

### ######################################################## ###
#' Validation of birthdate border and limit
#' Format of the birdate (YearMonthDay) have to be checked with some limits
#' @param plPedigree pedigree as nested list of lists
#' @param lFormatBorder list of consistency border by default taken from getBirthdateBorder()
#' @param lLimitValue list of consistency limit value by default taken from getBirthdayConsistencyLimit()
#' @return lCheckedPedigree3
#' @export check_birthdate
check_birthdate <- function(plPedigree,
                            lFormatBorder = getBirthdateBorder(),
                            lLimitValue = getBirthdayConsistencyLimit()){
  ### # initialize result
  lCheckedPedigree3 <- plPedigree
  for(idxPed in 1:length(lCheckedPedigree3)){
    lCurrentAni <- lCheckedPedigree3[[idxPed]]
      lCurrentAni$Geburtsdatum <- NA
              start = lFormatBorder$Year$lower,
              stop  = lFormatBorder$Year$upper)) < lLimitValue$cLowestLimitYear){
      lCurrentAni$Geburtsdatum <- NA
              start = lFormatBorder$Month$lower,
              stop  = lFormatBorder$Month$upper)) < lLimitValue$cLowestLimitMonth ||
              start = lFormatBorder$Month$lower,
              stop  = lFormatBorder$Month$upper)) > lLimitValue$cHighestLimitMonth){
      lCurrentAni$Geburtsdatum <- NA
              start = lFormatBorder$Day$lower,
              stop  = lFormatBorder$Day$upper)) < lLimitValue$cLowestLimitDay ||
              start = lFormatBorder$Day$lower,
              stop  = lFormatBorder$Day$upper)) > lLimitValue$cHighestLimitDay){
      lCurrentAni$Geburtsdatum <- NA
    lCheckedPedigree3[[idxPed]] <- lCurrentAni

### ######################################################## ###
#' Validation of sex
#' Sex of the parent will be checked
#' @param plPedigree list of list containing the pedigree information
#' @param lsex list of consistency values by default taken from getConsistencySex()
#' @return lCheckedPedigree4
#' @export check_sex
check_sex <- function(plPedigree, lsex = getConsistencySex()){
  ### # initialize result
  lCheckedPedigree4 <- plPedigree
  vecAnimals <- names(lCheckedPedigree4)
  for(idxPed in 1:length(lCheckedPedigree4)){
    lCurrentAni <- lCheckedPedigree4[[idxPed]]
    if(is.element(lCurrentAni$MutterId, vecAnimals)){
        if(lCheckedPedigree4[[lCurrentAni$MutterId]]$Sex != lsex$cWeiblich){
          lCheckedPedigree4[[lCurrentAni$MutterId]]$Sex <- NA
    if(is.element(lCurrentAni$VaterId, vecAnimals)){
        if(lCheckedPedigree4[[lCurrentAni$VaterId]]$Sex != lsex$cMaennlich){
          lCheckedPedigree4[[lCurrentAni$VaterId]]$Sex <- NA
    lCheckedPedigree4[[idxPed]] <- lCurrentAni

### ######################################################## ###
###   Functions below this line are helper function for the  ###
###   vignette on checking data consistency.                 ###
#' Check whether all ids of a given parent (mother or father) have consistent IDs
#' Given a pedigree as tbl_df, it is first run through the TVD-ID check using
#' the function PedigreeFromTvdData::check_tvd_id_tbl(). As a result, we get the
#' checked pedigree. The original pedigree in p_tbl_ped and the checked pedigree
#' are compared and the result is returned as a list indicating whether the
#' two pedigrees are consistent and if not with a vector of row-indices where
#' inconsistencies did occur.
#' @param p_tbl_ped original pedigree as tbl_df
#' @param plIdCols list with column indices for all ids, required for checking
#' @param pn_parent_col column index of parent to be checked
#' @param p_b_out flag indicating whether output should be written
#' @return list indicating result of consistency check and list of row indices with inconsistent IDs
#' @export all_parent_id_consistent
all_parent_id_consistent <- function(p_tbl_ped, plIdCols, pn_parent_col, p_b_out = FALSE){
  ### # initialize a result list
  l_check_result <- list(b_consistency_check = FALSE, vec_incons_rows = NA)
  ### # run the check of the pedigree ids
  tbl_ped_checked <- PedigreeFromTvdData::check_tvd_id_tbl(ptblPedigree = p_tbl_ped,
                                                           plIdCols = plIdCols)

  ### # check result for parents, start with number of non-NA's in both pedigrees
  n_not_na_ped <- length(p_tbl_ped[[pn_parent_col]][!is.na(p_tbl_ped[[pn_parent_col]])])
  n_not_na_ped_checked <-
  ### # number of non-na records are the same for original and checked pedigree
  if ( n_not_na_ped == n_not_na_ped_checked ){
    if (p_b_out) cat(" *** All parent-ids consistent:\n")
    l_check_result$b_consistency_check <-
      all(tbl_ped_checked[[pn_parent_col]][!is.na(tbl_ped_checked[[pn_parent_col]])] ==
  } else {
    ### # row indices of records that are different
    l_check_result$vec_incons_rows <-
      which(is.na(tbl_ped_checked[[pn_parent_col]]) & !is.na(p_tbl_ped[[pn_parent_col]]))
    if (p_b_out) {
      cat(" *** Parent-Ids different after check:\n")

#' check whether all non-NA birthdates are consistent
#' Birthdates are checked using check_birthdate_tbl() and the
#' resulting validated tbl_df pedigree is compared to the
#' original pedigree. In case that we find differences, we
#' return a list of row-indices that are not consistent
#' @param p_tbl_ped original pedigree as tbl_df
#' @param pn_bd_col_idx column index of birthdate
#' @return list of check result and row indices of non-consistent records
#' @export all_birthdate_consistent
all_birthdate_consistent <- function(p_tbl_ped, pn_bd_col_idx, p_b_out = FALSE){
  ### # initialize a result list
  l_check_result <- list(b_consistency_check = FALSE, vec_incons_rows = NA)
  ### # run the check of the pedigree ids
  tbl_ped_checked <- PedigreeFromTvdData::check_birthdate_tbl(ptblPedigree = p_tbl_ped,
                                                              pnBirthdateColIdx = pn_bd_col_idx)

  ### # number of non-NA birthdates in original and checked pedigrees
  n_not_na_ped <- length(!is.na(p_tbl_ped[[n_bd_col_idx]]))
  n_not_na_ped_checked <- length(!is.na(tbl_ped_checked[[n_bd_col_idx]]))
  ### # if those numbers are the same, and
  if ((n_not_na_ped_checked == n_not_na_ped) &&
      all(p_tbl_ped[[n_bd_col_idx]][!is.na(p_tbl_ped[[n_bd_col_idx]])] ==
          tbl_ped_checked[[n_bd_col_idx]][!is.na(tbl_ped_checked[[n_bd_col_idx]])])) {
    if (p_b_out) cat("*** Birthdates all consistent\n")
    l_check_result$b_consistency_check <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (p_b_out) cat("*** Some birthdates are not consistent\n")
    l_check_result$vec_incons_rows <-
      which(is.na(tbl_ped_checked[[n_bd_col_idx]]) & !is.na(p_tbl_ped[[n_bd_col_idx]]))

pvrqualitasag/PedigreeFromTvdData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:50 a.m.