Man pages for pygmyperch/melfuR
A collection of ugly R functions for analysis of SNP and spatial data.

clean_vcf_INFOParse and clean-up INFO Fields in a VCF File
DelphinusXYSample locations of common dolphins in Australia and New...
diversity_statsThis function calculates basic genetic diversity stats from a...
expand_pop2indExpand Population-Level Metadata to Individual-Level Data...
extract_triextract upper or lower triangle from a square matrix
HWE_filterA wrapper function for the hw.test function from pegas to...
impute_genotypesimpute missing genotypes based on pop structure characterised...
manage_filesManage File Operations
MDB_colsCustom color palette based on the Murray-Darling Basin...
missing_dataThis function calculates the percent of missing genotypes for...
percent_polyThis function calculates the percent polymorphic loci per...
polarise_ancestral_vcfPolarise a VCF File setting the (supplied) Ancestral Allele...
rainbow.envEnvironmental data for Melanotaenia fluviatilis sampling...
rainbow.genindddRAD data from Melanotaenia fluviatilis in the...
sf2KMLConvert Simple Features to KML
sort_allelesSort Alleles in genlight or genind Objects as Major/Minor
subset_snpsThis function subsets a structure file based on a list of...
viamariscalculate pairwise oceanic distances among sampling locations
view_colorsView Color Palette
write_list_to_excelWrite a List of Data Frames to an Excel File
pygmyperch/melfuR documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:48 a.m.