HWE_filter: A wrapper function for the hw.test function from pegas to...

View source: R/HWE_filter.R

HWE_filterR Documentation

A wrapper function for the hw.test function from pegas to filter a genind object for per locus Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by population (i.e. remove loci out of HWE in >x% of populations at a specified FDR).


A wrapper function for the hw.test function from pegas to filter a genind object for per locus Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by population (i.e. remove loci out of HWE in >x% of populations at a specified FDR).


HWE_filter(GenInd.obj, perm, FDR_cut, pop_thresh, no_cores)



a genind object


the number of permutations for the monte carlo simulations


the false discovery rate threshold


the minimum number (%) of populations each locus needs to be in HWE to be retained


the number of cores to use for the analysis


FDRadjP.csv a table of FDR adjusted P values for each locus per population

OutOfHWE_SNPs.csv a table of SNPs out of HWE at the specified FDR in >pop_thresh % of populations

HWE_SNPs.csv a table of SNPs in HWE at the specified FDR in >pop_thresh populations

HWE_list a vector of SNPs in HWE suitable for input to the subset_snps function


 ## set directory for results to be written

 # load data

 #subset rainbow.genind to 100 loci
 gen100 <- rainbow.genind[ ,1:200]

 # run HWE_filter to exclude loci out of HWE in >50\% of populations at a FDR of 0.1
 run1 <- HWE_filter(gen100, perm=999, FDR_cut=0.1, pop_thresh=50, no_cores=6)

 ## use output to generate new structure file retaining the 97 loci in HWE

 # load original structure file
   stfile <- system.file("extdata", "Mfsub500.stru", package="melfuR")

 # run subset_snps using output of HWE_filter
   subset_snps(stfile, "new_structure_file", run1)

pygmyperch/melfuR documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:48 a.m.