sf2KML: Convert Simple Features to KML

View source: R/sf2KML.R

sf2KMLR Documentation

Convert Simple Features to KML


  colour = NULL,
  outputPath = NULL,
  line_colour = "#00ffff",
  fill_colour = "#00ff00",
  fill_opacity = 0.5



An sf object containing the spatial data to be converted to KML.


Character string specifying the color for point markers. Must be one of "green", "blue", "red", "purple", "lightblue", "pink", or "white". Default is yellow.


Character string specifying the path where the KML file will be saved. If NULL, the file will be saved in the current working directory with a name based on the sf_object.


Color for lines and polygon outlines. Can be a named color (e.g., "red") or a hex color code (e.g., "#FF0000"). Default is "#00ffff" (cyan).


Color for polygon fills. Can be a named color or a hex color code. Default is "#00ff00" (green).


Numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the opacity of polygon fills. Default is 0.5 (50

Invisible NULL. Writes a KML file to the specified or default path. This function converts Simple Features (sf) objects to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format, allowing for easy visualization in Google Earth. It supports common geometry types including points, lines, and polygons. The function supports various geometry types: - POINT: Rendered as pushpins with colors specified by the 'colour' parameter. - LINESTRING and MULTILINESTRING: Rendered as lines with color specified by 'line_colour'. - POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON: Rendered as filled polygons with outline color specified by 'line_colour' and fill color specified by 'fill_colour' and 'fill_opacity'. ## Not run: library(sf) # Create a data frame with Flinders University locations Flinders_University <- data.frame( ID = c("MELFU", "Tavern", "Animal House", "Aquaculture compound", "Lake", "$1,360 car park"), X = c(138.570071, 138.571627, 138.569855, 138.569586, 138.572218, 138.569437), Y = c(-35.026967, -35.026029, -35.028127, -35.027034, -35.026907, -35.029019) ) # Convert the data frame to an sf object (points) Flinders_sf_points <- st_as_sf(Flinders_University, coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = 4326) # Create a KML file with points sf2KML(Flinders_sf_points, colour = "red", outputPath = "Flinders_points.kml") # Create a line connecting all points Flinders_line <- st_cast(st_combine(Flinders_sf_points), "LINESTRING") Flinders_sf_line <- st_sf(geometry = Flinders_line, ID = "Flinders_path") # Create a KML file with the line sf2KML(Flinders_sf_line, outputPath = "Flinders_line.kml", line_colour = "blue") # Create a polygon (convex hull of all points) Flinders_polygon <- st_convex_hull(st_combine(Flinders_sf_points)) Flinders_sf_polygon <- st_sf(geometry = Flinders_polygon, ID = "Flinders_area") # Create a KML file with the polygon sf2KML(Flinders_sf_polygon, outputPath = "Flinders_polygon.kml", line_colour = "red", fill_colour = "yellow", fill_opacity = 0.3) # Combine all geometries into one sf object Flinders_sf_all <- rbind( Flinders_sf_points, Flinders_sf_line, Flinders_sf_polygon ) # Create a KML file with all geometries sf2KML(Flinders_sf_all, colour = "green", outputPath = "Flinders_all.kml", line_colour = "purple", fill_colour = "#00FFFF", fill_opacity = 0.5) ## End(Not run)

pygmyperch/melfuR documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:48 a.m.