#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
extra_columns <- function() c("Filesize")
get_db_file <- function(dir) {
file.path(dir, "PACKAGES.db")
get_fields <- function(fields) {
if (is.null(fields)) {
fields <- unique(c(
("tools" %:::% ".get_standard_repository_db_fields")(),
unique(c(fields, "File"))
db_env <- new.env()
#' Perform a DB query, without explicit locking
#' This is for read operations. They can also be called from
#' within a transaction. In this case the database handle will
#' be reused.
#' @param db_file File of the DB.
#' @param expr Expression to evaluate, it can refer to the connection
#' handle as `db`.
#' @importFrom DBI dbConnect dbDisconnect dbWithTransaction dbIsValid
#' @importFrom RSQLite SQLite
#' @keywords internal
with_db <- function(db_file, expr) {
con <- db_env$con
if (is.null(con) || ! dbIsValid(con)) {
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_file, synchronous = NULL)
dbExecute(con, "PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000")
on.exit(dbDisconnect(con), add = TRUE)
eval(substitute(expr), envir = list(db = con), enclos = parent.frame())
#' Perform a DB query, with locking
#' This creates a transaction, and an exclusive lock.
#' It always creates a new DB connection, and closes it on exit.
#' @inheritParams with_db
#' @keywords internal
with_db_lock <- function(db_file, expr) {
on.exit(dbDisconnect(con), add = TRUE)
if (is.null(db_env$con) || ! dbIsValid(db_env$con)) {
db_env$con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_file, synchronous = NULL)
con <- db_env$con
pnt <- parent.frame()
dbExecute(con, "PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000")
dbExecute(con, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE")
res <- eval(substitute(expr), envir = list(db = con), enclos = pnt)
dbExecute(con, "COMMIT")
error = function(e) dbExecute(con, "ROLLBACK")
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery dbExecute
db_all_packages <- function(db_file) {
with_db(db_file, {
dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM packages ORDER BY Package, Version")
db_get_fields <- function(db_file) {
with_db(db_file, {
names(dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM PACKAGES LIMIT 1"))
#' @importFrom DBI dbWriteTable
create_db <- function(dir, db_file, fields, xcolumns = NULL) {
fields <- c(fields, extra_columns(), names(xcolumns))
"!DEBUG Creating DB in `basename(db_file)`"
dir.create(dirname(db_file), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
with_db_lock(db_file, {
db_create_text_table(db, "packages", fields, key = "MD5sum")
write_packages_files(dir, db_file)
db_create_text_table <- function(db, name, columns, key) {
sql <- paste0(
"CREATE TABLE ", name, "(\n",
paste0(' "', columns, '" ', "TEXT", collapse = ",\n"),
if (!is.null(key)) paste0(',\n PRIMARY KEY ("', key, '")\n'),
dbExecute(db, sql)
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @importFrom DBI sqlInterpolate
update_db <- function(dir, db_file, fields, type, xcolumns = NULL) {
"!DEBUG Updating DB in `basename(db_file)`"
## Current packages
files <- list_package_files(dir, type)
dir_md5 <- md5sum(files)
with_db_lock(db_file, {
## Packages in the DB
db_md5 <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT MD5sum FROM packages")$MD5sum
## Files removed?
if (length(removed <- setdiff(db_md5, dir_md5)) > 0) {
sql <- "DELETE FROM packages WHERE MD5sum = ?md5sum"
for (rem in removed) {
"!DEBUG Removing `rem`"
dbExecute(db, sqlInterpolate(db, sql, md5sum = rem))
## Any files added?
if (length(added <- setdiff(dir_md5, db_md5)) > 0) {
added_files <- names(dir_md5)[match(added, dir_md5)]
pkgs <- parse_package_files(added_files, added, fields)
if (length(xcolumns)) {
pkgs <- cbind(pkgs, xcolumns)
insert_packages(db, pkgs)
write_packages_files(dir, db_file)
insert_packages <- function(db, pkgs) {
dbWriteTable(db, "packages", pkgs, append = TRUE)
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