# Function -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert between different wavelength units
#' The following units can be converted into each other:
#' *nm*, \emph{\eqn{cm^{-1}}{inverse cm}}, *eV*, *THz* and *Raman shift*.
#' For `hyperSpec` objects, values of `@wavelength` and label of wavelengths
#' (`@label$.wavelength`) are changed.
#' @param x Data to be converted.
#' Either a `hyperSpec` object or a numeric or integer vector.
#' @param from (character): Source units. E.g. "nm", "1/cm", "eV", "tHz",
#' "Raman shift".
#' @param to (character): Destination units.
#' @param ref_wl (numeric): Laser/Reference wavelength
#' (required for work with Raman shift).
#' @author R. Kiselev, V. Gegzna
#' @return Object of the same class as input `x`.
#' @concept wavelengths
#' @include wl_fix_unit_name.R
#' @include hyperspec-class.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wl_convert_units(3200, "Raman shift", "nm", ref_wl = 785.04)
#' wl_convert_units(785, "nm", "invcm")
wl_convert_units <- function(x, from, to, ref_wl = NULL) {
UseMethod("wl_convert_units", x)
# Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname wl_convert_units
#' @export
wl_convert_units.default <- function(x, from, to, ref_wl = NULL) {
src <- .wl_fix_unit_name(from)
dest <- .wl_fix_unit_name(to)
if (src == dest) {
if ((src == "raman" | dest == "raman") & is.null(ref_wl)) {
stop("Working with Raman shift requires knowledge of laser wavelength")
f <- paste0("wl_", src, "2", dest)
f <- get(f)
return(f(x, ref_wl))
# Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname wl_convert_units
#' @export
wl_convert_units.hyperSpec <- function(x, from, to, ref_wl = NULL) {
wl_old <- wl(x)
wl_new <- wl_convert_units(wl_old, from, to, ref_wl)
wl(x) <- wl_new
x@label$.wavelength <-
nm = expression("Wavelength, nm"),
invcm = expression(tilde(nu) / cm^-1),
ev = expression("Energy / eV"),
freq = expression(nu / THz),
raman = expression(Raman ~ shift / cm^-1),
# Helper functions -----------------------------------------------------------
wl_ev2freq <- function(x, ...) wl_nm2freq(wl_ev2nm(x))
wl_ev2invcm <- function(x, ...) q * x / (100 * h * c)
wl_ev2nm <- function(x, ...) 1e9 * h * c / (q * x)
wl_ev2raman <- function(x, ref_wl) 1e7 / ref_wl - x * q / (100 * h * c)
wl_freq2ev <- function(x, ...) wl_nm2ev(wl_freq2nm(x))
wl_freq2invcm <- function(x, ...) wl_nm2invcm(wl_freq2nm(x))
wl_freq2nm <- function(x, ...) 1e-3 * c / x
wl_freq2raman <- function(x, ref_wl) wl_nm2raman(wl_freq2nm(x), ref_wl)
wl_invcm2ev <- function(x, ...) 100 * x * c * h / q
wl_invcm2freq <- function(x, ...) wl_nm2freq(wl_invcm2nm(x))
wl_invcm2nm <- function(x, ...) 1e7 / x
wl_invcm2raman <- function(x, ref_wl) 1e7 / ref_wl - x
wl_nm2ev <- function(x, ...) 1e9 * h * c / (q * x)
wl_nm2freq <- function(x, ...) 1e-3 * c / x
wl_nm2invcm <- function(x, ...) 1e7 / x
wl_nm2raman <- function(x, ref_wl) 1e7 * (1 / ref_wl - 1 / x)
wl_raman2ev <- function(x, ref_wl) 100 * h * c * (1e7 / ref_wl - x) / q
wl_raman2freq <- function(x, ref_wl) wl_nm2freq(wl_raman2nm(x, ref_wl))
wl_raman2invcm <- function(x, ref_wl) 1e7 / ref_wl - x
wl_raman2nm <- function(x, ref_wl) 1e7 / (1e7 / ref_wl - x)
# Some physical constants ----------------------------------------------------
# @concept constants
q <- 1.60217656535e-19 # elementary charge
h <- 6.6260695729e-34 # Planck's constant
c <- 299792458 # speed of light
# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
hySpc.testthat::test(wl) <- function() {
context("get wl")
test_that("wl() works", {
# Data
hy_obj <- new("hyperSpec", spc = matrix(1:100, nrow = 1), wavelength = 601:700)
# Perform tests
expect_silent(res <- wl(hy_obj))
expect_true(is.numeric(res)) # Can be either integer or double
expect_length(res, 100)
expect_equal(res, 601:700)
context("set wl")
test_that("`wl<-` works", {
# Data
hy_obj <- new("hyperSpec", spc = matrix(1:100, nrow = 1), wavelength = 601:700)
# Set new wavelengths
expect_silent(wl(hy_obj) <- (1:nwl(hy_obj)) + 1000)
expect_equal(hy_obj@wavelength, 1001:1100)
# Set new wavelengths and label
expect_equal(labels(hy_obj, ".wavelength"), ".wavelength")
wl(hy_obj) <- list(wl = 101:200, label = "new label")
expect_equal(hy_obj@wavelength, 101:200)
expect_equal(labels(hy_obj, ".wavelength"), "new label")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hySpc.testthat::test(wl_convert_units) <- function() {
test_that("wl_convert_units() throws error", {
wl_convert_units(1000, "raman", "nm"),
"Working with Raman shift requires knowledge of laser wavelength"
expect_error(wl_convert_units(1000, "non-existing", "nm"), "Unknown unit type")
expect_error(wl_convert_units(1000, "nm", "non-existing"), "Unknown unit type")
test_that("wl_convert_units() output is correct if units do not change", {
# No conversion is expected
expect_equal(wl_convert_units(1000, "raman", "raman"), 1000)
expect_equal(wl_convert_units(1000, "invcm", "invcm"), 1000)
expect_equal(wl_convert_units(1000, "nm", "nm"), 1000)
expect_equal(wl_convert_units(1000, "ev", "ev"), 1000)
expect_equal(wl_convert_units(1000, "freq", "freq"), 1000)
test_that("wl_convert_units() returns correct data type", {
x <- c("raman", "invcm", "nm", "ev", "freq")
y <- expand.grid(x, x)
y <- y[y[[1]] != y[[2]], ]
d <- apply(y, MARGIN = 1, function(x) {
wl_convert_units(10, x[["Var1"]], x[["Var2"]], 200)
expect_is(d, "numeric")
# TODO (tests): Add expected results to the conversion grid and
# check against them.
# test_that("wl_convert_units() performs conversion correctly", {
# # ...
# })
test_that("wl_convert_units.hyperSpec works", {
# hyperSpec:
expect_silent(spc <- wl_convert_units(flu, from = "nm", to = "1/cm"))
expect_s4_class(spc, "hyperSpec")
expect_equal(as.character(labels(spc, ".wavelength")), "tilde(nu)/cm^-1")
test_that("wl_convert_units.default works", {
spc <- wl_convert_units(flu, from = "nm", to = "1/cm")
# Integer vector:
x <- wl(flu)
expect_silent(wls <- wl_convert_units(x, from = "nm", to = "1/cm"))
expect_equal(wls, wl(spc))
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