
Defines functions qacademico_cota qacademico_correct_campus_name qacademico_campus_name qacademico_convert_beginning_date read_qacademico_web read_qacademico

Documented in read_qacademico

#' Read Qacademico files
#' This function supports two kinds of schemas: from the api and the website. See Details
#' if you need help to download the Qacademico data.
#' @param path The Qacademico file's path.
#' @param start A character with the date to start the comparison. The default is the minimum
#' value found in the data. The date has to be in this format: "yyyy.semester".
#' Ex.: "2019.1" or "2019.2".
#' @return A data frame.
#' @details To download the student's data, go to your proper account on Qacademico and
#' follow:
#' - "Relatorio de Alunos" -> "Listagem de Alunos" (choose year and period)
#' - Click on "visualizar"
#' - Using F10 shortcut and save in .csv format
#' - Rename the including year and period (example2020_1.csv)
#' Be sure that your data has the variables: "Matricula", "Nome", "Situacao Matricula",
#' "Curso", "Cpf", "Instituicao", "Per. Letivo Inicial" and "Cota".
#' @examples
#' # this dataset is not a real one. It is just for test purpose.
#' qacademico <- read_qacademico(system.file("extdata/examples/qacademico",
#'   package = "sistec"
#' ))
#' qacademico
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% sym
#' @export
read_qacademico <- function(path = "", start = NULL) {
  if (path == "") stop("You need to specify the path.")

  temp <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "*.csv")
  temp <- paste0(path, "/", temp) %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

  qacademico <- utils::read.csv(temp[1],
    sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    encoding = "latin1", nrows = 1, check.names = FALSE

  vars <- c(
    "Matr\u00edcula", "Nome", "Situa\u00e7\u00e3o Matr\u00edcula", "Cota",
    "Curso", "Cpf", "Institui\u00e7\u00e3o", "Per. Letivo Inicial"

  if (sum(names(qacademico) %in% vars) == 8) {
    qacademico <- read_qacademico_web(path)
  } else {
      "Not found:",
      paste(vars[!vars %in% names(qacademico)], collapse = ", ")

  qacademico <- filter_rfept_date(qacademico, start)

#' @importFrom dplyr %>% sym
read_qacademico_web <- function(path) {
  temp <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "*.csv")
  temp <- paste0(path, "/", temp) %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

  classes <- "character"

  qacademico <- lapply(temp, utils::read.csv,
    sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = classes,
    encoding = "latin1", check.names = FALSE
  ) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::distinct(!!sym("Matr\u00edcula"), .keep_all = TRUE) %>% # Take the most recent
      R_NO_ALUNO = !!sym("Nome"),
      R_NU_CPF = num_para_cpf(!!sym("Cpf")),
      R_CO_MATRICULA = !!sym("Matr\u00edcula"),
      R_CO_CICLO_MATRICULA = "", # unitl now a RFEPT doesn't have ciclo
      R_NO_STATUS_MATRICULA = !!sym("Situa\u00e7\u00e3o Matr\u00edcula"),
      R_NO_CURSO = correct_course_name(!!sym("Curso")),
      R_DT_INICIO_CURSO = qacademico_convert_beginning_date(!!sym("Per. Letivo Inicial")),
      R_NO_CAMPUS = qacademico_campus_name(!!sym("Institui\u00e7\u00e3o")),
      R_NO_COTA = qacademico_cota(!!sym("Cota"))

  class(qacademico) <- c("rfept_data_frame", "qacademico_table", class(qacademico))


qacademico_convert_beginning_date <- function(date) {
  stringr::str_replace(date, "/", ".")

qacademico_campus_name <- function(campus) {
  campus <- stringr::str_sub(campus, 8)

qacademico_correct_campus_name <- function(campus) {
  dplyr::if_else(campus == "", "SEM CAMPUS", campus)

qacademico_cota <- function(cota) {
    grepl("N\u00e3o possui|Ampla Concorr\u00eancia$", cota),
    "N\u00c3O COTISTA",
      cota == "",
      "SEM INFORMA\u00c7\u00c3O",

## This will be deprecated
# qacademico_course_name <- function(course) {
#   course <- stringr::str_replace_all(course, "/|:|\\?|\\.", "_")
#   dplyr::if_else(course == "", "SEM CURSO", course)
# }
r-ifpe/sistec documentation built on May 21, 2021, 7:58 a.m.