
Defines functions print.cli_rule rule_left_right rule_right rule_left rule_center rule_line get_line_char rule make_line

Documented in rule

make_line <- function(x, char = symbol$line, col = NULL) {

  ## Easiest to handle this specially
  if (x <= 0) return("")

  cw <- ansi_nchar(char, "width")

  ## We handle the simple case differently, to make it faster
  if (cw == 1) {
    line <- paste(rep(char, x), collapse = "")
  } else {
    line <- ansi_substr(paste(rep(char, ceiling(x / cw)), collapse = ""), 1, x)

  unclass(apply_style(line, col))

#' Make a rule with one or two text labels
#' @description
#' The rule can include either a centered text label, or labels on the
#' left and right side.
#' To color the labels, use the functions `col_*`, `bg_*` and `style_*`
#' functions, see [ANSI styles][ansi-styles], and the examples below.
#' To color the line, either these functions directly, or the `line_col`
#' option.
#' @details
#' ## Simple rule
#' ```{asciicast rule-simple}
#' rule()
#' ```
#' ## Line styles
#' Some strings for the `line` argument are interpreted specially:
#' * `"single"`: (same as `1`), a single line,
#' * `"double"`: (same as `2`), a double line,
#' * `"bar1"`, `"bar2"`, `"bar3"`, etc., `"bar8"` uses varying height bars.
#' ### Double rule
#' ```{asciicast rule-double}
#' rule(line = 2)
#' ```
#' ### Bars
#' ```{asciicast rule-bars}
#' rule(line = "bar2")
#' rule(line = "bar5")
#' ```
#' ### Custom lines
#' ```{asciicast rule-custom-line}
#' rule(center = "TITLE", line = "~")
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast rule-custom-line-2}
#' rule(center = "TITLE", line = col_blue("~-"))
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast rule-custom-line-3}
#' rule(center = bg_red(" ", symbol$star, "TITLE",
#'   symbol$star, " "),
#'   line = "\u2582",
#'   line_col = "orange")
#' ```
#' ## Left label
#' ```{asciicast rule-left-label}
#' rule(left = "Results")
#' ```
#' ## Centered label
#' ```{asciicast rule-center-label}
#' rule(center = " * RESULTS * ")
#' ```
#' ## Colored labels
#' ```{asciicast rule-colored-label}
#' rule(center = col_red(" * RESULTS * "))
#' ```
#' ## Colored line
#' ```{asciicast rule-colored-line}
#' rule(center = col_red(" * RESULTS * "), line_col = "red")
#' ```
#' @param left Label to show on the left. It interferes with the `center`
#'   label, only at most one of them can be present.
#' @param center Label to show at the center. It interferes  with the
#'   `left` and `right` labels.
#' @param right Label to show on the right. It interferes with the `center`
#'   label, only at most one of them can be present.
#' @param line The character or string that is used to draw the line.
#'   It can also `1` or `2`, to request a single line (Unicode, if
#'   available), or a double line. Some strings are interpreted specially,
#'   see *Line styles* below.
#' @param col Color of text, and default line color. Either an ANSI style
#'   function (see [ANSI styles][ansi-styles]), or a color name that is
#'   passed to [make_ansi_style()].
#' @param line_col,background_col Either a color name (used in
#'   [make_ansi_style()]), or a style function (see
#'   [ANSI styles][ansi-styles]), to color the line and background.
#' @param width Width of the rule. Defaults to the `width` option, see
#'   [base::options()].
#' @return Character scalar, the rule.
#' @export

rule <- function(left = "", center = "", right = "", line = 1,
                 col = NULL, line_col = col, background_col = NULL,
                 width = console_width()) {

  try_silently(left <- as.character(left))
  try_silently(center <- as.character(center))
  try_silently(right <- as.character(right))

    is_string(line) || line == 1 || line == 2,

  left <- apply_style(left, col)
  center <- apply_style(center, col)
  right <- apply_style(right, col)

  options <- as.list(environment())
  options$line <- get_line_char(options$line)

  res <- if (ansi_nchar(center)) {
    if (ansi_nchar(left) || ansi_nchar(right)) {
      stop(sQuote("center"), " cannot be specified with ", sQuote("left"),
           " or ", sQuote("right"))

  } else if (ansi_nchar(left) && ansi_nchar(right)) {

  } else if (ansi_nchar(left)) {

  } else if (ansi_nchar(right)) {

  } else {

  res <- ansi_substr(res, 1, width)
  res <- apply_style(res, background_col, bg = TRUE)

  class(res) <- unique(c("cli_rule", "rule", class(res), "character"))

get_line_char <- function(line) {
  if (identical(line, 1) || identical(line, 1L) || identical(line, "single")) {

  } else if (identical(line, 2) || identical(line, 2L) || identical(line, "double")) {

  } else if (length(line) == 1 && line %in% paste0("bar", 1:8)) {
    bars <- structure(
      paste0("lower_block_", 1:8),
      names = paste0("bar", 1:8)
    symbol[[ bars[[line]] ]]

  } else {
    paste(as.character(line), collapse = "")

rule_line <- function(o) {
  make_line(o$width, o$line, o$line_col)

rule_center <- function(o) {

  o$center <- ansi_substring(o$center, 1, o$width - 4)
  o$center <- paste0(" ", o$center, " ")
  ncc <- ansi_nchar(o$center, "width")

  ndashes <- o$width - ncc

    make_line(ceiling(ndashes / 2), o$line, o$line_col),
    make_line(floor(ndashes / 2), o$line, o$line_col)

rule_left <- function(o) {
  ncl <- ansi_nchar(o$left, "width")

    make_line(2, get_line_char(o$line), o$line_col),
    " ", o$left, " ",
    make_line(o$width - ncl - 4, o$line, o$line_col)

rule_right <- function(o) {
  ncr <- ansi_nchar(o$right, "width")

    make_line(o$width - ncr - 4, o$line, o$line_col),
    " ", o$right, " ",
    make_line(2, o$line, o$line_col)

rule_left_right <- function(o) {

  ncl <- ansi_nchar(o$left, "width")
  ncr <- ansi_nchar(o$right,  "width")

  ## -- (ncl) -- (ncr) --
  if (ncl + ncr + 10 > o$width) return(rule_left(o))

    make_line(2, o$line, o$line_col),
    " ", o$left, " ",
    make_line(o$width - ncl - ncr - 8, o$line, o$line_col),
    " ", o$right, " ",
    make_line(2, o$line, o$line_col)

methods::setOldClass(c("cli_rule", "character"))

#' @export

print.cli_rule <- function(x, ..., sep = "\n") {
  cat(x, ..., sep = sep)
r-lib/boxes documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 2:25 p.m.