
Defines functions req_body_apply_raw req_body_apply req_body_info req_body req_body_multipart req_body_form req_body_json_modify req_body_json req_body_file req_body_raw

Documented in req_body_file req_body_form req_body_json req_body_json_modify req_body_multipart req_body_raw

#' Send data in request body
#' @description
#' * `req_body_file()` sends a local file.
#' * `req_body_raw()` sends a string or raw vector.
#' * `req_body_json()` sends JSON encoded data. Named components of this data
#'   can later be modified with `req_body_json_modify()`.
#' * `req_body_form()` sends form encoded data.
#' * `req_body_multipart()` creates a multi-part body.
#' Adding a body to a request will automatically switch the method to POST.
#' @inheritParams req_perform
#' @param type MIME content type. You shouldn't generally need to specify this as
#'  the defaults are usually pretty good, e.g. `req_body_file()` will guess it
#'  from the extension of of `path`. Will be ignored if you have manually set
#'  a `Content-Type` header.
#' @returns A modified HTTP [request].
#' @examples
#' req <- request(example_url()) |>
#'   req_url_path("/post")
#' # Most APIs expect small amounts of data in either form or json encoded:
#' req |>
#'   req_body_form(x = "A simple text string") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' req |>
#'   req_body_json(list(x = "A simple text string")) |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # For total control over the body, send a string or raw vector
#' req |>
#'   req_body_raw("A simple text string") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # There are two main ways that APIs expect entire files
#' path <- tempfile()
#' writeLines(letters[1:6], path)
#' # You can send a single file as the body:
#' req |>
#'   req_body_file(path) |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # You can send multiple files, or a mix of files and data
#' # with multipart encoding
#' req |>
#'   req_body_multipart(a = curl::form_file(path), b = "some data") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' @name req_body
#' @aliases NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
#' @param body A literal string or raw vector to send as body.
req_body_raw <- function(req, body, type = NULL) {
  if (!is.raw(body) && !is_string(body)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg body} must be a raw vector or string.")

  req_body(req, data = body, type = "raw", content_type = type %||% "")

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
#' @param path Path to file to upload.
req_body_file <- function(req, path, type = NULL) {
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg path} ({.path {path}}) does not exist.")

  # Need to override default content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  req_body(req, data = new_path(path), type = "raw-file", content_type = type %||% "")

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
#' @param data Data to include in body.
#' @param auto_unbox Should length-1 vectors be automatically "unboxed" to
#'   JSON scalars?
#' @param digits How many digits of precision should numbers use in JSON?
#' @param null Should `NULL` be translated to JSON's null (`"null"`)
#'   or an empty list (`"list"`).
req_body_json <- function(req, data,
                          auto_unbox = TRUE,
                          digits = 22,
                          null = "null",
                          type = "application/json",
                          ...) {
  check_content_type(type, "application/json", "json")

  params <- list2(
    auto_unbox = auto_unbox,
    digits = digits,
    null = null,
  req_body(req, data = data, type = "json", content_type = type, params = params)

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
req_body_json_modify <- function(req, ...) {
  if (req$body$type != "json") {
    cli::cli_abort("Can only be used after {.fn req_body_json")

  req$body$data <- utils::modifyList(req$body$data, list2(...))

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
#' @param ... <[`dynamic-dots`][rlang::dyn-dots]> Name-data pairs used to send
#'   data in the body.
#'   * For `req_body_form()`, the values must be strings (or things easily
#'     coerced to strings);
#'   * For `req_body_multipart()` the values must be strings or objects
#'     produced by [curl::form_file()]/[curl::form_data()].
#'   * For `req_body_json_modify()`, any simple data made from atomic vectors
#'     and lists.
#'   `req_body_json()` uses this argument differently; it takes additional
#'   arguments passed on to  [jsonlite::toJSON()].
#' @inheritParams req_url_query
req_body_form <- function(.req,
                          .multi = c("error", "comma", "pipe", "explode")) {

  dots <- multi_dots(..., .multi = .multi)
  data <- modify_list(.req$body$data, !!!dots)
    data = data,
    type = "form",
    content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

#' @export
#' @rdname req_body
req_body_multipart <- function(.req, ...) {

  data <- modify_list(.req$body$data, ...)
  # data must be character, raw, curl::form_file, or curl::form_data
    data = data,
    type = "multipart",
    content_type = NULL

# General structure -------------------------------------------------------

req_body <- function(req, data, type, content_type, params = list()) {
  req$body <- list(
    data = data,
    type = type,
    content_type = content_type,
    params = params

req_body_info <- function(req) {
  if (is.null(req$body)) {
  } else {
    data <- req$body$data
    if (is.raw(data)) {
      glue("{length(data)} bytes of raw data")
    } else if (is_string(data)) {
      glue("a string")
    } else if (is_path(data)) {
      glue("path '{data}'")
    } else if (is.list(data)) {
      glue("{req$body$type} encoded data")
    } else {

req_body_apply <- function(req) {
  if (is.null(req$body)) {

  data <- req$body$data
  type <- req$body$type

  if (type == "raw-file") {
    size <- file.info(data)$size
    done <- FALSE
    # Only open connection if needed
    delayedAssign("con", file(data, "rb"))

    # Leaks connection if request doesn't complete
    readfunction <- function(nbytes, ...) {
      if (done) {
      out <- readBin(con, "raw", nbytes)
      if (length(out) <= nbytes) {
        done <<- TRUE
        con <<- NULL
    seekfunction <- function(offset, ...) {
      if (done) {
        con <<- file(data, "rb")
        done <<- FALSE
      seek(con, where = offset)

    req <- req_options(req,
      post = TRUE,
      readfunction = readfunction,
      seekfunction = seekfunction,
      postfieldsize_large = size
  } else if (type == "raw") {
    req <- req_body_apply_raw(req, data)
  } else if (type == "json") {
    json <- exec(jsonlite::toJSON, data, !!!req$body$params)
    req <- req_body_apply_raw(req, json)
  } else if (type == "multipart") {
    data <- unobfuscate(data)
    req$fields <- data
  } else if (type == "form") {
    data <- unobfuscate(data)
    req <- req_body_apply_raw(req, query_build(data))
  } else {
    cli::cli_abort("Unsupported request body {.arg type}.", .internal = TRUE)

  # Respect existing Content-Type if set
  type_idx <- match("content-type", tolower(names(req$headers)))
  if (!is.na(type_idx)) {
    content_type <- req$headers[[type_idx]]
    req$headers <- req$headers[-type_idx]
  } else {
    content_type <- req$body$content_type
  req <- req_headers(req, `Content-Type` = content_type)


req_body_apply_raw <- function(req, body) {
  if (is_string(body)) {
    body <- charToRaw(enc2utf8(body))
    post = TRUE,
    postfieldsize = length(body),
    postfields = body
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 3:32 a.m.