
Defines functions lint_tidyverse_lifecycle lint_lifecycle get_usage_function_names pkg_lifecycle_statuses db_function db_lifecycle

Documented in lint_lifecycle lint_tidyverse_lifecycle pkg_lifecycle_statuses

# Retrieve the lifecycle status defined in each Rd file
db_lifecycle <- function(db) {
  lifecycle_patterns <- paste0(
      collapse = "|",

  desc <- lapply(db, asNamespace("tools")$.Rd_get_metadata, "description")
  lapply(desc, function(x) {
    res <- regexpr(lifecycle_patterns, x, perl = TRUE)
    starts <- attr(res, "capture.start")
    ends <- starts + attr(res, "capture.length") - 1
    substring(x, starts, ends)

# Retrieve the functions listed in the usage for each Rd file in the database
db_function <- function(db) {
  usage <- lapply(db, asNamespace("tools")$.Rd_get_section, "usage")
  lapply(usage, get_usage_function_names)

#' @param package The name of an installed package.
#' @param which The lifecycle statuses to retrieve.
#'   Include `NA` if you want to include functions without a specified lifecycle
#'   status in the results.
#' @export
#' @rdname lint_lifecycle
pkg_lifecycle_statuses <- function(package, which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental", "soft-deprecated", "retired")) {
  which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)

  db <- tools::Rd_db(package)
  lc <- db_lifecycle(db)
  funs <- db_function(db)

  res <- mapply(function(lc, f) data.frame(fun = f, lifecycle = rep(lc, length(f)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), lc, funs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  res <- vctrs::vec_rbind(!!!res)

  # Filter funs without a lifecycle
  if (!NA %in% which) {
    res <- res[!is.na(res$lifecycle), ]

  # Filter funs without a function name
  res <- res[nzchar(res$fun), ]

  # Filter method definitions
  res <- res[grep("[\\\\]method\\{", res$fun, invert = TRUE), ]

  # filter lifecycles not in which
  res <- res[res$lifecycle %in% which, ]

  if (nrow(res) == 0) {
    return(data.frame(package = character(), fun = character(), lifecycle = character()))

  res$package <- package

  res[c("package", "fun", "lifecycle")]

get_usage_function_names <- function(x) {
  if (!length(x)) {
  } else {
    res <- asNamespace("tools")$.parse_usage_as_much_as_possible(x)
    vapply(res, function(x) {
      if (is.call(x)) as.character(x[[1]]) else character(1)
    }, character(1))

#' Lint usages of functions that have a non-stable life cycle.
#' - `lint_lifecycle` dynamically queries the package documentation for packages
#'   in `packages` for lifecycle annotations and then searches the directory in
#'   `path` for usages of those functions.
#' - `lint_tidyverse_lifecycle` is a convenience function to call `lint_lifecycle`
#'   for all the packages in the tidyverse.
#' - `pkg_lifecycle_statuses` returns a data frame of functions with lifecycle
#'   annotations for an installed package.
#' @param packages One or more installed packages to query for lifecycle statuses.
#' @param path The directory path to the files you want to search.
#' @param pattern Any files matching this pattern will be searched. The default
#'   searches any files ending in `.R` or `.Rmd`.
#' @export
lint_lifecycle <- function(packages, path = ".", pattern = "[.][Rr](md)?", which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental", "soft-deprecated", "retired")) {
  which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)

  check_installed(c("lintr", "vctrs"))

  life_cycles <- vctrs::vec_rbind(!!!lapply(packages, pkg_lifecycle_statuses, which = which))

  msgs <- sprintf("`%s::%s` is %s", life_cycles$package, life_cycles$fun, life_cycles$lifecycle)

  lifecycle_linter <- function(source_file) {
      lintr::ids_with_token(source_file, "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL", fun = `%in%`),
      function(id) {
        token <- lintr::with_id(source_file, id)
        fun_name <- token[["text"]]
        has_lifecycle_fun <- fun_name == life_cycles$fun
        if (any(has_lifecycle_fun)) {
          line_num <- token[["line1"]]
          start_col_num <- token[["col1"]]
          end_col_num <- token[["col2"]]

          # In case more than one lifecycle function matches, we only take the first one.
          msg <- msgs[has_lifecycle_fun][[1]]
            filename = source_file[["filename"]],
            line_number = line_num,
            column_number = start_col_num,
            type = "warning",
            message = msg,
            line = source_file[["lines"]][[as.character(line_num)]],
            ranges = list(c(start_col_num, end_col_num))

  lintr::lint_dir(path = path, pattern = pattern, linters = lifecycle_linter)

#' @rdname lint_lifecycle
#' @export
lint_tidyverse_lifecycle <- function(path = ".", pattern = "[.][Rr](md)?", which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental", "soft-deprecated", "retired")) {
  which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)

  check_installed(c("lintr", "vctrs", "tidyverse"))

  lint_lifecycle(packages = tidyverse::tidyverse_packages(), path = path, which = which)
r-lib/lifecycle documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 11:33 p.m.