
Defines functions path_linter_factory normalize_path split_path split_paths is_valid_long_path is_long_path is_valid_path is_path is_relative_path is_root_path is_absolute_path

control_char_regex <- rex(one_of(intToUtf8(seq.int(0L, 31L), multiple = TRUE)))
# control chars (non-printing)

win32_bad_punct_regex <- rex(one_of(
  "*", "?", "\"", "<", ">", "|", ":", "/", "\\"
win32_good_punct_regex <- rex(one_of(
  "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "+", ",", "-", ".", ";",
  "=", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "`", "{", "}", "~"
# win32BadPunct + win32AllowedPunct = [:punct:]

unsafe_char_regex <- rex(or(control_char_regex, win32_bad_punct_regex))

safe_char_regex <- rex(or(alnum, " ", win32_good_punct_regex))
# alphanumeric chars (including UTF-8), spaces, and win32-allowed punctuation

portable_char_regex <- rex(character_class("A-Za-z0-9_\\-."))
# ASCII letters, digits, dot, hyphen and underscore

protocol_regex <- rex(one_or_more(letter), "://")

root_regex <- list(
  unix  = rex(start, "/"),
  tilde = rex(start, "~", zero_or_more(portable_char_regex), zero_or_more("/")),
  win32 = rex(start, letter, ":", maybe(one_of("/", "\\"))),
  unc   = rex(start, "\\\\", maybe(one_or_more(portable_char_regex), maybe("\\")))

root_path_regex <- rex(start, or(root_regex), end)

# styler: off
absolute_path_regex <- rex(or(
  root_regex[["unix"]]  %if_next_isnt% one_of(space, "/"),
  root_regex[["tilde"]] %if_next_isnt% one_of(space, quote),
  root_regex[["win32"]] %if_next_isnt% one_of(space, "/", "\\"),
  root_regex[["unc"]]   %if_next_isnt% one_of(space, "\\", quote)

relative_path_regex <- rex(
  start %if_next_isnt% or(quote, absolute_path_regex, protocol_regex),
  or(                                                    # not an absolute path or protocol, and then
    group(one_or_more(safe_char_regex), or("/", "\\")),  # (back)slash-separated paths
    group(dot, maybe(dot), end)                          # or single or double dot
  )                                                      # (paths without slash or dots left out)
  %if_next_isnt% quote
# styler: on

path_regex <- rex(or(absolute_path_regex, relative_path_regex))

is_absolute_path <- function(path) {
  re_matches(path, absolute_path_regex)

is_root_path <- function(path) {
  re_matches(path, root_path_regex)

is_relative_path <- function(path) {
  re_matches(path, relative_path_regex)

is_path <- function(path) {
  re_matches(path, path_regex)

is_valid_path <- function(paths, lax = FALSE) {
  # Given a character vector of paths, return FALSE for directory or file having valid characters.
  # On Windows, invalid chars are all control chars and: * ? " < > | :
  # On Unix, all characters are valid, except when lax=TRUE (use same invalid chars as Windows).
      function(dirs, is_win32) {
        if (!is_win32 && !lax) {
        if (length(dirs) > 0L && is_root_path(dirs[[1L]])) {
          dirs <- tail(dirs, -1L) # remove root element ("/", "C:", or "\\")
        !any(re_matches(dirs, unsafe_char_regex))
      re_matches(paths, rex(or(list(root_regex[["win32"]], root_regex[["unc"]], "\\"))))

is_long_path <- function(path) {
  # Take a character vector of paths and determine if they are "long enough"
  # TRUE , e.g.: "./foo", "C:\\foo", "foo/bar"
  # FALSE, e.g.: "/",  "\\", "n/a", "/foo", "foo/"
    re_substitutes(path, ":", ""),
    rex(at_least(safe_char_regex, 1L), one_of("/", "\\"), at_least(safe_char_regex, 2L))

is_valid_long_path <- function(path, lax = FALSE) {
  # Convenience function to avoid linting short paths and those unlikely to be valid paths
  ret <- is_valid_path(path, lax)
  if (lax) {
    ret <- ret & is_long_path(path)

split_paths <- function(path, sep = "/|\\\\") {
  if (!is.character(path)) {
    cli_abort("Argument {.arg path} should be a {.cls character} vector.")
  if (!is.character(sep) || length(sep) != 1L || !nzchar(sep)) {
    cli_abort("Argument {.arg sep} should be a non-empty regular expression character string.")
  Map(split_path, strsplit(path, sep), substr(path, 1L, 1L))

split_path <- function(dirs, prefix) {
  # add root dir if needed
  nonempty_dirs <- nzchar(dirs)
  i <- match(TRUE, nonempty_dirs, nomatch = length(dirs) + 1L) - 1L
  if (i > 0L) {
    dirs <- c(strrep(prefix, i), tail(dirs, -i))

  # add // to protocols (like http, smb, ...)
  if (length(dirs) > 0L && grepl("..:$", dirs[[1L]])) {
    dirs[[1L]] <- paste0(dirs[[1L]], "//")

  # remove empty dirs

#' Simple wrapper around normalizePath to ensure forward slash on Windows
#' https://github.com/r-lib/lintr/pull/2613
#' @noRd
# nolint next: undesirable_function_linter, object_name_linter.
normalize_path <- function(path, mustWork = NA) normalizePath(path = path, winslash = "/", mustWork = mustWork)

#' @include utils.R
path_linter_factory <- function(path_function, message, linter, name = linter_auto_name()) {
  Linter(name = name, linter_level = "expression", function(source_expression) {
      ids_with_token(source_expression, "STR_CONST"),
      function(id) {
        token <- with_id(source_expression, id)
        path <- get_r_string(token$text)
        if (path_function(path)) {
          path_start <- token[["col1"]] + 1L
          path_end <- token[["col2"]] - 1L
            filename = source_expression[["filename"]],
            line_number = token[["line1"]],
            column_number = path_start,
            type = "warning",
            message = message, # nolint: undesirable_function_linter
            line = source_expression[["lines"]][[as.character(token[["line1"]])]],
            ranges = list(c(path_start, path_end))
r-lib/lintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 4:41 a.m.