#' Install packages
#' Install one or more packages and their dependencies into a single
#' package library.
#' @param pkg Package names or package references. E.g.
#' - `ggplot2`: package from CRAN, Bioconductor or a CRAN-like repository
#' in general,
#' - `tidyverse/ggplot2`: package from GitHub,
#' - `tidyverse/ggplot2@v3.4.0`: package from GitHub tag or branch,
#' - `https://examples.com/.../ggplot2_3.3.6.tar.gz`: package from URL,
#' - `.`: package in the current working directory.
#' See "[Package sources]" for more details.
#' @param lib Package library to install the packages to. Note that _all_
#' dependent packages will be installed here, even if they are
#' already installed in another library. The only exceptions are base
#' and recommended packages installed in `.Library`. These are not
#' duplicated in `lib`, unless a newer version of a recommended package
#' is needed.
#' @param upgrade When `FALSE`, the default, pak does the minimum amount
#' of work to give you the latest version(s) of `pkg`. It will only upgrade
#' dependent packages if `pkg`, or one of their dependencies explicitly
#' require a higher version than what you currently have. It will also
#' prefer a binary package over to source package, even it the binary
#' package is older.
#' When `upgrade = TRUE`, pak will ensure that you have the latest
#' version(s) of `pkg` and all their dependencies.
#' @param ask Whether to ask for confirmation when installing a different
#' version of a package that is already installed. Installations that only
#' add new packages never require confirmation.
#' @param dependencies What kinds of dependencies to install. Most commonly
#' one of the following values:
#' - `NA`: only required (hard) dependencies,
#' - `TRUE`: required dependencies plus optional and development
#' dependencies,
#' - `FALSE`: do not install any dependencies. (You might end up with a
#' non-working package, and/or the installation might fail.)
#' See [Package dependency types] for other possible values and more
#' information about package dependencies.
#' @return (Invisibly) A data frame with information about the installed
#' package(s).
#' @export
#' @seealso [Get started with pak], [Package sources], [FAQ],
#' [The dependency solver].
#' @family package functions
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-install-dplyr}
#' pkg_install("dplyr")
#' ```
#' Upgrade dplyr and all its dependencies:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-install-upgrade}
#' pkg_install("dplyr", upgrade = TRUE)
#' ````
#' Install the development version of dplyr:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-install-gh}
#' pkg_install("tidyverse/dplyr")
#' ```
#' Switch back to the CRAN version. This will be fast because
#' pak will have cached the prior install.
#' ```{asciicast pkg-install-cran}
#' pkg_install("dplyr")
#' ```
pkg_install <- function(pkg, lib = .libPaths()[[1L]], upgrade = FALSE,
ask = interactive(), dependencies = NA) {
start <- Sys.time()
status <- remote(
function(...) get("pkg_install_make_plan", asNamespace("pak"))(...),
list(pkg = pkg, lib = lib, upgrade = upgrade, ask = ask,
start = start, dependencies = dependencies,
loaded = loaded_packages(lib)))
unloaded <- handle_status(status, lib, ask)$unloaded
inst <- remote(
function(...) get("pkg_install_do_plan", asNamespace("pak"))(...),
list(proposal = NULL))
if (length(unloaded) > 0) offer_restart(unloaded)
pkg_install_make_plan <- function(pkg, lib, upgrade, ask, start,
dependencies, loaded) {
prop <- pkgdepends::new_pkg_installation_proposal(
config = list(library = lib, dependencies = dependencies)
## Solve the dependency graph
prop$set_solve_policy(if (upgrade) "upgrade" else "lazy")
pkg_data$tmp <- list(proposal = prop, start = start)
print_install_details(prop, lib, loaded)
pkg_install_do_plan <- function(proposal) {
proposal <- proposal %||% pkg_data$tmp$proposal
start <- pkg_data$tmp$start
pkg_data$tmp <- NULL
# Actually download packages as needed
# sysreqs
# Get the installation plan and hand it over to pkgdepends
inst <- proposal$install()
attr(inst, "total_time") <- Sys.time() - start
class(inst) <- c("pkg_install_result", class(inst))
## Remove some largeish columns that we don't really need any more
inst$extra <- NULL
## One line summary of the install
#' Display installed locations of a package
#' @param pkg Name of one or more installed packages to display status for.
#' @param lib One or more library paths to lookup packages status in.
#' By default all libraries are used.
#' @return Data frame with data about installations of `pkg`.
#' \eval{include_docs("pkgdepends", "docs/lib-status-return.rds")}
#' @export
#' @family package functions
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-status}
#' pkg_status("MASS")
#' ```
pkg_status <- function(pkg, lib = .libPaths()) {
stopifnot(length(pkg == 1) && is.character(pkg))
function(...) asNamespace("pak")$pkg_status_internal(...),
list(pkg = pkg, lib = lib))
pkg_status_internal <- function(pkg, lib = .libPaths()) {
st <- lapply(lib, pkgdepends::lib_status, packages = pkg)
do.call("rbind_expand", st)
#' Remove installed packages
#' @param pkg A character vector of packages to remove.
#' @param lib library to remove packages from.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
#' @family package functions
pkg_remove <- function(pkg, lib = .libPaths()[[1L]]) {
function(...) {
get("pkg_remove_internal", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
list(pkg = pkg, lib = lib)
pkg_remove_internal <- function(pkg, lib) {
pr <- pkgdepends::parse_pkg_ref(pkg)
suppressMessages(utils::remove.packages(pr$package, lib))
#' Look up the dependencies of a package
#' @param upgrade Whether to use the most recent available package
#' versions.
#' @inheritParams pkg_install
#' @return A data frame with the dependency data, it includes `pkg`
#' as well. It has the following columns.
#' \eval{include_docs("pkgdepends", "docs/resolution-result.rds")}
#' @family package functions
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-deps}
#' pkg_deps("dplyr")
#' ```
#' For a package on GitHub:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-deps-gh}
#' pkg_deps("r-lib/callr")
#' ```
pkg_deps <- function(pkg, upgrade = TRUE, dependencies = NA) {
function(...) {
get("pkg_deps_internal", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
list(pkg = pkg, upgrade = upgrade, dependencies = dependencies)
pkg_deps_internal <- function(pkg, upgrade, dependencies = NA) {
deps <- pkg_deps_internal2(pkg, upgrade, dependencies)
data <- deps$get_solution()$data
# This refers to the 'desc' package namespace, and we don't really need it
data$extra <- NULL
pkg_deps_internal2 <- function(pkg, upgrade, dependencies) {
dir.create(lib <- tempfile())
on.exit(rimraf(lib), add = TRUE)
config <- list(library = lib)
if (!is.null(dependencies)) config$dependencies <- dependencies
deps <- pkgdepends::new_pkg_deps(pkg, config = config)
if (upgrade) deps$set_solve_policy("upgrade")
#' Draw the dependency tree of a package
#' @param upgrade Whether to use the most recent available package
#' versions.
#' @inheritParams pkg_install
#' @return The same data frame as [pkg_deps()], invisibly.
#' @family package functions
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-deos-tree}
#' pkg_deps_tree("dplyr")
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast pkg-deps-tree-2}
#' pkg_deps_tree("r-lib/usethis")
#' ```
pkg_deps_tree <- function(pkg, upgrade = TRUE, dependencies = NA) {
stopifnot(length(pkg == 1) && is.character(pkg))
ret <- remote(
function(...) {
get("pkg_deps_tree_internal", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
list(pkg = pkg, upgrade = upgrade, dependencies = dependencies)
cat(ret$tree, sep = "\n")
pkg_deps_tree_internal <- function(pkg, upgrade, dependencies = NA) {
deps <- pkg_deps_internal2(pkg, upgrade, dependencies)
tree <- deps$draw()
data <- deps$get_solution()$data
# This refers to the 'desc' package namespace, and we don't really need it
data$extra <- NULL
list(tree = tree, data = data)
#' @rdname lib_status
#' @family package functions
#' @export
pkg_list <- function(lib = .libPaths()[1]) {
#' Download a package and its dependencies
#' TODO: explain result
#' @param dest_dir Destination directory for the packages. If it does not
#' exist, then it will be created.
#' @param platforms Types of binary or source packages to download. The
#' default is the value of [pkgdepends::default_platforms()].
#' @param r_versions R version(s) to download packages for. (This does not
#' matter for source packages, but it does for binaries.) It defaults to
#' the current R version.
#' @inheritParams pkg_install
#' @return Data frame with information about the downloaded
#' packages, invisibly. Columns:
#' \eval{include_docs("pkgdepends", "docs/download-result.rds")}
#' @export
#' @family package functions
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pkg-download}
#' dl <- pkg_download("forcats")
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast pkg-download-2}
#' dl
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast pkg-download-3}
#' dl$fulltarget
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast pkg-download-4}
#' pkg_download("r-lib/pak", platforms = "source")
#' ```
pkg_download <- function(pkg, dest_dir = ".", dependencies = FALSE,
platforms = NULL, r_versions = NULL) {
args <- list(
pkg = pkg,
dest_dir = dest_dir,
dependencies = dependencies,
platforms = platforms,
r_versions = r_versions
dl <- remote(
function(...) {
get("pkg_download_internal", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
pkg_download_internal <- function(pkg, dest_dir = ".", dependencies = FALSE,
platforms = NULL, r_versions = NULL) {
config <- list(cache_dir = dest_dir, dependencies = dependencies)
if (!is.null(platforms)) config$platforms <- platforms
if (!is.null(r_versions)) config$`r-versions` <- r_versions
dl <- pkgdepends::new_pkg_download_proposal(pkg, config = config)
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