
get_palette_color <- function(style, colors = num_ansi_colors()) {
  opt <- getOption("cli.palette")
  if (is.null(opt) || colors < 256) return(style)
  cache_palette_color(opt, style$palette, colors)

palette_cache <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

cache_palette_color <- function(pal, idx, colors = num_ansi_colors()) {
  if (is_string(pal)) {
    if (! pal %in% rownames(ansi_palettes)) {
      opt <- options(cli.palette = NULL)
        "Cannot find cli ANSI palette {.val {pal}}",
        "i" = "Know palettes are {.val {rownames(cli::ansi_palettes)}}.",
        "i" = "Maybe the {.code cli.palette} option is incorrect?"
    pal <- ansi_palettes[pal, ]

  bg <- idx < 0
  idx <- abs(idx)
  col <- pal[[idx]]

  colkey <- as.character(colors)
  key <- paste0(col, bg)
  if (key %in% names(palette_cache[[colkey]])) {

  val <- ansi_style_from_r_color(
    bg = bg,
    grey = FALSE

  if (is.null(palette_cache[[colkey]])) {
    palette_cache[[colkey]] <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  palette_cache[[colkey]][[key]] <- val


#' @details
#' `truecolor` is an integer constant for the number of 24 bit ANSI colors.
#' @format `truecolor` is an integer scalar.
#' @export
#' @rdname ansi_palettes

truecolor <- as.integer(256 ^ 3)

#' ANSI colors palettes
#' If your platform supports at least 256 colors, then you can configure
#' the colors that cli uses for the eight base and the eight bright colors.
#' (I.e. the colors of [col_black()], [col_red()], and [col_br_black()],
#' [col_br_red()], etc.
#' To customize the default palette, set the `cli.palette` option to the
#' name of a built-in palette (see `ansi_palettes()`), or the list of
#' 16 colors. Colors can be specified with RGB colors strings:
#' `#rrggbb` or R color names (see the output of [grDevices::colors()]).
#' For example, you can put this in your R profile:
#' ```r
#' options(cli.palette = "vscode")
#' ```
#' It is currently not possible to configure the background colors
#' separately, these will be always the same as the foreground colors.
#' If your platform only has 256 colors, then the colors specified in the
#' palette have to be interpolated. On true color platforms they RGB
#' values are used as-is.
#' `ansi_palettes` is a data frame of the built-in palettes, each row
#' is one palette.
#' `ansi_palette_show()` shows the colors of an ANSI palette on the screen.
#' @format `ansi_palettes` is a data frame with one row for each palette,
#'   and one column for each base ANSI color. `attr(ansi_palettes, "info")`
#'   contains a list with information about each palette.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ansi_palettes
#' ansi_palette_show("dichro", colors = truecolor)

ansi_palettes <- rbind(
    comment.char = ";",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    comment.char = ";",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

attr(ansi_palettes, "info") <-
    dichro = paste(
      "Colorblind friendly palette, from",
    vga = paste(
      "Typical colors that are used when booting PCs and leaving them in",
      "text mode, which used a 16-entry color table. The colors are",
      "different in the EGA/VGA graphic modes.",
    winxp = paste(
      "Windows XP Console. Seen in Windows XP through Windows 8.1.",
    vscode = paste(
      "Visual Studio Debug console, 'Dark+' theme.",
    win10 = paste0(
      "Campbell theme, used as of Windows 10 version 1709. Also used",
      "by PowerShell 6.",
    macos = paste0(
      " in macOS",
    putty = paste0(
    mirc = paste0(
    xterm = paste0(
    ubuntu = paste0(
      "For virtual terminals, from /etc/vtrgb.",
    eclipse = paste0(
    iterm = "Built-in iTerm2 theme.",
    "iterm-pastel" = "Built-In iTerm2 theme.",
    "iterm-smoooooth" = "Built-In iTerm2 theme.",
    "iterm-snazzy" = "From",
    "iterm-solarized" = "Built-In iTerm2 theme.",
    "iterm-tango" = "Built-In iTerm2 theme."

#' @param palette The palette to show, in the same format as for the
#'   `cli.palette` option, so it can be the name of a built-in palette,
#'   of a list of 16 colors.
#' @param colors Number of ANSI colors to use the show the palette. If the
#'   platform does not have sufficient support, the output might have
#'   a lower color resolution. Without color support it will have no color
#'   at all.
#' @param rows The number of colored rows to print.
#' @return `ansi_palette_show` returns a character vector, the rows that
#'   are printed to the screen, invisibly.
#' @export
#' @rdname ansi_palettes

ansi_palette_show <- function(palette = NULL, colors = num_ansi_colors(),
                              rows = 4) {
  opts <- options(
    cli.palette = palette %||% getOption("cli.palette"),
    cli.num_colors = colors
  on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)

  blk <- strrep(symbol$lower_block_8, 4)
  blks <- c(
    "blck" = col_black(blk),
    "red " = col_red(blk),
    "grn " = col_green(blk),
    "yllw" = col_yellow(blk),
    "blue" = col_blue(blk),
    "mgnt" = col_magenta(blk),
    "cyan" = col_cyan(blk),
    "whte" = col_white(blk),
    "blck" = col_br_black(blk),
    "red " = col_br_red(blk),
    "grn " = col_br_green(blk),
    "yllw" = col_br_yellow(blk),
    "blue" = col_br_blue(blk),
    "mgnt" = col_br_magenta(blk),
    "cyan" = col_br_cyan(blk),
    "whte" = col_br_white(blk)

  join <- function(x) {
      paste(x[1:8], collapse = " "),
      "  ",
      paste(x[9:16], collapse = " ")

  nms <- join(names(blks))
  str <- join(blks)

  out <- c(
    paste(strrep(" ", 52), "bright variants"),
    rep(str, rows)

r-lib/pak documentation built on May 28, 2024, 10:33 p.m.