
#' Mark a process and its (future) child tree
#' `ps_mark_tree()` generates a random environment variable name and sets
#' it in the  current R process. This environment variable will be (by
#' default) inherited by all child (and grandchild, etc.) processes, and
#' will help finding these processes, even if and when they are (no longer)
#' related to the current R process. (I.e. they are not connected in the
#' process tree.)
#' `ps_find_tree()` finds the processes that set the supplied environment
#' variable and returns them in a list.
#' `ps_kill_tree()` finds the processes that set the supplied environment
#' variable, and kills them (or sends them the specified signal on Unix).
#' `with_process_cleanup()` evaluates an R expression, and cleans up all
#' external processes that were started by the R process while evaluating
#' the expression. This includes child processes of child processes, etc.,
#' recursively. It returns a list with entries: `result` is the result of
#' the expression, `visible` is TRUE if the expression should be printed
#' to the screen, and `process_cleanup` is a named integer vector of the
#' cleaned pids, names are the process names.
#' If `expr` throws an error, then so does `with_process_cleanup()`, the
#' same error. Nevertheless processes are still cleaned up.
#' @section Note:
#' Note that `with_process_cleanup()` is problematic if the R process is
#' multi-threaded and the other threads start subprocesses.
#' `with_process_cleanup()` cleans up those processes as well, which is
#' probably not what you want. This is an issue for example in RStudio.
#' Do not use `with_process_cleanup()`, unless you are sure that the
#' R process is single-threaded, or the other threads do not start
#' subprocesses. E.g. using it in package test cases is usually fine,
#' because RStudio runs these in a separate single-threaded process.
#' The same holds for manually running `ps_mark_tree()` and then
#' `ps_find_tree()` or `ps_kill_tree()`.
#' A safe way to use process cleanup is to use the processx package to
#' start subprocesses, and set the `cleanup_tree = TRUE` in
#' [processx::run()] or the [processx::process] constructor.
#' @return `ps_mark_tree()` returns the name of the environment variable,
#' which can be used as the `marker` in `ps_kill_tree()`.
#' `ps_find_tree()` returns a list of `ps_handle` objects.
#' `ps_kill_tree()` returns the pids of the killed processes, in a named
#' integer vector. The names are the file names of the executables, when
#' available.
#' `with_process_cleanup()` returns the value of the evaluated expression.
#' @rdname ps_kill_tree
#' @export

ps_mark_tree <- function() {
  id <- get_id(), structure(list("YES"), names = id))

get_id <- function() {
      sample(c(LETTERS, 0:9), 10, replace = TRUE),
      collapse = ""

#' @param expr R expression to evaluate in the new context.
#' @rdname ps_kill_tree
#' @export

with_process_cleanup <- function(expr) {
  id <- ps_mark_tree()
  stat <- NULL
  do <- function() {
    on.exit(stat <<- ps_kill_tree(id), add = TRUE)

  res <- do()

  ret <- list(
    result = res$value,
    visible = res$visible,
    process_cleanup = stat)
  class(ret) <- "with_process_cleanup"

#' @export

print.with_process_cleanup <- function(x, ...) {
  if (x$visible) print(x$result)
  if (length(x$process_cleanup)) {
    cat("!! Cleaned up the following processes:\n")
  } else {
    cat("-- No leftover processes to clean up.\n")

#' @rdname ps_kill_tree
#' @export

ps_find_tree <- function(marker) {
  after <- as.numeric(strsplit(marker, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])

  pids <- setdiff(ps_pids(), Sys.getpid())

  not_null(lapply(pids, function(p) {
      .Call(ps__find_if_env, marker, after, p),
      error = function(e) NULL

#' @param marker String scalar, the name of the environment variable to
#' use to find the marked processes.
#' @param sig The signal to send to the marked processes on Unix. On
#' Windows this argument is ignored currently.
#' @rdname ps_kill_tree
#' @export

ps_kill_tree <- function(marker, sig = signals()$SIGKILL) {

  # NULL on Windows
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") assert_integer(sig)

  after <- as.numeric(strsplit(marker, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])

  pids <- setdiff(ps_pids(), Sys.getpid())

  ret <- lapply(pids, function(p) {
      .Call(ps__kill_if_env, marker, after, p, sig),
      error = function(e) e

  gone <- map_lgl(ret, function(x) is.character(x))
  structure(pids[gone], names = unlist(ret[gone]))
r-lib/pkg documentation built on May 6, 2024, 3:04 p.m.