#' LAS utilities
#' Tools to manipulate LAS objects maintaining compliance with
#' \href{https://www.asprs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/LAS_1_4_r15.pdf}{ASPRS specification}
#' In the specification of the LAS format the coordinates are expected to be given
#' with a certain precision e.g. 0.01 for a millimeter precision (or millifeet), meaning
#' that a file records e.g. 123.46 not 123.45678. Also, coordinates are stored as
#' integers. This is made possible with a scale and offset factor. For example,
#' 123.46 with an offset of 100 and a scale factor of 0.01 is actually stored as
#' (123.46 - 100)/0.01 = 2346. Storing 123.45678 with a scale factor of 0.01 and an offset
#' of 100 is invalid because it does not convert to an integer: (123.45678-100)/0.01
#' = 2345.678. Having an invalid LAS object may be critical in some lidR applications.
#' When writing into a LAS file, users will loose the extra precision without
#' warning and some algorithms in lidR use the integer conversion to make integer-based
#' computation and thus speed-up some algorithms and use less memory. Creation of an
#' invalid LAS object may cause problems and incorrect outputs.
#' @param las An object of class LAS
#' @param x numeric. Coordinates vector
#' @param scale,offset scalar. scale and offset
#' @param xscale,yscale,zscale scalar. Can be missing if not relevant.
#' @param xoffset,yoffset,zoffset scalar. Can be missing if not relevant.
#' @param by_reference bool. Update the data in place without allocating new memory.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @examples
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.laz", package="rlas")
#' las = readLAS(LASfile)
#' # Manual modification of the coordinates (e.g. rotation, re-alignment, ...)
#' las@data$X <- las@data$X + 2/3
#' las@data$Y <- las@data$Y - 5/3
#' # The point cloud is no longer valid
#' las_check(las)
#' # It is important to fix that
#' las_quantize(las)
#' # Now the file is almost valid
#' las_check(las)
#' # Update the object to set up-to-date header data
#' las <- las_update(las)
#' las_check(las)
#' # In practice the above code is not useful for regular users because the operators
#' # $<- already perform such operations on-the-fly. Thus the following
#' # syntax must be preferred and returns valid objects. Previous tools
#' # were only intended to be used in very specific cases.
#' las$X <- las$X + 2/3
#' las$Y <- las$Y - 5/3
#' # Rescale and reoffset recompute the coordinates with
#' # new scales and offsets according to LAS specification
#' las <- las_rescale(las, xscale = 0.01, yscale = 0.01)
#' las <- las_reoffset(las, xoffset = 300000, yoffset = 5248000)
#' @rdname las_utilities
#' @name las_utilities
#' @family las utilities
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
las_rescale = function(las, xscale, yscale, zscale)
xoffset <- las[["X offset"]]
yoffset <- las[["Y offset"]]
zoffset <- las[["Z offset"]]
if (!missing(xscale))
newX <- round((las@data[["X"]] - xoffset)/xscale) * xscale + xoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["X"]] - newX)), 4)
las@data[["X"]] <- newX
las@header@PHB[["X scale factor"]] <- xscale
message(glue::glue("X coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
if (!missing(yscale))
newY <- round((las@data[["Y"]] - yoffset)/yscale) * yscale + yoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["Y"]] - newY)), 4)
las@data[["Y"]] <- newY
las@header@PHB[["Y scale factor"]] <- yscale
message(glue::glue("Y coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
if (!missing(zscale))
newZ <- round((las@data[["Z"]] - zoffset)/zscale) * zscale + zoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["Z"]] - newZ)), 4)
las@data[["Z"]] <- newZ
las@header@PHB[["Z scale factor"]] <- zscale
message(glue::glue("Z coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
las <- lasupdateheader(las)
#' @rdname las_utilities
#' @export
las_reoffset = function(las, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset)
xscale <- las[["X scale factor"]]
yscale <- las[["Y scale factor"]]
zscale <- las[["Z scale factor"]]
xrange <- c(las[["Min X"]], las[["Max X"]])
yrange <- c(las[["Min Y"]], las[["Max Y"]])
zrange <- c(las[["Min Z"]], las[["Max Z"]])
if (!missing(xoffset))
newX <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(round((xrange - xoffset)/xscale)) * xscale + xoffset)
if (anyNA(newX)) stop("Incorrect xoffset: integer overflow.", call. = FALSE)
newX <- round((las@data[["X"]] - xoffset)/xscale) * xscale + xoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["X"]] - newX)), 4)
las@data[["X"]] <- newX
las@header@PHB[["X offset"]] <- xoffset
message(glue::glue("X coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
if (!missing(yoffset))
newY <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(round((yrange - yoffset)/yscale)) * yscale + yoffset)
if (anyNA(newY)) stop("Incorrect yoffset: integer overflow.", call. = FALSE)
newY <- round((las@data[["Y"]] - yoffset)/yscale) * yscale + yoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["Y"]] - newY)), 4)
las@data[["Y"]] <- newY
las@header@PHB[["Y offset"]] <- yoffset
message(glue::glue("Y coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
if (!missing(zoffset))
newZ <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(round((zrange - zoffset)/zscale)) * zscale + zoffset)
if (anyNA(newZ)) stop("Incorrect zoffset: integer overflow.", call. = FALSE)
newZ <- round((las@data[["Z"]] - zoffset)/zscale) * zscale + zoffset
diff <- round(mean(abs(las@data[["Z"]] - newZ)), 4)
las@data[["Z"]] <- newZ
las@header@PHB[["Z offset"]] <- zoffset
message(glue::glue("Z coordinates were moved by {diff} on average"))
las <- lasupdateheader(las)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
las_quantize = function(las, by_reference = TRUE)
xscale <- las[["X scale factor"]]
yscale <- las[["Y scale factor"]]
zscale <- las[["Z scale factor"]]
xoffset <- las[["X offset"]]
yoffset <- las[["Y offset"]]
zoffset <- las[["Z offset"]]
if (isTRUE(by_reference))
quantize(las$X, xscale, xoffset)
quantize(las$Y, yscale, yoffset)
quantize(las$Z, zscale, zoffset)
las@data[["X"]] <- quantize(las$X, xscale, xoffset, FALSE)
las@data[["Y"]] <- quantize(las$Y, yscale, yoffset, FALSE)
las@data[["Z"]] <- quantize(las$Z, zscale, zoffset, FALSE)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
las_update = function(las)
header <- as.list(las@header)
new_header <- rlas::header_update(header, las@data)
new_header <- LASheader(new_header)
las@header <- new_header
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
quantize = function(x, scale, offset, by_reference = TRUE, ...)
umin <- min(x)
umax <- max(x)
urange <- storable_coordinate_range(scale, offset)
if (umax > urange[2] | umin < urange[1])
stop("'x' contains unquantizable values out of the storable range.", call. = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(by_reference))
fast_quantization(x, scale, offset)
y <- data.table::copy(x)
fast_quantization(y, scale, offset)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
is.quantized = function(x, scale, offset, ...)
p <- list(...)
if (!is.null(p$sample))
n <- min(100L, length(x))
s <- as.integer(seq(1L, length(x), length.out = n))
x <- x[s]
return(fast_countunquantized(x, scale, offset) == 0L)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
count_not_quantized = fast_countunquantized
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
storable_coordinate_range <- function(scale, offset) {
storable_min <- -2147483647 * scale + offset
storable_max <- 2147483647 * scale + offset
return(c("min" = storable_min, "max" = storable_max))
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
header <- function(las)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
payload <- function(las)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
phb <- function(las)
if (!is(las, "LASheader"))
las <- header(las)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
vlr <- function(las)
if (!is(las, "LASheader"))
las <- header(las)
#' @export
#' @rdname las_utilities
evlr <- function(las)
if (!is(las, "LASheader"))
las <- header(las)
if (!methods::.hasSlot(las, "EVLR"))
lasupdateheader = las_update
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