#' @export
#' @rdname normalize
normalize_height = function(las, algorithm, use_class = c(2L,9L), dtm = NULL, ...)
UseMethod("normalize_height", las)
#' @export
normalize_height.LAS = function(las, algorithm, use_class = c(2L,9L), dtm = NULL, ...)
# Non standard evaluation (R CMD check)
. <- Z <- Zref <- X <- Y <- Classification <- NULL
lidR.context <- "normalize_height"
# Ellipsis parsing
dots <- list(...)
Wdegenerated <- isTRUE(dots$Wdegenerated)
add_lasattribute <- isTRUE(dots$add_lasattribute)
# If algorithm is raster we make a basic substraction
if (is_raster(algorithm))
dtm <- algorithm
if (raster_nlayer(dtm) > 1)
stop("A DTM must be a single layer raster", call. = FALSE)
Zg <- raster_value_from_xy(dtm, las$X, las$Y)
isna <- is.na(Zg)
nnas <- n_na_not_in_buffer(las, isna)
# If it remains NAs (not from the buffer) it means that we have points that are not in the DTM
# (the DTM does not cover the point cloud entirely). We will find a value anyway.
# Previously the function stopped. It now forces interpolation with NN.
if (nnas > 0)
nn <- knnidw(1, rmax = .Machine$double.xmax)
znn <- nn(raster_as_las(dtm, bbox = st_bbox(las)), las@data[isna, .(X,Y,Z)])
Zg[isna] <- znn
warning(glue::glue("{nnas} points do not belong in the raster. Nearest neighbor was used to assign a value."), call. = FALSE)
# If algorithm is spatial interpolation function
else if (is.function(algorithm))
if (any(as.integer(use_class) != use_class))
stop("'use_class' is not a vector of integers'", call. = FALSE)
use_class <- as.integer(use_class)
if (!"Classification" %in% names(las))
stop("No attribute 'Classification' found. This attribute is required to interpolate ground points.", call. = FALSE)
# Select the ground points. If dtm is provided, then the ground point are from the DTM
if (!is.null(dtm))
if (raster_nlayer(dtm) > 1)
stop("A DTM must be a single layer raster", call. = FALSE)
dtm <- raster_crop(dtm, st_bbox(las))
ground <- raster_as_las(dtm, st_bbox(las))
ground <- las@data[Classification %in% use_class, .(X,Y,Z)]
if (nrow(ground) == 0) stop("No ground points found. Impossible to compute a DTM.", call. = FALSE)
ground <- check_degenerated_points(ground, Wdegenerated)
# Interpolate the terrain providing what to interpolate (ground) and where
# to interpolate (the point clouf)
ground <- LAS(ground, las@header, crs = st_crs(las), check = FALSE, index = las@index)
Zg <- algorithm(ground, las@data)
Zg[is.nan(Zg)] <- NA_real_
# If it remains NAs (not in buffer) it means that we have points very far from ground points
# and they cannot be interpolated. But we will interpolate them anyway. Previously
# the function stopped. It now forces interpolation with NN.
isna <- is.na(Zg)
nnas <- n_na_not_in_buffer(las, isna)
if (nnas > 0)
nn <- knnidw(1, rmax = .Machine$double.xmax)
znn <- nn(ground, las@data[isna, .(X,Y,Z)])
Zg[isna] <- znn
warning(glue::glue("Interpolation of {nnas} points failed because they are too far from ground points. Nearest neighbor was used but interpolation is weak for those points"), call. = FALSE)
stop(glue::glue("Parameter 'algorithm' is a {class(algorithm)}. Expected type is 'raster' or 'function'"), call. = FALSE)
las[["Z offset"]] <- 0
zoffset <- las[["Z offset"]]
zscale <- las[["Z scale factor"]]
if (!"Zref" %in% names(las))
las@data[["Zref"]] <- las[["Z"]]
las@data[["Z"]] <- las[["Z"]] - Zg
if (add_lasattribute && is.null(las@header@VLR$Extra_Bytes[["Extra Bytes Description"]][["Zref"]]))
las <- add_lasattribute_manual(las, name = "Zref", desc = "Elevation above sea level", type = "int", offset = zoffset, scale = zscale)
fast_quantization(las@data[["Z"]], zscale, zoffset)
las <- las_update(las)
las@index$sensor <- las@index$sensor + NLAS
#' @export
normalize_height.LAScatalog = function(las, algorithm, use_class = c(2L,9L), dtm = NULL, ...)
opt_select(las) <- "*"
# Workaround for #580. If normalize height is ran in parallel it will fail with
# SpatRaster because they are not serializable. SpatRaster are converted to RasterLayer
# for multicore strategies
algorithm <- convert_ondisk_spatraster_into_serializable_raster_if_necessary(algorithm)
options <- list(need_buffer = TRUE, drop_null = TRUE, need_output_file = TRUE)
output <- catalog_map(las, normalize_height, algorithm = algorithm, use_class = use_class, dtm = dtm, ..., .options = options)
#' @rdname normalize
#' @export
unnormalize_height = function(las)
if ("Zref" %in% names(las))
las@data[["Z"]] <- las@data[["Zref"]]
las <- remove_lasattribute(las, "Zref")
las <- lasupdateheader(las)
message("No attribute 'Zref' found. Un-normalizisation is impossible.")
if (las@index$sensor > NLAS) las@index$sensor <- las@index$sensor - NLAS
#' @param e1 a LAS object
#' @param e2 A raster representing a digital terrain model in format from `raster`, `stars` or `terra`..
#' @export
#' @md
#' @rdname normalize
setMethod("-", c("LAS"), function(e1, e2)
check_degenerated_points = function(points, Wdegenerated = TRUE)
. <- X <- Y <- Z <- NULL
# test integrity of the data and degenerated points
dup_xyz = duplicated(points, by = c("X", "Y", "Z"))
dup_xy = duplicated(points, by = c("X", "Y"))
ndup_xyz = sum(dup_xyz)
ndup_xy = sum(dup_xy & !dup_xyz)
if (ndup_xyz > 0 && Wdegenerated)
warning(glue::glue("There were {ndup_xyz} degenerated ground points. Some X Y Z coordinates were repeated. They were removed."), call. = FALSE)
if (ndup_xy > 0 && Wdegenerated)
warning(glue::glue("There were {ndup_xy} degenerated ground points. Some X Y coordinates were repeated but with different Z coordinates. min Z were retained."), call. = FALSE)
if (ndup_xy > 0 | ndup_xyz > 0)
points = points[, .(Z = min(Z)), by = .(X,Y)]
n_na_not_in_buffer <- function(las, isna)
nnas <- sum(isna)
if (nnas == 0) return(0)
if (!"buffer" %in% names(las))
buffer_na <- las$buffer[isna]
return(sum(buffer_na == LIDRNOBUFFER))
#' @rdname normalize
#' @export
height_above_ground = function(las, ...)
las = normalize_height(las, ...)
hag = las$Z
las = unnormalize_height(las)
las = add_lasattribute(las, hag, "hag", "height above ground")
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