las <- readLAS(example_las_path)
ctg <- example_ctg
opt_progress(ctg) = FALSE
test_that("clip_rectangle clips a rectangle both on a LAS and a LAScatalog", {
rect1 <- clip_rectangle(las, 339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002)
rect2 <- clip_rectangle(ctg, 339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002)
#expect_true(extent(rect1) <= raster::extent(339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002))
expect_equal(rect1@crs, las@crs)
expect_equal(npoints(rect1), 17L)
expect_equal(rect1, rect2)
test_that("clip_circle clips a circle both on a LAS and a LAScatalog", {
circ1 <- clip_circle(las, 339008, 5248001, 2)
circ2 <- clip_circle(ctg, 339008, 5248001, 2)
expect_equal(st_crs(circ1), st_crs(las))
expect_equal(npoints(circ1), 15L)
expect_equal(st_crs(circ2), st_crs(ctg))
expect_equal(circ1, circ2)
test_that("clip_polygon clips a polygon both on a LAS and a LAScatalog", {
tri1 <- clip_polygon(las, c(339008, 339010, 339010, 339008), c(5248000, 5248000, 5248002, 5248000))
tri2 <- clip_polygon(ctg, c(339008, 339010, 339010, 339008), c(5248000, 5248000, 5248002, 5248000))
expect_equal(st_crs(tri1), st_crs(las))
expect_equal(npoints(tri1), 15L)
expect_equal(st_crs(tri2), st_crs(ctg))
expect_equal(tri1, tri2)
test_that("clip_roi memory optimization works", {
las2 <- clip_polygon(las, c(0, 8e6, 8e6, 0), c(0, 5e8, 0, 0))
las3 <- clip_circle(las, 339008, 5248001, 30)
expect_reference(las@data, las2@data)
expect_reference(las@data, las3@data)
test_that("clip_roi clips polygon works from WTK both on a LAS and LAScatalog", {
wkt <- "POLYGON ((339008 5248000, 339010 5248000, 339010 5248002, 339008 5248000))"
poly1 <- clip_roi(las, wkt)
poly2 <- clip_roi(ctg, wkt)
expect_is(poly1, "LAS")
expect_equal(npoints(poly1), 15L)
expect_equal(poly1, poly2)
expect_equal(poly1@crs, las@crs)
test_that("clip_roi clips polygon works sfc", {
wkt <- "POLYGON ((339008 5248000, 339010 5248000, 339010 5248002, 339008 5248000))"
p <- sf::st_as_sfc(wkt)
sf::st_crs(p) <- st_crs(las)
poly1 <- las[p]
poly2 <- clip_roi(las, p)
expect_is(poly2, "LAS")
expect_equal(npoints(poly2), 15L)
expect_equal(poly1, poly2)
expect_equal(poly1@crs, las@crs)
test_that("clip_roi clips multipolygon with hole", {
wkt <- "POLYGON ((339008 5248000, 339010 5248000, 339010 5248002, 339008 5248000))"
p1 <- sf::st_point(c(684850, 5017850))
p2 <- sf::st_point(c(684900, 5017900))
poly1e <- sf::st_buffer(p1, 20)
poly1i <- sf::st_buffer(p1, 10)
poly1 <- sf::st_difference(poly1e, poly1i)
poly2 <- sf::st_buffer(p2, 20)
poly <- c(poly1, poly2)
donut <- clip_roi(megaplot, poly)
expect_equal(npoints(donut), 3905)
test_that("clip_roi clips polygon works from sp polygons both on a LAS and LAScatalog", {
wkt1 <- "MULTIPOLYGON (((339010.5 5248000, 339012 5248000, 339010.5 5248002, 339010.5 5248000)), ((339008 5248000, 339010 5248000, 339010 5248002, 339008 5248000), (339008.5 5248000.2, 339009.5 5248000.2, 339009.5 5248001, 339008.5 5248000.2)))"
wkt2 <- "POLYGON ((339008 5248000, 339010 5248000, 339010 5248002, 339008 5248000))"
# SpatialPolygons
spatialpolygons1 <- sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_as_sfc(wkt1))
spatialpolygons2 <- sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_as_sfc(wkt2))
polygon1 <- spatialpolygons1@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]
poly1 <- clip_roi(las, polygon1)
poly2 <- clip_roi(ctg, polygon1)
expect_is(poly1, "LAS")
expect_equal(npoints(poly1), 2L)
expect_equal(st_crs(poly1), st_crs(las))
expect_equal(st_crs(poly2), st_crs(ctg))
expect_equal(poly1, poly2)
test_that("clip_roi clips point with SpatialPoints and sfc on LAS and LAScatalog", {
xc <- c(339008, 339009)
yc <- c(5248001, 5248001)
xy <- data.frame(X = xc, Y = yc)
r <- 2
p <- sf::st_as_sf(xy, coords = c("X", "Y"))
p <- sf::st_geometry(p)
#discs1 <- clip_roi(las, sf::as_Spatial(p), radius = r)
discs2 <- clip_roi(las, p, radius = r)
discs3 <- clip_roi(ctg, p, radius = r)
discs4 <- clip_roi(ctg, p, radius = c(r,2))
expect_is(discs2, "list")
expect_equal(length(discs2), 2L)
#expect_equal(discs1, discs2)
expect_equal(discs2, discs3)
expect_equal(discs2, discs4)
test_that("clip_transect clips a transect on LAS and LAScatalog", {
p1 <- st_bbox(las)[1:2]
p2 <- st_bbox(las)[3:4]
tr1 <- clip_transect(las, p1, p2, 2, xz = FALSE)
tr2 <- clip_transect(ctg, p1, p2, 2, xz = FALSE)
expect_equal(npoints(tr1), 29L)
#expect_equal(tr1, tr2)
test_that("clip_transect clips reorients the point-cloud on LAS and LAScatalog", {
p1 <- st_bbox(las)[1:2]
p2 <- st_bbox(las)[3:4]
tr1 <- clip_transect(las, p1, p2, 2, xz = TRUE)
tr2 <- clip_transect(ctg, p1, p2, 2, xz = TRUE)
expect_equal(npoints(tr1), 29L)
#expect_equal(tr1, tr2)
expect_equal(mean(tr1$Y), 0, tol = 0.5)
opt_output_files(ctg) <- tempfile()
expect_error(clip_transect(ctg, p1, p2, 2, xz = TRUE), " not available yet")
test_that("clip_roi throw error with points and no radius", {
xc <- c(684800, 684850)
yc <- c(5017850, 5017900)
xy <- data.frame(X = xc, Y = yc)
r <- 2
p <- sf::st_as_sf(xy, coords = c("X", "Y"))
p <- sf::st_geometry(p)
expect_error(clip_roi(las, p), "requires addition of parameter 'radius'")
test_that("clip_roi throw error with lines", {
l1 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,2))
l2 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1.5,1))
Sl = sf::st_geometry(sf::st_linestring(l1))
expect_error(clip_roi(las, Sl), "Incorrect geometry type")
test_that("clip_roi clips a rectangle from a bounding box both on a LAS and LAScatalog", {
# Extent
bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = 339005.9, xmax = 339012.1, ymin = 5248000, ymax = 5248001))
rect1 <- clip_roi(las, bbox)
rect2 <- clip_roi(ctg, bbox)
#expect_true(extent(rect1) <= bbox)
expect_equal(npoints(rect1), 14L)
expect_equal(rect1, rect2)
test_that("clip_* returns an empty point cloud if no point found in the query", {
circ1 <- suppressWarnings(clip_circle(las, 68480, 5017850, 10))
circ2 <- suppressWarnings(clip_circle(ctg, 68480, 5017850, 10))
# Unit test for #400
opt_output_files(ctg) <- tempfile()
circ3 <- suppressWarnings(clip_circle(ctg, 68480, 5017850, 10))
expect_equal(dim(circ3), c(0,35))
test_that("clip_* supports multiple queries", {
# Multiple disc
xc <- c(339008, 339009)
yc <- c(5248001, 5248001)
r <- 2
circ1 <- clip_circle(las, xc, yc, r)
circ2 <- clip_circle(ctg, xc, yc, r)
expect_is(circ1, "list")
expect_equal(length(circ1), 2L)
expect_equal(circ1, circ2)
# Multiple rectangle
xmin <- 339008 + c(0,0)
ymin <- 5248000 + c(0,0)
xmax <- 339008 + c(2,3)
ymax <- 5248001 + c(2,3)
rect1 <- clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
rect2 <- clip_rectangle(ctg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
expect_is(rect1, "list")
expect_equal(length(rect1), 2L)
expect_equal(rect1, rect2)
test_that("clip_* throw error for invalid multiple queries", {
# Multiple disc
xc <- c(684800, 684850)
yc <- c(5017850, 5017900)
r <- 10:13
expect_error(clip_circle(las, xc, yc, r), "xc and r have different lengths")
test_that("clip_* return an empty point-cloud for empty multiple queries", {
# Multiple disc
xc <- c(339008, 68480)
yc <- c(5248001, 5017900)
r <- 10
circ1 <- suppressWarnings(clip_circle(las, xc, yc, r))
circ2 <- suppressWarnings(clip_circle(ctg, xc, yc, r))
expect_is(circ1, "list")
expect_equal(length(circ1), 2L)
expect_equal(npoints(circ1[[1]]), 30)
expect_equal(circ1, circ2)
# Multiple rectangle
xmin <- 339008 + c(0,-2000)
ymin <- 5248000 + c(0,-2000)
xmax <- 3390010 + c(0,-2000)
ymax <- 5248002 + c(0,-2000)
rect1 <- suppressWarnings(clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
rect2 <- suppressWarnings(clip_rectangle(ctg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
expect_is(rect1, "list")
expect_equal(length(rect1), 2L)
expect_equal(npoints(rect1[[1]]), 20)
expect_equal(rect1, rect2)
test_that("clip_* throw errors with invalid queries", {
# Invalid WKT
wkt <- "POLGON ((684975.7 5«017899, 685007.3 5017873, 684994.3 5017816, 684936.1 5017812, 684918.8 5017845, 684975.7 5017899))"
expect_error(clip_roi(las, wkt), "OGR error")
expect_error(clip_roi(ctg, wkt), "OGR error")
# Different number of coordinates
xc <- c(684800)
yc <- c(5017850, 5017900)
r <- 10
expect_error(clip_circle(las, xc, yc, r), "different lengths")
expect_error(clip_circle(ctg, xc, yc, r), "different lengths")
xmin <- 684850
ymin <- 5017850 + c(0,1)
xmax <- 684900 + c(0,1)
ymax <- 5017900 + c(0,1)
expect_error(clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), "different lengths")
expect_error(clip_rectangle(ctg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), "different lengths")
# Wrong matrix dimension
m <- matrix(0, 3, 2)
expect_error(clip_roi(las, m), "2 x 2")
expect_error(clip_roi(ctg, m), "2 x 2")
# Non supported object
geom <- 1
class(geom) <- c("A", "B")
expect_error(clip_roi(las, geom), "Geometry type A B not supported")
test_that("clip_* write file following LAScatalog options", {
tmp <- tempdir()
ctg2 <- ctg
opt_output_files(ctg2) <- paste0(tmp, "/file_{XLEFT}")
opt_laz_compression(ctg2) <- TRUE
ctg3 <- clip_rectangle(ctg2, 339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002)
expect_true(is(ctg3, "LAScatalog"))
expect_equal(normalizePath(ctg3@data$filename), normalizePath(paste0(tmp, "/file_339006.laz")))
file.remove(paste0(tmp, "/file_339006.laz"))
#opt_output_files(ctg2) <- paste0(tmp, "/file_{LAKENAME_1}")
opt_laz_compression(ctg2) <- FALSE
#ctg3 <- clip_roi(ctg2, lakes)
#expect_equal(normalizePath(ctg3@data$filename), normalizePath(paste0(tmp, "/file_Havelock Lake.las")))
#file.remove(paste0(tmp, "/file_Havelock Lake.las"))
xc <- c(339008, 339009)
yc <- c(5248001, 5248001)
D = data.frame(X = xc, Y = yc, PlotID = paste0("plot", 1:2))
P = sf::st_as_sf(D, coords = c("X", "Y"))
opt_output_files(ctg2) <- paste0(tmp, "/{PlotID}")
ctg3 = clip_roi(ctg2, P, radius = 2)
expect_equal(normalizePath(ctg3@data$filename), normalizePath(paste0(tmp, "/plot", 1:2, ".las")))
test_that("clip_* throw an error with invalid template", {
tmp <- tempdir()
ctg2 <- ctg
opt_output_files(ctg2) <- paste0(tmp, "/file_{1:3}")
opt_laz_compression(ctg2) <- TRUE
expect_error(clip_rectangle(ctg2, 339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002), "Ill-formed template string in the catalog")
opt_output_files(ctg2) <- paste0(tmp, "/*")
expect_error(clip_rectangle(ctg2, 339006, 5248000, 339012, 5248002), "undefined in clip functions")
test_that("clip_* respect spatial index metadata in LAScatalog", {
xc <- 339008
yc <- 5248001
r <- 2
sensor(ctg) <- "tls"
index(ctg) <- "octree"
las = clip_circle(ctg, xc, yc, r)
expect_equal(index(las), index(ctg))
expect_equal(sensor(las), sensor(ctg))
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