
Defines functions print.nlp_spark_annotation spark_jobj.nlp_spark_annotation nlp_spark_annotation new_nlp_annotation as.data.frame.nlp_annotation as_tibble.nlp_annotation print.nlp_annotation nlp_annotation.list nlp_annotation.spark_jobj nlp_annotation

Documented in nlp_annotation nlp_spark_annotation

#' Spark NLP S3 Annotation object
#' A Spark NLP annotation S3 object has the following fields:
#' * annotatorType: the type of annotation (String)
#' * begin: the index of the first character under this annotation (integer)
#' * end: the index after the last character under this annotation (integer)
#' * metadata: associated metadata for this annotation (Map(String, String))
#' * result: the main output of the annotation (String)
#' * embeddings: vector of embeddings (Array(Float))
#'  See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/concepts#annotation}
#' @param x a spark_jobj that is an Annotation object or a named list
#' @return a local nlp_annotation object
#' @exportClass nlp_annotation
#' @export
nlp_annotation <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("nlp_annotation", x)

#' @export
nlp_annotation.spark_jobj <- function(x) {
  jobj_info <- sparklyr:::jobj_info(x)
  jobj_class <- jobj_info$class
  annotatorType <- invoke(x, "annotatorType")
  begin <- invoke(x, "begin")
  end <- invoke(x, "end")
  metadata <- invoke(x, "metadata")
  result <- invoke(x, "result")
  embeddings <- invoke(x, "embeddings")
  new_nlp_annotation(annotatorType, begin, end, metadata, result, embeddings)

#' @export
nlp_annotation.list <- function(x) {
  annotatorType <- x[["annotatorType"]]
  begin <- x[["begin"]]
  end <- x[["end"]]
  metadata <- x[["metadata"]]
  result <- x[["result"]]
  embeddings <- x[["embeddings"]]
  new_nlp_annotation(annotatorType, begin, end, metadata, result, embeddings)

#' @export
print.nlp_annotation <- function(x, ...) {
  metadata_keys <- names(x$metadata)
  metadata_string <- ""
  comma = ""
  for (key in metadata_keys) {
    metadata_string <- paste0(metadata_string, comma, key, ": ", x$metadata[[key]])
    comma = ", "
  result <- paste0("Annotation(", x$annotatorType, ", ", x$begin, ", ", x$end, ", ", x$result, ", {", metadata_string, "})") 

#' @export
as_tibble.nlp_annotation <- function(x) {
  tibble::tibble(annotatorType = x$annotatorType,
                 begin = x$begin,
                 end = x$end,
                 metadata = list(x$metadata),
                 result = x$result,
                 embeddings = ifelse(is.null(x$embeddings), NA, list(x$embeddings)))

#' @export
as.data.frame.nlp_annotation <- function(x) {
  tibble::tibble(annotatorType = x$annotatorType,
                 begin = x$begin,
                 end = x$end,
                 metadata = I(list(x$metadata)),
                 result = x$result,
                 embeddings = ifelse(is.null(x$embeddings), NA, I(list(x$embeddings))))

new_nlp_annotation <- function(annotatorType, begin, end, metadata, result, embeddings) {
    obj <- list(annotatorType = annotatorType, 
                begin = begin, 
                end = end, 
                metadata = metadata, 
                result = result,
                embeddings = embeddings)
    class(obj) <- "nlp_annotation"

#' Create a Spark NLP Annotation object inside of Spark
#' This S3 generic is used for a Spark NLP Annotation object that exists inside of
#' a Spark session.
#' @seealso \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/concepts#annotation}
#' @param sc A \code{spark_connection}
#' @param annotatorType the type of annotation (string)
#' @param begin the index of the first character under this annotation (integer)
#' @param end the index after the last character under this annotation (integer)
#' @param metadata associated metadata for this annotation (named list)
#' @param result the main output of the annotation (string)
#' @param embeddings vector of embeddings (Array(Float)). Currently unimplemented.
#' @return the Spark NLP Annotation object
#' @export
nlp_spark_annotation <- function(sc, annotatorType, begin, end, result, metadata, embeddings = NULL) {
  annotatorType <- forge::cast_string(annotatorType)
  begin <- forge::cast_integer(begin)
  end <- forge::cast_integer(end)
  result <- forge::cast_string(result)
  #embeddings <- forge::cast_nullable_double_list(embeddings)

  obj <- invoke_new(sc, "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.Annotation", annotatorType, begin, end,
                    result, list2env(metadata), NULL)
  structure(list(.jobj = obj), class ="nlp_spark_annotation")

#' @export
spark_jobj.nlp_spark_annotation <- function(x) {

#' @export
print.nlp_spark_annotation <- function(x) {
r-spark/sparknlp documentation built on Oct. 15, 2022, 10:50 a.m.