
Defines functions nlp_setter_name nlp_set_param_tuple2 nlp_float_params.default nlp_float_params nlp_set_param set_nlp_version nlp_version nlp_set_output_col nlp_set_input_cols

Documented in nlp_set_input_cols nlp_set_output_col nlp_set_param nlp_set_param_tuple2 nlp_version set_nlp_version

#' Set the input column names
#' @param jobj the object setting the input columns on
#' @param input_cols the input column names
#' @return the jobj object with the input columns set
#' @export
nlp_set_input_cols <- function(jobj, input_cols) {
  input_cols <- forge::cast_string_list(input_cols)
  newobj <- sparklyr:::ml_set_param(jobj, "inputCols", input_cols)
  #invoke(spark_jobj(jobj), "setInputCols", cast_string_list(input_cols))

#' Set the output column name
#' @param jobj the object setting the input columns on
#' @param output_col the input column name
#' @return the jobj object with the output column set
#' @export
nlp_set_output_col <- function(jobj, output_col) {
  output_col <- forge::cast_string(output_col)
  newobj <- sparklyr:::ml_set_param(jobj, "outputCol", output_col)
#  invoke(spark_jobj(jobj), "setOutputCol", cast_string(output_col))

#' Spark NLP version
#' @return the version of the Spark NLP library in use
#' @export
nlp_version <- function() {
  return(list(spark_nlp_version = spark_nlp_version, 
              spark_jsl_version = spark_jsl_version()))

#' Set the version of the Spark NLP library to use
#' @param version Spark NLP version number to use when starting Spark Session
#' @return NULL
#' @export
set_nlp_version <- function(version) {
  assignInMyNamespace("spark_nlp_version", version)

#' Set a parameter on an NLP model object
#' @param x A Spark NLP object, either a pipeline stage or an annotator
#' @param param The parameter to set
#' @param value The value to use when setting the parameter
#' @return the NLP model object with the parameter set
#' @export
nlp_set_param <- function(x, param, value) {
  valid_params <- names(sparklyr::ml_param_map(x))
  if (!param %in% valid_params) {
    stop("param ", param, " not found")

  if (param %in% nlp_float_params(x)) {
    setter <- nlp_setter_name(param)
    newobj <- invoke_static(sparklyr::spark_connection(x), "sparknlp.Utils", 
                            "setFloatParam", sparklyr::spark_jobj(x), setter, value) %>%
  } else {
    newobj <- sparklyr:::ml_set_param(x, param, value)


# Function that must be implemented for each class which returns a character 
# vector of parameters that are Float type in the Scala implementation
nlp_float_params <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("nlp_float_params", x)

nlp_float_params.default <- function(x) {

#' Set a Tuple2 parameter on an NLP model object
#' @param x A Spark NLP object, either a pipeline stage or an annotator
#' @param param The parameter to set
#' @param value The value to use when setting the parameter. This should be a list of size 2
#' @return the NLP model object with the parameter set
#' @export
nlp_set_param_tuple2 <- function(x, param, value) {
  valid_params <- names(sparklyr::ml_param_map(x))
  if (!param %in% valid_params) {
    stop("param ", param, " not found")
  setter <- nlp_setter_name(param)
  newobj <- invoke_static(sparklyr::spark_connection(x), "sparknlp.Utils",
                          "setTuple2Param", sparklyr::spark_jobj(x), setter, value[[1]], value[[2]]) %>% 

# Function to get the setter name for a parameter. This code is copied out of 
# the sparklyr function ml_set_param()
nlp_setter_name <- function(param) {
  setter <- param %>%
    sparklyr:::ml_map_param_names(direction = "rs") %>%
        toupper(substr(., 1, 1)),
        substr(., 2, nchar(.))

# Get a pretrained model.
# The model_class is the Scala class for the model.
  pretrained_model <- function(sc, model_class, name = NULL, lang = NULL, remote_loc = NULL) {
  #default_name <- invoke(invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultModelName"), "x")
  #default_lang <- invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultLang")
  #default_remote_loc <- invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultLoc")
  if (is.null(name)) name = invoke(invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultModelName"), "x")
  if (is.null(lang)) lang = invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultLang")
  if (is.null(remote_loc)) remote_loc = invoke_static(sc, model_class, "defaultLoc")
  invoke_static(sc, model_class, "pretrained", name, lang, remote_loc)

#' Transform CoNLL format text file to Spark dataframe
#' In order to train a Named Entity Recognition DL annotator, we need to get CoNLL format data as a spark dataframe. 
#' There is a component that does this for us: it reads a plain text file and transforms it to a spark dataset.
#' See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/annotators#conll-dataset}. All the function arguments have defaults. 
#' See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/api/index.html#com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.CoNLL} for the defaults.
#' @param sc a Spark connection
#' @param path path to the file to read
#' @param read_as Can be LINE_BY_LINE or SPARK_DATASET, with options if latter is used (default LINE_BY_LINE)
#' @param document_col name to use for the document column
#' @param sentence_col name to use for the sentence column
#' @param token_col name to use for the token column
#' @param pos_col name to use for the part of speech column
#' @param conll_label_index index position in the file of the ner label
#' @param conll_pos_index index position in the file of the part of speech label
#' @param conll_text_col name to use for the text column
#' @param label_col name to use for the label column
#' @param explode_sentences boolean whether the sentences should be exploded or not
#' @param delimiter Delimiter used to separate columns inside CoNLL file
#' @param parallelism integer value
#' @param storage_level specifies the storage level to use for the dataset. Must be a string value from org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel (e.g. "DISK_ONLY"). See \url{https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/storage/StorageLevel.html}
#' @return Spark dataframe containing the imported data
#' @export
nlp_conll_read_dataset <- function(sc, path, read_as = NULL, document_col = NULL, sentence_col = NULL, token_col = NULL,
                                   pos_col = NULL, conll_label_index = NULL, conll_pos_index = NULL, conll_text_col = NULL,
                                   label_col = NULL, explode_sentences = NULL, delimiter = NULL, parallelism = NULL, 
                                   storage_level = NULL) {
  model_class <- "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.CoNLL"
  module <- invoke_static(sc, paste0(model_class, "$"), "MODULE$")
  default_document_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$1")
  default_sentence_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$2")
  default_token_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$3")
  default_pos_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$4")
  default_conll_label_index <- invoke(module, "apply$default$5")
  default_conll_pos_index <- invoke(module, "apply$default$6")
  default_conll_text_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$7")
  default_label_col <- invoke(module, "apply$default$8")
  default_explode_sentences <- invoke(module, "apply$default$9")
  default_delimiter <- invoke(module, "apply$default$10")

  document_col <- ifelse(is.null(document_col), default_document_col, document_col)
  sentence_col <- ifelse(is.null(sentence_col), default_sentence_col, sentence_col)
  token_col <- ifelse(is.null(token_col), default_token_col, token_col)
  pos_col <- ifelse(is.null(pos_col), default_pos_col, pos_col)
  conll_label_index <- ifelse(is.null(conll_label_index), default_conll_label_index, conll_label_index)
  conll_pos_index <- ifelse(is.null(conll_pos_index), default_conll_pos_index, conll_pos_index)
  conll_text_col <- ifelse(is.null(conll_text_col), default_conll_text_col, conll_text_col)
  label_col <- ifelse(is.null(label_col), default_label_col, label_col)
  explode_sentences <- ifelse(is.null(explode_sentences), default_explode_sentences, explode_sentences)
  delimiter <- ifelse(is.null(delimiter), default_delimiter, delimiter)
  conll <- invoke_new(sc, model_class, document_col, sentence_col, token_col,
                      pos_col, conll_label_index, conll_pos_index, conll_text_col,
                      label_col, explode_sentences, delimiter)
  default_read_as <- invoke(conll, "readDataset$default$3")
  default_parallelism <- invoke(conll, "readDataset$default$4")
  default_storage_level <- invoke(conll, "readDataset$default$5")
  storage_level <- forge::cast_choice(storage_level, c("DISK_ONLY", "DISK_ONLY_2", "DISK_ONLY_3",
                                                       "MEMORY_AND_DISK", "MEMORY_AND_DISK_2",
                                                       "MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER", "MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2",
                                                       "MEMORY_ONLY", "MEMORY_ONLY_2",
                                                       "MEMORY_ONLY_SER", "MEMORY_ONLY_SER_2",
                                                       "ONLY_HEAP", "NONE") , allow_null = TRUE)
  parallelism <- forge::cast_nullable_integer(parallelism)
  parallelism <- ifelse(is.null(parallelism), default_parallelism, parallelism)
  storage_level <- if (is.null(storage_level)) {
    storage_level <- default_storage_level
  } else {
    storage_level <-  invoke_static(sc, "org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel" , storage_level)
  read_as <- ifelse(is.null(read_as), default_read_as, read_as)
  sdf_register(invoke(conll, "readDataset", spark_session(sc), path, read_as, parallelism, storage_level))

#' Transform CoNLLU format text file to Spark dataframe
#' In order to train a Lemmatizer annotator, we need to get CoNLLU format data as a spark dataframe. 
#' There is a component that does this for us: it reads a plain text file and transforms it to a spark dataset.
#' See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/annotators#conllu-dataset}. All the function arguments have defaults. 
#' See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/api/index.html#com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.CoNLLU} for the defaults.
#' @param sc a Spark connection
#' @param path path to the file to read
#' @param read_as Can be LINE_BY_LINE or SPARK_DATASET, with options if latter is used (default LINE_BY_LINE)
#' @export
nlp_conllu_read_dataset <- function(sc, path, read_as = NULL, explode_sentences = NULL) {
  model_class <- "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.CoNLLU"
  module <- invoke_static(sc, paste0(model_class, "$"), "MODULE$")
  default_explode_sentences <- invoke(module, "apply$default$1")
  explode_sentences <- ifelse(is.null(explode_sentences), default_explode_sentences, explode_sentences)
  conllu <- invoke_new(sc, model_class, explode_sentences)
  default_read_as <- invoke(conllu, "readDataset$default$3")
  read_as <- ifelse(is.null(read_as), default_read_as, read_as)
  sdf_register(invoke(conllu, "readDataset", spark_session(sc), path, read_as))

#' PubTator Dataset
#' The PubTator format includes medical papers’ titles, abstracts, and tagged chunks 
#' (see \href{http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/EDAM?p=classes&conceptid=format_3783}{PubTator Docs} and
#'  \href{http://github.com/chanzuckerberg/MedMentions}{MedMentions Docs}
#'  for more information). We can create a Spark DataFrame from a PubTator text file.
#' @param sc Spark connection
#' @param path path to a PubTator file
#' @return Spark Dataframe created from the PubTator file
#' @export
nlp_pubtator_read_dataset <- function(sc, path) {
  return(sdf_register(invoke_static(sc, "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.training.PubTator", "readDataset", spark_session(sc), path)))

#' Get classes used to train a model
#' @param model a trained SparkNLP model that implements getClasses()
#' @return a list of classes
#' @export
nlp_get_classes <- function(model) {
  return(sparklyr::invoke(sparklyr::spark_jobj(model), "getClasses"))
r-spark/sparknlp documentation built on Oct. 15, 2022, 10:50 a.m.