
Defines functions editMod editModUI selectMod selectModUI

Documented in editMod editModUI selectMod selectModUI

#' Shiny Module UI for Geo Selection
#' @param id \code{character} id for the the Shiny namespace
#' @param ... other arguments to \code{leafletOutput()}
#' @return ui for Shiny module
#' @export
selectModUI <- function(id, ...) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)
  leaflet::leafletOutput(ns("map"), ...)

#' Shiny Module Server for Geo Selection
#' @param input Shiny server function input
#' @param output Shiny server function output
#' @param session Shiny server function session
#' @param leafmap leaflet map to use for Selection
#' @param styleFalse named \code{list} of valid \code{CSS} for non-selected features
#' @param styleTrue named \code{list} of valid \code{CSS} for selected features
#' @return server function for Shiny module
# #' @importFrom shiny NS observeEvent
#' @export
selectMod <- function(
  input, output, session,
  styleFalse = list(fillOpacity = 0.2, weight = 1, opacity = 0.4),
  styleTrue = list(fillOpacity = 0.7, weight = 3, opacity = 0.7)
) {

  output$map <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
      styleFalse = styleFalse,
      styleTrue = styleTrue,
      ns = session$ns(NULL)

  id = "mapedit"
  select_evt = paste0(id, "_selected")

  df <- data.frame()

  # a container for our selections
  selections <- reactive({
    # when used in modules, we get an event with blank id
    #  on initialize so also make sure we have an id
    id = as.character(input[[select_evt]]$id)
    if(nrow(df) == 0 && !is.null(id)) {
      df <<- data.frame(
        id = id,
        selected = input[[select_evt]]$selected,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    } else {
      # see if already exists
      loc <- which(df$id == id)

      if(length(loc) > 0) {
        df[loc, "selected"] <<- input[[select_evt]]$selected
      } else {
        df[nrow(df) + 1, ] <<- c(id, input[[select_evt]]$selected)




#' Shiny Module UI for Geo Create, Edit, Delete
#' @param id \code{character} id for the the Shiny namespace
#' @param ... other arguments to \code{leafletOutput()}
#' @return ui for Shiny module
# #' @importFrom shiny NS observeEvent
#' @export
editModUI <- function(id, ...) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)
  leaflet::leafletOutput(ns("map"), ...)

#' Shiny Module Server for Geo Create, Edit, Delete
#' @param input Shiny server function input
#' @param output Shiny server function output
#' @param session Shiny server function session
#' @param leafmap leaflet map to use for Selection
#' @param targetLayerId \code{character} identifier of layer to edit, delete
#' @param sf \code{logical} to return simple features.  \code{sf=FALSE} will return
#'          \code{GeoJSON}.
#' @param record \code{logical} to record all edits for future playback.
#' @param crs see \code{\link[sf]{st_crs}}.
#' @param editor \code{character} either "leaflet.extras" or "leafpm"
#' @param editorOptions \code{list} of options suitable for passing to
#'     either \code{leaflet.extras::addDrawToolbar} or
#'     \code{leafpm::addPmToolbar}.
#' @return server function for Shiny module
# #' @importFrom shiny NS observeEvent
#' @export
editMod <- function(
  input, output, session,
  targetLayerId = NULL,
  sf = TRUE,
  record = FALSE,
  crs = 4326,
  editor = c("leaflet.extras", "leafpm"),
  editorOptions = list()
) {
  editor <- match.arg(editor)
  # check to see if addDrawToolbar has been already added to the map
  if(!any(sapply(leafmap$x$calls, "[[", "method") %in%
          c("addDrawToolbar", "addPmToolbar"))) {
      leafmap <- addToolbar(leafmap, editorOptions, editor, targetLayerId)

  output$map <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({leafmap})

  featurelist <- reactiveValues(
    drawn = list(),
    edited_all = list(),
    deleted_all = list(),
    finished = list(),
    all = list()

  recorder <- list()

  EVT_DRAW <- "map_draw_new_feature"
  EVT_EDIT <- "map_draw_edited_features"
  EVT_DELETE <- "map_draw_deleted_features"
  EVT_ALL <- "map_draw_all_features"

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[EVT_DRAW]], {
    featurelist$drawn <- c(featurelist$drawn, list(input[[EVT_DRAW]]))
    if (any(unlist(input[[EVT_DRAW]]$geometry$coordinates) < -180) ||
        any(unlist(input[[EVT_DRAW]]$geometry$coordinates) > 180))
    featurelist$finished <- c(featurelist$finished, list(input[[EVT_DRAW]]))

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[EVT_EDIT]], {
    edited <- input[[EVT_EDIT]]
    # find the edited features and update drawn
    # start by getting the leaflet ids to do the match
    ids <- unlist(lapply(featurelist$finished, function(x){x$properties$`_leaflet_id`}))
    # now modify drawn to match edited
    lapply(edited$features, function(x) {
      loc <- match(x$properties$`_leaflet_id`, ids)
      if(length(loc) > 0) {
        featurelist$finished[loc] <<- list(x)

    featurelist$edited_all <- c(featurelist$edited_all, list(edited))

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[EVT_DELETE]], {
    deleted <- input[[EVT_DELETE]]

    # find the deleted features and update finished
    # start by getting the leaflet ids to do the match
    ids <- unlist(lapply(featurelist$finished, function(x){x$properties$`_leaflet_id`}))

    # leaflet.pm returns only a single feature while leaflet.extras returns feature collection
    # convert leaflet.pm so logic will be the same
    if(editor == "leafpm") {
      deleted <- list(
        type = "FeatureCollection",
        features = list(deleted)

    # now modify finished to match edited
    lapply(deleted$features, function(x) {
      loc <- match(x$properties$`_leaflet_id`, ids)
      if(length(loc) > 0) {
        ids <<- ids[-loc]
        featurelist$finished[loc] <<- NULL

    featurelist$deleted_all <- c(featurelist$deleted_all, list(deleted))

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[EVT_ALL]], {
    featurelist$all <- list(input[[EVT_ALL]])
    if (any(unlist(input[[EVT_ALL]]$geometry$coordinates) < -180) ||
        any(unlist(input[[EVT_ALL]]$geometry$coordinates) > 180))

  # record events if record = TRUE
  if(record == TRUE) {
      function(evt) {
        observeEvent(input[[evt]], {
          recorder <<- c(
                event = evt,
                timestamp = Sys.time(),
                feature = input[[evt]]

  # collect all of the the features into a list
  #  by action
  returnlist <- reactive({
    workinglist <- list(
      drawn = featurelist$drawn,
      edited = featurelist$edited_all,
      deleted = featurelist$deleted_all,
      finished = featurelist$finished,
      all = featurelist$all
    # if sf argument is TRUE then convert to simple features
    if(sf) {
      workinglist <- lapply(
        function(action) {
          # ignore empty action types to prevent error
          #   handle in the helper functions?
          if(length(action) == 0) { return() }

          # FeatureCollection requires special treatment
          #  and we need to extract features
          features <- Reduce(
            function(left,right) {
              if(right$type == "FeatureCollection") {
                right <- lapply(right$features, identity)
              } else {
                right <- list(right)
            init = NULL

            lapply(features, st_as_sf.geo_list, crs = crs)

      recorder <- lapply(
        function(evt) {
          feature = st_as_sfc.geo_list(evt$feature, crs = crs)
          list(evt = evt$event, timestamp = evt$timestamp, feature = feature)
    # return merged features
    if(record==TRUE) {
      attr(workinglist, "recorder") <- recorder

r-spatial/mapedit documentation built on March 29, 2022, 5:42 p.m.